“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Sunday, 24 June 2018

My Sunday Photo... One Shot!

When you read the title of my Sunday Photo... 'One Shot' you might think that I'm referring to my photography, but sadly in this case I'm not.
(Please if you can spare the time, read until the end of the post)
Yesterday, I was woken by an explosive gun shot and I immediately jumped out of bed. 
(This was quite a feat as it wasn't even 6am) 
It is incredibly light here at the moment with the summer solstice, so we can clearly see everything throughout the whole night. 
To my horror I saw two gunmen who had killed a deer.
They put on blue plastic gloves and gutted him there and then... slinging his limp dead body into the back of a truck!
They were quite a distance and my phone camera couldn't really capture this horror... which is probably for the best. 
As I watched through the binoculars a tear ran down my cheek.
This beautiful gentle beast was just minding his own business and then some mindless cretin decided to end his life. 
I'm sorry if I am going on here, but the day before I had taken so many photos of this buck and felt very privileged to have him visit.
To say this event spoilt my morning.
I felt sick and couldn't contemplate eating breakfast.
I can understand the need for culling where necessary, but there is absolutely no need here at the moment. The most deer I've ever seen together were four and that was only once.
As the truck drove away I snapped their photo, but once again it's blurred.
It was later in the morning that my son came to me whispering... "he's back"
I couldn't believe it... they hadn't killed this stag, but another deer. 
I'm still terribly sad for the loss, but thankful that this stunning buck escaped the gunmen (this time!)
At least it allowed me to celebrate my 39th Wedding Anniversary with a meal later in the day.
Thankfully venison wasn't on the menu!

I'm linking up with Photalife with My Sunday Photo as usual.

Sunday, 17 June 2018

My Sunday Photo... Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!
Even though I haven't been able to spend a quality day with my Dad (as he passed away when I was only 16 years old) never does this special day go by without me stopping and giving thanks for the few short years that I knew him.
He was my hero!
So today, I thought I'd share something a little different for you, but is kind of Father related.
This photo shows where a lot of activity has been happening over the last few weeks.
Bare with me...
Right in the centre of the ivy on this photo is a hole, which is where one of my Blue Tit bird boxes is situated.
It's always been a favourite, but this year we've been lucky to actually witness the coming and goings.
Here's Dad (or it might be Mum) and let me tell you, they have been incredible parents.
I wouldn't like to estimate just how many visits to and fro, that they've actually clocked up feeding their hungry brood.
I've been up since 4am (yes I know) just keeping an eye on the activities in the garden... trying to keep Magpies, Jays, Woodpeckers and Crows away. 
So far we seem to have success, although my hubby had a shock this morning wandering down to the chicken coup... a baby blue tit just dropped right down in front of him onto the path!
Oh how vulnerable is this little chap?
It must be a very scary place... just taking a leap of faith out of the nest box.
But then Dad comes to give reassurance and food to help complete his mission to safety.
I'm hoping they've reached their safe new home.
I'm sure with the incredible parents watching over them... they'll be fine.
One quick photo of another visitor who just ambled up to our place yesterday.
Our resident handsome stag!

 I'm aware that there quite a few photos here today, but I couldn't decide which to choose to link up with Photalife
It's not every day that you see a nest fledge or have a stunning stag come to call.
Have a wonderful Father's Day and please go and hug your Dad if you're able, or give him a call and tell him that you love him, because it's not until they leave us that we wished we had done more.
I'm linking up with Photalife with My Sunday Photo as usual.

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