With the current cold snap that's covering the UK at the moment, we've personally had quite a dry bright time over the last few weeks.
Definitely a Scandinavian feel to our weather.
Blue skies, not a cloud in the sky and lots of bright sunlight... even though I wouldn't have minded a little flurry of snow, as long as it would disappear quickly.
It seems to have missed our part of Scotland.
So it is a tough time for our little wild birds... in fact, it's been tough for all our wildlife over this winter.
My bird feeders are always very popular, but when a - 3 degrees Celsius arrives, even in daylight, then it can be a battle ground out there. Every little beak needs it's fill before nightfall.
This particular feeder is hanging right next to my kitchen window.
I stock it with suet logs and it's very popular...even when I'm working in the kitchen.
Obviously, hunger overtakes the nerves and they feed right before my eyes.
There's obviously been no time for a pedicure lately!
Sometimes it can be tricky getting the last bite.
How these little cuties manage on those tiny wee legs is beyond me.
Also to keep warm with no leg warmers!
We also had another visitor yesterday, who hasn't actually be brave enough to step over into the garden before.
Hunger has brought him to us.
Mr Pheasant...isn't he majestic!
He actually hung around for quite some time.
I think he approved of our menu.
And finally, as I've mentioned before that our Goldfinch population has had a birdie boom since we returned to this house and started feeding them.
I have counted over 40 in one flock all at once...honest!
And that was from just one feeder!
Here's a little proof of just some of the goldfinches visiting the bird feeder in the fir tree.
You can almost seed the seed decrease as you watch them.
So I think it's probably time for me to get outside and replenish the feeders by now.
It has to be done every day!
I am a little late posting today, but I'm going to link up with
My Sunday Photo
Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon.
Have a great Sunday everyone