Remember back in April, I added a bee mat at the edge of my garden to help create a bee haven.
Well I thought you might like an update.
Was it a success or not?
(click here if you want to see the first post about the mat)
Here's the outcome....I think it's a BIG hit don't you?
I'm not sure that our bee population has increased because we've always had good numbers, especially with all of the blooms that are available around here. But I'm happy not only doing my bit with the current reports of the declining bee population but also growing new plants that I haven't tried before.
I'm not entirely sure that my hubby and especially my son are in agreement with me as they both suffer with hayfever.
My son is particularly bad but I'm telling myself it's more of the grasses that irritate him (other than me obviously) and not the wild flowers.
Yeah I know...
We are surrounded by wild flowers, hedgerows and grasses where we are located, so other than moving to the sea (and I'm NOT moving anywhere for the foreseeable future)
We are surrounded by wild flowers, hedgerows and grasses where we are located, so other than moving to the sea (and I'm NOT moving anywhere for the foreseeable future)
we'll keep trying different products and take medical advice for now.
Talking of my son and hubby has reminded me of an amazing... nay... in fact shocking outcome this week.
I know that the World Cup has finished and you were all probably sick of it by the time it came to an end, but let me tell you one more story.
We had a family sweep for the World Cup and I won it...
Out of 25 people... I won!
(Some of the participants are keen football fans too... snigger)
We had a family sweep for the World Cup and I won it...
Out of 25 people... I won!
(Some of the participants are keen football fans too... snigger)
It wasn't just a question of picking out a team though as I had to think of scores for each match, at each stage and the highest scoring footballer and....and...etc etc (okay what I'm trying to say is that it wasn't just luck. Skill, football knowledge and okay maybe a little luck too was needed)
Now to say that my hubby and son have gone into shock over this is an understatement. But rightly so... how on earth can something like this happen?
Now to say that my hubby and son have gone into shock over this is an understatement. But rightly so... how on earth can something like this happen?
How can a girlie know about football?
(A clue - maybe the thirty odd years of listening and watching has finally seeped in)
(A clue - maybe the thirty odd years of listening and watching has finally seeped in)
The look on their faces when I showed them the email containing the score table was priceless. I wish I'd have anticipated it to take a photo.
Now I don't want to gloat too much (HA just watch me!) especially to all of the other participants, but I'm going to milk this one...milk it big time...possibly for years to come!
(cough) Sorry I just felt the urge to run around the room with my t-shirt pulled over my head singing the TV theme tune to Match of the Day (again)!
Now I don't want to gloat too much (HA just watch me!) especially to all of the other participants, but I'm going to milk this one...milk it big time...possibly for years to come!
(cough) Sorry I just felt the urge to run around the room with my t-shirt pulled over my head singing the TV theme tune to Match of the Day (again)!
(Here's a peek at one of my bird feeders with a greenfinch and goldfinches stopping to enjoy the sunflower hearts. I blame Brinvale bird food for providing such great seed that I'm having to reorder on a more frequent basis.
But we have so many birds visiting our garden now and we're reaping the rewards. By the way, I'm not receiving any reimbursement for saying this, but I think if a product and service are good, then they should get the recognition for it)
You may have heard reports that the UK is melting today with higher temperatures forecast for tomorrow?
Well not quite melting but having incredible temperatures just now.
Let me put the record straight and tell you those temperatures are in the south of the country. Here in Aberdeenshire (up on the North East coast of Scotland) then it's very much a different story. Yes its warmer, but wait for it Australian visitors...just 19C today which is one of the hottest days we've had so far.
I know I can hear you laughing from here and it's nearly the end of July.
Here above is one of my latest visitors and I'm so happy that he's come to call.
Mr Bullfinch.
He brings his Misses for breakfast/lunch/dinner too, so we're feeling very privileged.
I think the most surprising visitors have been pure white doves shown below.
We started off with just two, but then one morning three arrived and at one stage we had seven, but we're now back to three most days. I have no idea where they have come from or to whom they belong, but someone will be wondering where they go all day long and why they don't want feeding when they arrive back!
Well today was a bit of a mixed bag wasn't it?
When I sat down to natter with you, I hadn't a clue what I was going to talk about.
I've got lots of posts in the mysterious depths of my mind (a scary place even for me to delve) but no doubt they'll all see the light of day at some stage.

I'm off to water the garden now and maybe I'll water myself with a ice cold Gin an Tonic as a reward whilst watching the sunset put on yet another spectacular display.
Wherever you are on the planet...stay either cool or cosy and I hope you'll pop by again soon.
Toodleloo for now
p.s. I've got visitors arriving this month and next so I want to try out a new recipe I've come across. It has a Scottish theme so I'll let you know how it goes.
I enjoyed you mixed bag today, lol, I hope you are sitting enjoying that G& T, beautiful photos,
ReplyDeleteCan you believe it Laurie....I never got that G&T in the end...just a lovely cup of tea. But it hit the spot.
DeleteI'm glad you liked the post. I haven't written a journal type post for some time, so thought I'd do something similar.
I hope you're enjoying your weekend ;D
Congratulation :-)
ReplyDeleteto the win... and to the success with the bee mat - it's so lovely!
I have many wild flowers and herbs in my garden and in the yard between the stones.. here are many bees, butterflies and insects - when we are sitting by the lunch table in the backyard we are enjoying of the live show around us...
Nice mixed bag - have a great time, not to hot...
(I've changed my email, I think,its better for comments now)
Your garden and surroundings sound wonderful Mascha,
DeleteWe have an old ruined barn and an old stone wall that is alive with wildlife from bees to birds nesting in the ivy. It's lovely to have nature up close and personal.
Thanks for visiting my place and I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
Enjoy! ;D
(Fingers crossed for your email...I think it's working fine)
Football? What football? Has there been a match or something...? I'm much keener to hear about the bee mat, and to see the pictures of the birds. Lucky you to have Bullfinches visiting your garden. I've never seen one. And the photo of the lilies is amazing!
ReplyDeleteWell you could have knocked me down with a feather Mark, when you said you'd never seen a Bullfinch because you're not too far down the road from me. Maybe if you put some sunflower seed heads out or maybe a little cheese they'll come. They certainly seem to like them here.
DeleteIf we get more than one pair then I'll direct them down to you ;D
I'm thrilled to hear that you like my lily photo. Now here's the secret... I bought three of them from a well-known supermarket for only a few pounds.
I just wish I'd have bought more now.
Enjoy your weekend whatever the weather throws at us and thanks for stopping by.
congrats on winning the family sweep lol. I so enjoyed your happy post and beautiful photos today, wow those white doves are amazine.
ReplyDeleteMorning Christine,
DeleteThank you so much for your lovely comment. I had fun writing the post as it's been some time since I wrote a similar chatty one. I find trying to fit everything into my day a little difficult at times, so to post only a photo is the easiest option, but there's nothing better than having a good natter.
The doves are sitting pretty up on the roof near the chimney once again. They seem to arrive earlier and earlier every day. Maybe we should build them a dovecote because they certainly seem to think this is home?
Have a wonderful weekend...enjoy!
I had to use my online translator to see your high temp. Good grief... it's cool where you live. We had 34 C in Tennessee last week. This week is cooler I'm happy to say. Your photos are lovely.
ReplyDeleteWhoops, sorry Boo I should have included the two temperatures. I always used to do that but this time I obviously must have had brain freeze (due to the cold) and forgot!
DeleteHow about we do a let me have some of your 34C then we might both have the right temperature. I'd settle with the mid 20's.
Thanks for stopping by and I wish you a perfect weekend no matter what the weather's doing ;D
This is classic Neesie at your best, lovely photos, fun chat and why I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteNow fess up - are you on any of those performance enhancing drugs that the AFL footy players (allegedly, maybe...) are on?!! Because between your bee mat and your football sweepstakes you are on a roll. Here's to a huge G &T, you should run out and buy a lottery ticket, you're a winner :) AND...
Yes you asked for it .... 19 degrees, Enjoy! Here's the scorn from Australia *..* (and a sympathetic hug )
Well that's all from me. I have covered gambling, drinking and drugs so I will sign off before I am on the blocked list!
Happy weekend
Wren x
Oh and I love you too Wren (and your comments) ;D
DeleteI haven't written a journal type post like this one for quite some time, so I thought it was time that I did. I'm having difficulty trying to fit everything into one day even with the 16 hours of daylight, so maybe performance enhancing drugs would help...nah...maybe not thinking about it. I can't imagine anything more scary than me zipping even faster through what I do now. I frighten the children as it is!
My daughter has already described me as a 'Tazzy Devil' whizzing around everywhere.
I wish you the happiest of weekends too and thanks for stopping by..
Stay cosy and I'll visit soon xoxo
I never know what I'm going to write about, either. I just don't have as many interesting things around me as you do--LOL! Congrats!! Milk it! Milk it! :):)
ReplyDeleteIt's funny Rita that my boys don't seem to like hearing about my win. My son is still repeating randomly "I just can't get over that you won Mum" hehe
DeleteWho knows I may even have some street cred now? ;D
Have a wonderful weekend...enjoy whatever comes you way