“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Busy Bee from Sunrise until Sunset

I hope you had a lovely Easter break. 
I didn't intend to leave you for nearly a week, but it just sort of happened. 
I was too engrossed in eating chocolate!
No not really, but it has to be said that there was some serious commitment on my part to appreciating the Easter Bunny's work. 
There's never an Easter that passes that I don't remember making an Easter bonnet with my daughter when she was about 4 years old. We spent hours enjoying cutting, licking and sticking to produce a stunning Easter bonnet... even if I say so myself. 
I was so pleased with the result and obviously wanted to take a photo.
But that's where it all started to go wrong!
My daughter produced a spectacular strop...virtual meltdown and with a pout, she flatly refused point blank that not under any circumstance and any amount of bribes would she would put it on her head!
More effort went into trying to get her to conform and just pop the thing on for a matter of seconds than went into creating the whole thing. Instead the meltdown built to a crescendo.
I think in the end, I just got the camera and plonked it on whilst clicking at the same time. Oh boy...you should see that photo. In fact if I ever find it in the box (yep...back to the days of boxes full of photos) I'll show you. 
She remembers the incident well... maybe I've scared her... who knows?
She'll probably have her answer to this question so I'll move on quickly.

I think a rainbow is a special sight especially when you are able to see both ends in view at the same time. Does this mean that there's double the chance of a pot of gold perhaps? One end landed in the nearby field and the other into the woods.

I always rush to grab my camera when there's a rainbow, as they tend to be fleeting, but this rainbow stayed a while. If you look carefully there is actually a second rainbow above.
It appeared earlier in the week and perhaps it was a good omen for the forthcoming Easter weekend weather. Normally bank holidays come with inclement weather and traffic jams, but this last weekend was perfect. The weather pulled out all the stops and we were able to enjoy it. Although we're still busy there was time to stop and smell the roses (although they aren't out yet). I've even got evidence of the thermometer reaching 31 degrees. Don't laugh... but it is situated in full sun. 
I'm okay with that... I'll get the best reading I can... however I can. 
It just does me good to see it climb to lofty heights, even if it's had a helping hand. 
I've not been back in this house during spring time for quite a few years, so I'm reacquainting myself with everything. Some old friends and favourites have disappeared, leaving gaps and spaces in the borders, whilst I've introduced a few new additions to take their place. We will wait to hopefully see good results. 
It's exciting times...

A busy bee came to check out the rhododendron whilst I was weeding nearby.  
He was oblivious to me... intent on making the most of the day. 

I'd completely forgotten that I had a blossom tree too... I think it's a cherry blossom but please correct me if I'm wrong. 
And here's a little something from my rockery in the front garden. I'm not sure what it is... so if you know once again... I'd love to hear from you. 
I was going to include it in Blue Monday but never got to post before the deadline to link up. Hey... just call me 'Tail-end Charlie' 
After enjoying the holiday weekend, nature decided to put on a spectacular show last night. We watched as the sun went down and clinked our glasses to a lovely Easter. I hope you enjoyed yours too?

Once again... I'll try to nip over to see what you're up to but it may take me some time.
Toodleloo for now


  1. Ahh, what luscious photos Neesie! I did have a giggle at the thought of your daughter having a right strop about putting on her easter bonnet, especially now as a super duper photographer herself who may have to bribe and cajole the odd image herself, hehe. You should think of a suitable price for NOT revealing it to us gawkers, hehe.
    Weren't we lucky with the Easter weather?! Your rainbow was fabulous and your sunset was stunning, how nice to have been able to enjoy it outdoors.
    TTFN xox

  2. Nice photo and a well captured rainbow

  3. Enjoyed the photo's, that bee getting his breakfast looks quite happy. I haven't seen a rainbow in ages. Maybe because we haven't had much rain here in NoCA this year. Funny story about your daughter and the Easter Bonnet. Situations like that may not be a lot of fun at the time but they make for great family tales don't they?


  4. Thank you for sharing these lovely pictures with us. The flowers are beautiful. I think we are all currently enjoying the world turning green and bright again.
    As for that picture of your daughter, I think we all (who have daughters) have gone through that. I think I also have pictures of mine where these standoffs were part of the day. It's fun to look back at those moments.
    Wishing you a lovely day.

  5. I am soooo glad you held up your en of the Easter tradition of chocolate eating, your poor daughter , traumatized by the Easter bonnet, lol, yu have beautiful photos, nature at her best!!!

  6. That's a tale familiar to most parents!

  7. Spectacular rainbow pic! Love the flowers you have blooming around your house.

  8. Wow, what a rainbow! And other beautiful shots..
    I see you've met exciting time ... we also and I'm in a blog break for some time now. - I have my sadness over the blog closing of my dear blogger friend Nancy processed only ... But I'll be back!
    Have a nice time, greetings :-)

  9. What fantastic photos...Maybe McMuffy will wear the Easter Bonnet. LOL

  10. Yum Yum Just finished my ton of chocolate for the year...no wait I have a repeat performance at Christmas....Gorgeous rainbow & photos of your beautiful plants...Bless your daughter... been there done that with my two...The weather here today is beautiful...Have a happy rest of the week... Hugs May x x

  11. Wow, what a rainbow! And other beautiful shots..
    I see you've met exciting time ... we also and I'm in a blog break for some
    time now. - I have my sadness over the blog closing of my dear blogger
    friend Nancy processed only ... But I'll be back!
    Have a nice time, greetings

  12. That's a hoot about the hat-fight! LOL!
    The full rainbow is gorgeous and I can see the faint double one, too.
    What beautiful flowers showing off their spring joy! Lovely! :)

  13. Yes I can just see the second arch above that lovely rainbow, and your setting sun shot is glorious, I wish I could have seen it. Your sunsets are a great reward for the cold, but your rhododendron is out early and is gorgeous.
    The small mauve/blue flowers at the top of the flower photo are Aubretia, though I suppose you know that one. Not sure about the other one, though the leaves and the flower make me think of some kind of anemone.
    Hope lots of warm sunny days are coming your way.

  14. Such gorgeous photos and such a cute bumble bee. I have to thank you for ordering such glorious weather over the weeks preceding Easter. My hubby only had two rainy days whilst in your gorgeous country. The boys had a wonderful time, even if it was a lot colder than they are used to. Having a giggle about the attempted photo with the Easter bonnet, been there done that. Normally you just have to get the camera out and they are posing but when you want to add a prop, there isn't a chance they'll co operate. Gotta love kids.
    Have a great weekend.


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