FOR TODAY ~ Friday 14th June 2013
Outside my window...thankfully it looks so much better outside my window today than it did yesterday. If I'd have sneaked enough time to write my Day book yesterday, then I'd have been very negative because it was a complete washout! Dark and fact you'd possibly have thought that I'd already moved back to the UK!
Thankfully the three days of virtual none stop rain seem to have emptied the clouds for now, although they are still hanging around. There is the odd little peek of sun but it's rather weak.
The swimming pool is looking exceedingly full and I'm just wondering what will happen if we get more rain...eek! The grape vine is stripped of all its leaves and now looking very bare but the main stem always appeals to's so twisted and full of character.
I've found a few stray strawberries that were hiding on the plant which I have to say were a total surprise. I thought they'd be finished by now. But I don't think these few brave beauties will would be a miracle if they do...but never say never!
The wisteria is completely naked now which is quite sad as I've had to clear every last leaf but won't have the pleasure of seeing it bloom again! But I've just remembered that I have a wisteria waiting for me back in the UK and so I'll have that to look forward to so all is not lost!
My orchids have been adopted and are settling into their new home. I know they will be very happy. Their new owner doesn't even know how spectacular they are or even what colour. So that will be a real treat. ;D
There's one last rose of summer sitting looking so pretty. It's a gorgeous yellow and the perfume is incredible and wafts as people come to the door. I'm so tempted to cut this last one and bring it in the house to enjoy. So far I've resisted but I don't think that'll last. It's like a burst of sunlight.
I am thinking...that I really have been a bad blogger recently because I haven't visited many other blogs. It's not that I don't want fact I'm bothered what I maybe missing. Okay yes I know...I'm nosy and don't want to miss anything. But I find once you miss a few posts from your favourite bloggers it's really quite a task to play catch up! But if nothing else I'm determined, so I'll strive to pop into a comment box near you soon...I just ask that you be patient with me. It really is quite a task to move from one part of the planet to the other and unfortunately time gets swallowed up in huge chunks!
I am thankful...for such much that it really is too hard a task to just pinpoint today I'm not going to. I am an incredibly privileged and lucky person...but don't get me wrong, I don't take that lightly. Sometimes I don't feel it but it only takes a few seconds to be reminded. There is so much to be thankful and I intend to keep reminding myself of even the smallest thing daily! ;D
Just to prove my point as I've been sitting here chatting with you...this has's full of surprises.
No matter what is going on in your may not be going where you thought it might...but there's always something to be thankful for. Just take the time to appreciate it.
Just to prove my point as I've been sitting here chatting with you...this has's full of surprises.
No matter what is going on in your may not be going where you thought it might...but there's always something to be thankful for. Just take the time to appreciate it.
In the kitchen...there's a gorgeous pan of homemade soup warming. My hubby has 'man flu' at the moment so I'm suffering! Yes you read that right...I'm suffering! There's nothing like a good homemade chicken and veggie soup to warm the cockles of your heart when you're not feeling 100%.
The cupboards are getting slimmer (pity I'm not!) as I try to work my way through my store cupboard. I think a few friends might be getting odd provision pressies soon.
I am thermals. LOL but that's because the heating is gently wafting through the house. Starting at my feet I'm wearing trainers (only because I nipped out earlier and just haven't got around to taking them off yet ~ naughty I know but hey who cares?) Jean's and a long-sleeved t-shirt under a white cotton jumper. There's a white, blue and black patterned pashmina cuddling my neck just in case I feel the heating isn't sufficient enough ;D
I am creating...nothing at the moment. I think my creative juices have dried up for this week which isn't surprising with what's been happening here. It's been rather hectic as we enter the last few weeks of our Aussie life, but I'm hoping that my mojo hasn't abandon me but just taking a little break.
I am get fat with the way I'm eating at the moment. Seriously with so many meals and lovely leaving events lately my waistband feels in serious threat of pinging! And there's still so many more to go...I'm seriously clocking up the calories!
I am wondering...who opened that new bar of chocolate in the fridge? I think we may have a serious choco-goblin that visits at night! It wouldn't be me would it? Not with all of those calories lining up (as she pops yet another square into her mouth....Mmmm)!
I'm reading...The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
(Details taken from Booktopia)
Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. Then a chance encounter gives him an idea. He will design a questionnaire—a sixteen-page, scientifically researched document—to find the perfect partner. She will most definitely not be a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker or a late-arriver.
Rosie Jarman is all these things. She is strangely beguiling, fiery and intelligent. And she is also on a quest of her own. She’s looking for her biological father, a search that a certain DNA expert might just be able to help her with—even if he does wear quick-dry clothes and eat lobster every single Tuesday night.
When rights to a debut novel are sold in more than thirty countries, you know a book is generating serious buzz. I am glad to say that this feel-good debut delivers what the hype promises.
I'm really enjoying reading this charming and amusing book and recommend it.
About the Author:
Graeme Simsion was born in 1956. He is an IT consultant and data analyst with an international reputation. He has taught at four Australian universities and is currently a Senior Research Fellow at Melbourne University. He is a founder of Pinot Now, a wine importer and distributor, and is married to Anne, a professor of psychiatry who writes erotic fiction. They have two children.
In 2007, Graeme completed his PhD in information systems and enrolled in the professional screenwriting course at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. He has made a number of short films and his screenplay, The Rosie Project, won the Australian Writers Guild / Inception Award for Best Romantic Comedy Script in 2010. While waiting for The Rosie Project to be produced, he turned it into a novel which in June 2012 won the Victorian Premier’s award for an unpublished fiction manuscript.
Readers of The Rosie Project will know that Graeme Simsion has a first-class sense of humour. At professional conferences he has given addresses from on top of a ladder, dressed as a duck, and he once engaged a group of spellbound chartered accountants in community singing.
Readers of The Rosie Project will know that Graeme Simsion has a first-class sense of humour. At professional conferences he has given addresses from on top of a ladder, dressed as a duck, and he once engaged a group of spellbound chartered accountants in community singing.
I am didn't see me nip back to the fridge for a few more squares of choccy! ;D
I am looking forward to...starting a whole new veggie plot with raised beds in my new garden. I think I might be up with a fight to keep the wildlife away from my produce but hopefully I'll be able to grow enough that we can share...I'm keeping my options open. My hubby is suggesting I get a rabbit recipe on hand but I don't think I like that thought! I'm thinking that Muffy won't be much good as a guard dog but you never know. She may think it's a whole new circle of friends! ^..^
Around the house...All ship-shape Sir! Even though we aren't open for a house inspection this weekend. With having so little of our furniture and belongs with us now, it's easy to keep clean and tidy. My hubby is getting into this minimalism but I'm afraid I like all my belongs. I can't wait to be re-antiqued with them all.
A favourite quote for today...(an image courtesy of Google Quote of the Day)
One of my favourite things...obviously chocolate by the look of this post but I've mentioned that before possible numerous times so I'll say something new...if only I could think of something...mmmm...
I love to hear the wind and rain lashing and bashing the house when I can snuggle further down under the duvet (dunna) where it's all cosy and snug. It's probably just as well because come next winter that may well be how I will spend most of my days LOL
I'm looking up how to survive hibernation...well I'm doing well on storing up with the excess fat already, so I'm half-way there already!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Well thankfully we're just heading into the weekend. But I don't think they'll be much resting time...we're trying to make the most of each day until we leave :D
A peek into my day...well maybe that should read a peek into last night.
This photo was taken as the seafood bomb arrived at our table.
But then there was so much more....
So that's it for this week; I hope you enjoyed your visit and if it's your first time reading my day book entry, I hope you enjoyed it.
Don't forget to pop over to The Simple Woman's Daybook and check out the other day book entries.

Have fun and hopefully the sun will shine!!!

no wonder you have no time to create, you are on the brink of a life changing experience, such a big move, so exciting, I would be vibrating each day with anticipation! You lead such an exciting glamorous life, I enjoy following along,
ReplyDeleteHehe...precisely Laurie, it's all go and the creative flow has flown for the time being, but I hope to get it back asap! ;D
DeleteI can't actually believe that this move is going to I'll have a huge shock when I finally sit on that plane and it takes off!
I'm not so sure we have an exciting glamorous life...I'd say its more of a crazy roller coaster one! :D
It's lovely to have you follow along with me and I love to share it with you.
I hope to pop over to your nest sometime over the weekend.
See you soon xoxo
These long posts are so enjoyable because they truly show you, a bit of you anyway and you become more of a person than a blogger. I can't wait to try the book, it sounds quirky and interesting. And I love your quote of the day - how true it is! How soon are you coming up on your move?
ReplyDeleteHi Terrie, great to see you and to hear that you enjoyed the post ;D
DeleteThe Day book entries seem to be very popular which always surprises me.
I'm really enjoying The Rosie very light, entertaining and well written. I hope you enjoy it, if you do try it.
As the song says...'it's the final count-down'. We've got just until the end of June and then we're up up and away.......
Can't believe it really but I suppose I'll have to once I'm sitting on that plane! :$
Have a great weekend whatever you have planned and I'll pop over to see you soon. Thanks for stopping by
Hi Nessie, What a lovely post as always...I love reading your daybook..The only problem is I am now reaching for the chocolate...tee-hee..I hope your hubby is feeling better, enjoy your last few weeks in Aus...I hope wee Muffin is doing well... Hugs May x x
ReplyDeleteDon't mention that word May...Ch*******, because I'm about to go out for dinner :$
DeleteI'm so weak when it comes down to it, but it's good to know that I'm not alone! ;D
My hubby is extremely annoying May because he can catch a cold (or Man Flu) and be streaming terribly, but it only lasts for two days then it disappears and he's over it...whilst I can have it linger for about three weeks or three months!
He's fine today thanks and so far (keeping my fingers crossed) I don't seem to have any symptoms. Phew!
Mufftypup is doing fine thanks...she's okay as long as her bowl has chicken replenished regularly and that there's a lap and cuddles on hand ^..^
Hugs to you too and I hope you're enjoying your weekend.
I'll nip across to see you soon :D
Interesting post, keep your fingers off that chocolate! The step I'm on today isn't there , it's the 'sod it all and go back to bed' step! Hugs, Valerie
ReplyDeleteSo far I've managed Valerie because we went out this afternoon for a few bits and stopped off for a cuppa and a cake. But I can't promise you that I won't be having a few pieces after dinner. I know I'm so weak!!!
DeleteI had such a giggle at your step comment. I know that feeling so well. ;D
I hope your day gets's the weekend after all. That's got to be good hasn't it? :D
See you soon ~ I'll be across to visit as soon as I can.
I am on the I will do it step.
ReplyDeletejust posted similar thoughts to that somewhere today.
sounds like you are close to a new life!
Good for you Jennifer,
DeleteI think we might be teetering on the same step! ;D
I have to keep that 'I CAN DO IT' attitude especially at the moment with so much going on...if I don't I think I'll go under.
All exciting stuff lies ahead but there's the sad goodbyes to get through first. But there again the worlds a much smaller place now :D
Have a great week whatever you get up...hopefully the top step! ;D
Hi Nessie.....just found you....I'm always pleased to meet another lady in blogging. Sounds like you are planning to move yet again....i hope I read that right on your blog. Where ever you end up....wishing you all the best.
Hello Jo...nice to meet you too,
DeleteYep we are on the move once again (12 moves obviously isn't enough) although this one hopefully is the last as we're heading home to the UK.
Thank you for your kind comment and hopefully I'll see you again as I've got lots of plans ahead.
Have a great week and thanks for popping by my place :D
ReplyDeleteAll that rain can wear you down-- we've had quite a bit of it here as well. Fall is heading your way--
I can't believe you don't have projects in the works--- that wont last long!!
It's always nice to hear from you-- I'm thinking you are hardly home enough to read blogs-- you are such a traveling girl!