I'm not sure I should even start with this blog - It'll put pressure on me actually to finish it.
Let me explain....I thought that it might be a great idea to give an old set of drawers a new lease of life. Call it a make-over if you will.
Namely a set of Honey Pine drawers that have been in storage for numerous years. I think really they have seen better days, but then I thought just because they have the odd scratch, pin hole, or just generally looking their age...aren't we all? The odd wrinkle, sun spot, and laughter lines come to us all, but that just shows that we've lived, doesn't it?
Let me explain....I thought that it might be a great idea to give an old set of drawers a new lease of life. Call it a make-over if you will.
Namely a set of Honey Pine drawers that have been in storage for numerous years. I think really they have seen better days, but then I thought just because they have the odd scratch, pin hole, or just generally looking their age...aren't we all? The odd wrinkle, sun spot, and laughter lines come to us all, but that just shows that we've lived, doesn't it?
Here are all the drawers lined up ready for their make-over.
All relocated to the garage and here's the good part, I got to use a power tool.
Whoohoo and a female too!
(maybe with a little too much gusto, making my whole arm vibrate and jingle - not the best at any time - thankfully no witnesses)
I did prefer to use the sand paper...
You can imagine how much dust covered me after this.
It's amazing what you find when you look too ....
if anyone knows Paul H. then you can tell him his baby's all grown up and been all over the globe!
Watch this space...I'll be back....
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