As I'm typing this post...I'm completely amazed that I'm actually writing about my son's 21st Birthday!
I mean how can that possibly be?
I'M ONLY 19 YEARS OLD MYSELF for goodness sake!
But I suppose the calendar never lies, so I'll have to bite the bullet and accept it.
It shouldn't be hard really because he's now over 6 feet tall!
At the risk of upsetting or embarrassing him (HA! isn't that what we're supposed to do?)
I just wanted to mark his special day here on my blog.
We had a great night and I think the birthday celebrations will be ongoing throughout this week and into the weekend at least.
I've had a mind to create a little special line drawing for him for some time now and this was the perfect occasion. I decided to draw a Liver bird which is the symbol of the football team Liverpool.
I know that anything to do with football whether its AFL or the UK Premier League...can cause quite a lot of controversy, but the fact is Liverpool is my son's team (and also my hubby's too for that matter) so that's it FULL STOP!
Both my boys wake at silly-o-clock to watch all of their games...crazy I know but you try telling them that!
So here's my design which was very well received....
I cropped the photo so that you might see it better.
It's not the best light for a photo shoot today.
The design is enclosed in a black frame with a white mount.
I'm not sure if you'd be interested but if you are here's a clip from YouTube of Steven Gerrard (the Liverpool Captain) drawing the Liver bird on a 60 second challenge. I had such a giggle watching it.
I have to admit I didn't take 60 seconds to create mine.
Happy Birthday son
I also created a collage from some of the masses of his childhood photographs.
We now realise how much my son liked to dress up...not in a cross gender type of way, but just generally. Phewph...better make that clear!!!
I couldn't possibly post a photo of the collage because basically I'm going to keep the threat of doing that for as long as I will keep me way ahead in the game of the blackmail stakes...MMMWWWWAAAhhhhhhaaaaa
Thanks for stopping by everyone...I hope you are having a great day.
Remember to make the most of's a gift!
Congrats to Son and Mum! You get a bit of a breather now Neesie: you have officially "raised" him, so you can relax until grand-children come along.
ReplyDeleteREALLY???? No one told me!
DeleteI'm going to pass on your comment to him as soon as he gets in from work! ;D
(Frightening thought him becoming a Dad...thankfully I don't think that's on the cards just yet)
Great to hear from you again...hope all is well in your plot :D
Happy 21st to your son! You did a great job at drawing the Liver-bird. I did a photo collage for my kids' 18th birthdays but I didn't even think to take a picture of it so I could use it for blackmail purposes down the track. You are a clever girl, Neesie! :)
ReplyDeleteI have to admit Serena it was an after thought to take that photo but I'm so glad I thought of it! ;D
DeleteNever under-estimate the sneakiness. LOL
Have a great week and I'll pop by your place soon xoxo
beautiful gift for your son! So much detail! Happy Birthday to your son!
ReplyDeleteThanks Laurie,
DeleteIt was only part of his pressies...just a little personal one from me ;D
I think the birthday celebrations are still on the agenda for this weekend...oh to be young again! :D
Have a great weekend too xoxo
Ooh, Happy Birfday Neesie's boy!! :D Hope it was filled with memories to treasure :D
ReplyDeleteFAB Liver-Bird picture Neesie and I'm sooo jealous I didn't think of a blackmail collage, all the many years ago when my kiddies were younger (youngest nearing 24 now), bu-u-t I do have 'wee man', so I'm going to store the collage idea and probaboy put it to good use myself one day. And as you so succinctly said.......MMMWWWWAAAhhhhhhaaaaa
It's getting late with you, so sleep well :0) Mo x
ps - wee man was gardening with hubby at the weekend, and as he was so intent on digging as deep a hole as possible I told him 'You'll be in Australia soon!' lol That kept him confused for quite a while as he kept peering downwards, bless him ;) x
It was a great day thanks Mo...although apparently it's not finished yet. I hear that there's lots planned for this coming weekend.
DeleteBy the way, it's never too late to create a blackmail collage ;D
It was late when I read your comment (how t'elligent are you?) Amazing that you know these things. That's why I never replied there and eye's were closing without my consent!!!
I'd have waved at your wee man if I'd have known he was peeking downunder! Don't you just love the littlies and they're reaction to anything new. There's such a lot to learn and it's quite a journey.
Doesn't help when someone gives them duff information though minx!
Have a wonderful weekend...whatever's on the plan...have fun! :D
Happy Birthday to your son! Incredible bird, must have taken you ages! Big day for both of you! (I was so sure I was supposed to get some sort Mom Mitzvah when my kids tuned 13 but everyone told me no, that's not how it works...)
ReplyDeleteHi Cat,
DeleteThe final drawing didn't take too long. I'd done a draft first and then I had to make sure that my son wasn't around when I started drawing, so I suppose that added to the time involved. I knew he'd like it so that made it all worthwhile.
I do think we should have some sort of celebration that we've done the most precious job in the world but then I suppose that's what 'Mothers Day' celebrates.
A friend of mine had a three month leave of absence when her kids reached an age that they could fend for themselves. She went off on her own to travel around Europe meeting up with friends along the way. I think that sounds a wonderful idea. ;D
Have a great weekend ~ enjoy! :D
Happy birthday to your baby boy! (We always remember when they were our babies.) Great job on the Liverbird. The guy drawing his in 60 seconds did a fair job but yours is marvelous! :)
ReplyDeleteI had to chuckle when I heard that you watched the video clip because I wonder what you must have thought of his accent? He really has a very strong 'scouse' accent (that's what a Liverpudlian accent is called by the way - Liverpulian is a native or resident of the city of Liverpool in the UK - hope that clears that up) LOL
DeleteThanks for stopping by...I must dash but I hope to catch up with you soon.
Crazy times here which will become apparent in my next posting!
Enjoy your weekend :D
Happy birthday to your little boy! My baby is already 47, I can't believe it - she's older than me!? Love your Liver bird, brought back happy memories of Liverpool for me! Hugs, Valerie
ReplyDeleteLOL Oh I know just what you you must be just out of your teens?
DeleteI'm glad that you have happy memories ;D
Have a great weekend whatever's on your plan...have fun! :D
Hi. H neesie
ReplyDeleteI so totally know about this my girls are 26 for goodness sake and I'm only 20 too. Have a great time at the celebrations, party like you area teenager
janet #23
What are we like...19 and 20? Just young chicks! ;D
DeleteI always party like a teenager Janet,
Being an expat has given me fantastic expertise in this area, much to my son's embarrasment! Well isn't that a parents job? LOL
Have a great time yourself this weekend.
I had two kids turn twenty one last year and I'm only 25 (cos when it's written the other way round it hurts). So I'm with everyone else, you can be 19 and have a 21 year old. Happy birthday to the boy, just a shame he goes for the wrong team (he he), love Chelsea myself. Your Liver bird is fabulous, I bet he loved it. I'm still having massive computer problems, writing keeps flying off the page and screen turns off (ARGH) I hate computers!!!
ReplyDeleteCatch up with you when I finally get this thing fixed!
The turning around of my age doesn't work for me anymore Vonny, so I'm sticking with 19! ;D
DeleteWrong team....HA!!! Chelsea...well I thought I liked you and now I realise a beautiful friendship might end if I carry on so I'll stop here and now.
I think the liver bird was a total surprise and has already been put in pride of place in his room, along with the blackmail collage. He keeps looking at it and it obviously brings back so many fond memories. I still have so many more photos I could have used so I think I might have to make a part 2.
I realise that you are having terrible computer troubles and I hope that they all disappear soon. I've got the odd whoopsie going on here but I'm putting up a fight...and so far I'm winning although it is very tedious!
Looking forward to catching the meantime try not to get too stress...have fun too :D
Nessie, thanks for visiting my blog. I love your drawings. I was wondering where you found me. All of a sudden there are so many Aussies in my life (well ex-pats living there). I went to a painting class in Mexico and met Narelle and Brenda, then I joined a Gratitude Diary site and it's populated with lots of people from Australia. Think there's a greater meaning in that?
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Mom of a 21 year old. My sons will be 41 and 39 this year and I'm, well, you know, just not that much older.
You've made my evening.
I came through from Tracy Fletcher King's blog but I think it may have been Goggle+. I'm unsure about Google+ yet? I have no idea how you post to it or what's involved...another techy session needed if only I could find the time. I just keep adding friends into my circle but that's about it!
DeleteThe world becomes a very small place through the blog world doesn't it? Emoji
So you can visit Downunder anytime you like now.
I think all of us Mum's sound the same...all young at heart and that's the main thing.
I'm so glad to hear I've made your evening. It's late afternoon whilst I'm typing this, so I'd better get on and prepare some dinner. It could get ugly if there's no food ready when the workers arrive home! (hehe)
Thanks for popping back to my time I'll pop the kettle on.