“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Friday, 13 November 2015

The wolf is still at the door...(PPF Week 36)

Hello everyone... 
I'm happy to report we survived Abigail.
(the storm which was supposed to visit us yesterday... she actually stood us up in the end). 
She never arrived.
If she did visit you then I hope you are okay and have no storm damage. 

Well it's Friday and so let's kick off the weekend with a party... Paint Party Friday
Here's what I'm taking to the party.
My wolf ink drawing.
It's going to take quite some time to finish him, but it's all about the journey... right?
I'm contemplating giving him blue eyes... what do you think?
I find drawing these ink designs very relaxing.
It's easy to just nip in for a few minutes here and there (unless I can squeeze an hour or so) and leaving everything out on the table in between sessions is an added bonus.
It is only one ink pen and paper after all!
Click on the icon below if you'd like to join the party.
Paint Party Friday
I'm also joining Alexandra over at Sunday Sketches.

I know my previous title from Wednesday's blog post caused quite a stir... thinking that a wolf might have been a threat to McMuffy. I'm happy to report she's fine and we don't actually have real wolves here in Aberdeenshire... well none that I know of.
Talking of Muffy... she's at the vets this morning having her teeth cleaned. 
I'm a little nervous it has to be said and I can't wait to go to collect her.
Here's a photo I took of her this morning.
It was the moment that she realised she wasn't going to the park... but to the vet's instead (again!)
She's fighting fit and got a clean bill of health earlier in the week, but she needs her teeth cleaned.
Not bad for an auld girl eh?
Have a wonderful weekend everyone
I hope if you have surprises... then they are all good ones.
As always I'd like to thank you for visiting my place.


  1. Hello Neesie, your wolf ink drawing is awesome. I wish I was as talented and creative. Your Muffy is adorable, I am glad you has a clean bill of health. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Hello Eileen, and thanks for your lovely comment.
      Happy Friday to you too. Have a wonderful weekend ;D

  2. I'm glad Neesie that the storm never came.
    What a gorgeous wolf .... he looks so beautiful and bold. Hmm, I really like blue eyes, and think they would be beautiful and he'll become kinder looking - cannot deside...
    I love the most cute Muffy. Hope she stood well the vet's visit.
    Have a happy weekend all of you xx

    1. I'm glad it didn't come too near either Sirkkis,
      There's talk of snow for this weekend, but once again I think the Highlands might take to full force. I don't mind watching it from the window but not if I have to go out.
      I'm thinking the eyes might be blue, but I'll finish him first and take a photo... a sort of before and after.
      Muffy's suffering a little this evening because she had five extractions... bless.
      She's having lots of cuddles so hopefully she'll feel better soon.
      Thanks for visiting my place and I hope you have a wonderful weekend too :D

  3. Lovely pen and ink doodles. Poor Muffy! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

    1. Hi Valerie,
      Thanks for popping into my place and leaving a comment.
      I wish you a happy PPF too.
      Enjoy the weekend ;D

  4. Amazing tangled wolf Neesie!! I just posted a new owl sketch in my header if you want to pop over to see. I love your wolf!! I love the idea of blue eyes. Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I appreciate your kind comment and I'll be certain to pop over to see your new owl.
      Yes I think I'm favouring blue eyes but I'll take a photo of the finished version before I add any colour.
      Hugs back to you... have a wonderful weekend ;D

  5. Wow, your wolf is spectacular (no matter the color of the eyes). Hope Muffy survived. I am supposed to be cleaning "Harley's" teeth with a little rubber brush on my finger. Good luck with that! Happy PPF

    1. Aww thanks Susan... I really appreciate your lovely comment.
      The jury's still out on the eyes... to colour or not to colour.
      Muffy's feeling very sorry for herself tonight as she had five extractions. We're giving her lots of cuddles and attention.
      Happy PPF to you too

  6. Wowzers Denise, your wolf is incredible, amazing, fantastic and most awe inspiring!!! Your work is so neat and precise, I would love to watch you at work.
    Abigail has shaken her fists around here, but no stomping of feet so far, I'm glad to say. She is still around and taken the temperature way down from what we have recently enjoyed.
    I hope MuftyPup earned a nice treat for being a brave girly at the dentivet today. (I'm sure she did)
    Have a lovely weekend, stay safe and warm xoxo

    1. Aww thanks Mo, I'm sure if you did watch me draw you'd possibly fall asleep. It's not very exciting like splashing paints about! I think this project is going to take more time than I anticipated... but hopefully it'll be worth it.
      We've had the temperature drop tonight too... I think we're only 4 degrees at the moment. I spoke to my daughter earlier and she said it had been snowing in Edinburgh all day! The sky is very clear here so I'm not sure we'll see any here but you never know.
      She's only just eaten a few little pieces of chicken. I'm so relieved because she hasn't had anything since last night at 8pm. She's only small so I was bothered she'd get dehydrated. Thankfully she's had a little drink and been into the garden, So I think she'll be okay after a good nights sleep.
      Have a wonderful weekend and if it snows then I hope you have fun with Wee Man.

  7. wow love this piece and that you survived and what a Cutie!

    1. Thanks Christine,
      Have a great Sunday evening and a creative week ahead.

  8. SARN's comment:
    That wolf (even half done) is AMAZING. Love to tangle.

    Glad the storm didn't pay you a visit. Have a lovely weekend.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

    1. Apologies Sarn,
      I pressed the wrong button and instead of publishing your comment... it deleted it.
      So I've manually added it...
      Thanks for your comment Sarn, I really appreciate it ;D
      Have a lovely weekend too ;D

  9. your wolf is so magnificent looking already! And poor Muffy- we've had to have our dog's teeth cleaned and the last two times she had to have teeth extracted-it was pitiful and a difficult process for our aging Annie. Happy to hear Muffy got a clean bill of health. Happy PPF!

    1. Hi Linda, thanks for your comment... poor Annie, it's such a shame they have to go through this. I wouldn't mind but I've tried everything to help Muffy keep her teeth clean.
      She's still whimpering so it could be a long night. At least she's had a drink and a little something to eat now, so I'm feeling better about that.
      I'm hoping she'll be able to sleep tonight and that'll make her feel better in the
      Have a great weekend and happy PPF to you

  10. Wow Neesie, you are so talented! This is awesome. Bless Muffy's little heart...she looks concerned. Glad to hear she's healthy.

    1. Aww you'll have me blushing Laurie, thank you for such a lovely compliment.
      Muffy was a little wobbly but she's back to her normal mischievous self now thanks... although minus five teeth!

  11. Neesie,
    I love the wolf drawing. I hope you will show it in the future all finished. It is quite stunning. Glad to hear the storm missed you.


    1. Thanks Kate, yes I certainly will show the finished wolf... I'm about to have a little drawing time now, although I think he's going to take quite some time before he's finished. I'm enjoying bringing him to life so I suppose that's the main thing.

  12. Wow-your wolf is really coming along. How stunning! And you have to be happy to have been stood up by that storm. That is one time being stood up is good thing!

    1. Thanks Erika, I'm really enjoying drawing him.
      Yes I'm pleased that the storm never came to call. We're in thick fog here today and it's already pitch black outside and it's only 4.30pm!
      Oh hurry up Spring... we need you to be early.

  13. Neesie your wolf is stunning....as is sweet Muffy...love her! I sure hope you have plans for cards or prints or something...it is just amazing this wolf in all it's details! A shirt print...something...it need to be out there!!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Oh Giggles you are so kind... bless you
      Your lovely comment means so much to me... you have no idea.
      Have a great creative week. Hugs to you too.

  14. Oh my gosh, your wolf and intricate patterns are amazing.
    There is a beautiful balance between lines, patterns, and dark areas.
    Glad to hear the storm didn't cause your home any damage.

    visiting from sunday sketches.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment and visit.
      I hope you have a fabulous creative week ahead.
      Happy Sunday Sketches ;D

  15. That wold is gorgeous! He draws you in...so beautifully done.

    1. Thanks Ileana, I'm pleased with how he's turned out ;D

  16. Isn't it odd that you have named this post "The wolf is still at the door" when in reality he really is still at the door. Those eyes really look like evil but I guess I have Isis on my mind!!!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Yeah Sandy, it was quite a week wasn't it.
      I wasn't even sure if I should write a post or not.
      Wolfie (hopefully that doesn't make him appear so evil) has been finished and I hope to post him tomorrow.
      I just need a decent photo now.
      Enjoy your evening. There's talk that we might have snow tomorrow.
      If we do everyone will certainly hear about it!

  17. I fell in love with your wolf immediately and yes, I think blue eyes will look phantastic!

    1. Hehe... thanks Stefanie, I'm happy he's meeting with everyone's approval.
      I think I'm going to scan him first, then add blue eyes onto a copy first... just to check it adds to the drawing.

  18. really great looking wolf :D

    we just got a lot of rain and now the fields are starting to flood :/

    1. Oh I hope you weren't flooded out Jennifer,
      The wolf is finished and I hope to post him at tomorrows PPF.

  19. Well that is just FABULOUS. I do wolf art at well and I love this one.

    1. Aww thank you Nicole,
      I have to admit I've never drawn a wolf before but I enjoyed creating him.
      I'll have to pop across to you to see your pack!

  20. Thanks Alexandra for your kind comment. I must apologise for taking so long to reply. Yet again it's been a busy week.
    Enjoy your weekend.


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