I've a confession today everyone...I've been very naughty!
What have I been up to you may wonder?
Well, I received a wonderful package that arrived in the post...all the way from America last week and I never got to thank two special people who instigated its arrival.
Firstly, Dion Dior who if you don't know her already is an amazingly talented artist that just blows me away with her incredible art every time I look at her work. She paints fantastic vibrant colours which remind me a little of my silk painting days.
Dion's creative blog specializes in art journaling, watercolour, acrylic and water soluble medium workshops, tutorials and online classes. There's something for everyone...trust me you will not be disappointed if you visit her blog. I'm wanting to join her online mastering twinks class but unfortunately it's crazy here with our move back to the UK, so I think I'll have to wait until I'm settled in my new studio before I start.
But you could enroll and possibly win fantastic prizes too!
All you have to do is enroll for her class but you'll have to be quick because the enrollment closes at the end of June!
Dion is a fantastic teacher and is so inspiring...just click on one of her tutorials to see her at work.
Anyway, back to my prize package....
Once again Dion very generously had a giveaway and I was the lucky winner! YAY!
Here's the link if you want to read about the giveaway details.
My prize was a fabulous DVD from Gina Rossi Armfield.
'The No Excuses Approach to mixed-media collage.
Dion's creative blog specializes in art journaling, watercolour, acrylic and water soluble medium workshops, tutorials and online classes. There's something for everyone...trust me you will not be disappointed if you visit her blog. I'm wanting to join her online mastering twinks class but unfortunately it's crazy here with our move back to the UK, so I think I'll have to wait until I'm settled in my new studio before I start.
But you could enroll and possibly win fantastic prizes too!
All you have to do is enroll for her class but you'll have to be quick because the enrollment closes at the end of June!
Dion is a fantastic teacher and is so inspiring...just click on one of her tutorials to see her at work.
Anyway, back to my prize package....
Once again Dion very generously had a giveaway and I was the lucky winner! YAY!
Here's the link if you want to read about the giveaway details.
My prize was a fabulous DVD from Gina Rossi Armfield.
'The No Excuses Approach to mixed-media collage.
I love the No Excuses Approach from Gina because that's just what I need...no excuses just do it!
If you would like to see Gina at work then click here
If you don't know Gina then here's a little information:
Gina Rossi Armfield is a painter, photographer, wife and mother. She lives in Southern California with her husband, Mark, two sons, Grayson and Payton, and a herd of furry critters. Gina started painting when she was six years old and was lucky enough to find many mentors along the way that encouraged her to pursue her talents. She grew up in Baltimore, Maryland and in addition to painting spent most of her time riding and showing horses. A passion for the four leggeds endures to this day and can be seen in much of her work. Gina received her degrees in Fine Art as well as Education. She has taught people of all ages and continues to enrich her life by sharing her gifts with others. She has always had an interest in combining her love of photography and the written word with painting–exploring this aspect in all facets of her work. Gina can be found teaching around the country and through her online workshops. You can find her on her website www.ginarossiarmfield.com and her art blog noexcusesjournaling.com.
Thank you so much Gina for my prize but also for your time and talent which you so generously pass on to aspiring artists.
Check out Gina talking in an interview plus watch her work here.
I know I'm going to have such fun when I can use some of her techniques and advice...I can't wait.
My mojo hasn't disappeared as I feared...he's just collecting ideas for when he can be unleashed!
At least with having all of these projects lining up waiting....my move to the UK looks better and better.
Roll on getting my new studio up and running asap...I can't wait!
Enjoy seeing these artists at work and I hope to see you again soon.
Thanks again Gina and Dion I'm just sorry it took me so long to thank you both.

Yay for you! And now to see the amazing things you will be creating! Not to mention my excitement at the prospect of you sharing bits and bobs from your life in the Uk... Sigh... ♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteHehe...thanks Angy ;D
DeleteAs we are coming up to the finishing line here in Melbourne...its like the 100 metres dash to fit everyone and everything in before we board that plan.
I think I'll probably collapse into the seat!
Then it'll be full pelt on the other side to see everyone and move back into our home. Who says life's boring! :$
I'm quite excited when thinking about our own 'Move to the Country' or should that be 'Grand Designs' lol
I can't wait to share things with you...I think you're going to love it but it might put pressure on your wish list!
Thanks so much for your lovely comment and well wishes my friend...they mean a lot to me ♥
Don't forget though that I will need my Aussie fix and your Perth weather reports will warm the cockles of my heart...especially when the UK summer (ha) ends (sorry the laugh was because it's hardly started and its June already)
I'm making sure I'm packing some of this wonderful sunshine in my air freight! Shh...don't tell anyone. They'll never miss it because they've got such a lot!
Take care and I'll be across to you soon xoxo
I already knew about Dion Dior (want to take her Twinks classes one day) but now I have also met Gina Rossi Armfield. I signed up for Gina's free class and newsletter. Congrats on your winnings, dear lady!! That is awesome! It is going to be so much fun organizing your new craft/art room when you finally get moved so far away. I look forward to seeing what you do with your new toys. (After all, look what you can do with just a pen and paper!!) :) :)
ReplyDeleteWow Rita...you have connections indeed ;D
DeleteIt is so exciting but I'm having to wait to get started. It won't be long but there's still so much planned for whilst we're on our last days here. It's been flat out but wonderful all at the same time.
Hehe...yeah just a pen and paper work for me although I'm ready to start expanding now (and not just my waistband!!!)
I'll look forward to sharing with you the new adventure from the other side.
Take care and enjoy your weekend!
See you soon :D
Hi Nessie, What a Fabulous win... Can't wait to see what you do with it...I hope all going well with the move... Hugs May x x x
ReplyDeleteMorning May,
DeleteIt will be exciting once I can get to use my new things...it's just going to be on hold for now.
We just need to get settled and I'll be full steam ahead.
(that sounds so simple to type...'when we get settled'...it'll be a novelty if we do ever get settled!)
Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you soon
Neesie xoxo