Guest Blog McMufftypup
Today it's my birthday...can you believe it?
I'm 10 years old today...oops I wasn't going to divulge my age, but what the's out there now and hey...I think I look good for 10!
It's all down to good digs (or should I say place of residence)
It's taken me ten years to work the system to perfection, but I think I've got them all well trained and where I want them now...fresh chicken when I want it, the nearest spot by the wood burner, being carried to bed when the stairs just look too steep, walks at whatever pace I want to set...even slow and sniffy if I so choose, cuddles on demand and tummy rubs whenever I so choose.
Not bad eh?
Just call me 'Top Dog' ^..^
I decided to have a slow start today...waiting for my breakfast to be served.
I mean a birthday girl shouldn't have to wait for her birthday breakfast really, but then at least I had an extra cosy snuggle.
I took up the best advantage spot to survey the postie arriving. Now I don't wish to mislead you...I'm not one of those pooches that pounce on the postie.
No, I was waiting for the influx of cards and pressies that were sure to arrive.
It appears they may be in the afternoon post as nothings arrived yet.
So on to wishful thinking...maybe I'll get a birthday bone?
Or there maybe a surprise birthday outing...
Or will my toy be filled with my favourite gorgeous chicken...
Ohh we go!
I may even revisit that interesting patch in the garden...that I was so rudely interrupted from last time I was on the path of discovery!
I didn't mind that I'd only just been bathed and groomed.
A dog has to do what a dog has to do!
There may even be time for a few walks either in the lanes, woods or a garden mooch!'s certainly a dogs life.
I know I'll be in for masses of cuddles, tummy rubs and if I just give them that look...they'll melt and be under my spell.
I'll have a few wee snoozes no doubt during the day...well you have to make sure that you get your beauty sleep if you want to stay looking this good.
I'll also be remembering old friends and knowing that they remember me.
Zac still stops and waits by my old garden gate just in case I come out to play....
And although I have met new friends I'll never forget my Zac!
So a big high five to you all and on to the next birthday...bring it on I say?
Enjoy your day everyone, whatever you have planned make sure you have fun!

happy birthday to you muffy.... 10 looks good on you and even in the chilly nirth you do it with style... have a great birthday and hope you get extra snuggles...xx
ReplyDeleteThanks Tracey, a gals gotta do her best to look good at all times.
DeleteI'm lucky because I have staff to ensure I always do look my best.
Snuggles in abundance so I'm a happy pooch ^..^
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, McMuffy! Ten years old you say, naw maybe 3 okay maybe 4 at the most. :) You definitely have a good life with well trained humans. I hope you have a very enjoyable treat filled day. Warm hugs from me and The Girls (wet smooches from them too) To your Mum, love the pics!
ReplyDeleteHi Nan, you are making me blush even though every word you say is true ;D
DeleteUnfortunately, I can't send warm hugs back to you, although it is rather cosy snuggled here in my bed.
The only thing I now need to train my humans to do is to stay put! No more travelling please...just between you and me Nan, I'm getting too old for this milarky! Even if I'm only 4 (cough) ;D
Thank the girls for their's great to have Florida friends ^..^
Happy birthday McMuffy
ReplyDeleteThanks Bill,
DeleteIt was a good day ^..^
McMuffy, You and my brother were born on the same day. It looks to me like you are having a fine time. You look very young for 10. Scooter sends you hugs and hopes you get two extra chicken snacks today. Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteHi Boo...well all I can say is that your brother must be special being born on the same day as me ;D
DeleteLife's pretty good but I'm always keeping an eye out for any improvements.
Hey Scooter you're just an amateur if you only manage to get two extra chicken snacks...I've managed at least half a chicken today already! ^..^
Happy birthday to McMufftypup! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks...I'm loving all this attention it has to be said ^..^
DeleteHappy Birthday you Gorgeous girl...10 years old I can't believe it...Looking good Girl...keep up the demands that what I say....Hugs May x x x
ReplyDeleteHi May...oh yes I have no intention of letting them slip into complacency. I have standards and I'm determined that they will be maintained. (snigger)
DeleteThanks for your Birthday wishes and kind words ^..^
Now I think it's time for my walk.
McMufftypup xoxo
A big happy birthday McMuffy! I don't you who is luckier - you or your very sweet family. I can tell you are spoiled rotten!!!!! A big kiss coming your way now tell you Mummy, I want some Victorian Sponge Cake!!!
Auntie Sandy
Spoiled rotten Aunty Sandy?
DeleteHmm...maybe but don't tell them. They might just slacken off a little and that would never do. ;D
Ahh...the Victoria Sponge is rather good...I sample that one, but I think I prefer the Lemon Drizzle myself!
Love backatcha ^..^
Woof Woof! Baxter sends birthday wishes on behalf of me and Keagan!! Take care Zo xx
ReplyDeleteWoof woof backacha Bax ^..^
Happy Birthday, you look So Much Younger than your stated years. Must be all those beauty naps you take. I think that is a habit I'm going to have to develop.
Oh thank you...I do try my best and I have my staff look after me to the best of their abilities ;D
(Neesie: I think that's what I need to do too Darla ZzzZZZ ZZzzz)
Ten wonderful years! You have your humans all trained and a new abode with lots of interesting smells and critters to investigate. You are looking good, Muffy! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Aunty Rita,
DeleteI try my best...but I think I've got good genes, which help.
My humans do there best but I have to keep a tight ship! ^..^
Wishing McMuffy a wonderful belated birthday today. I hope she was spoiled and made over just as she deserves. How adorable and your photos are so cute as well. I would say this little pup has it just as good as our pup. We absolutely adore our poodle Cheri'. Our pups make our world go round, as I see it! Smile.
ReplyDeleteNeesie, I have not been visiting much because Christmas rush has me in a spin. We will be gone for Christmas and I will be on a limited blog break. I hope we can stay in touch after the holidays. I really have enjoyed our new found friendship.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas holiday and a healthy and happy New Year.
xo, Jeanne
What do you think Jeanne, there's no way we would have got away with not spoiling her ;D
DeleteThank you so much for your lovely comment...but don't worry about having a break over the Christmas period. It'll just be lovely catching up once we're all rested and had a wonderful festive time with family and friends.
I wish you a wonderful Christmas holiday with health and happiness too.
Enjoy yourself and I look forward to catching up with you again in 2014