I've been away in Glasgow for a few days...did you miss me?
Anyway moving on swiftly, it's been such a long time since I last posted a recipe, that I thought it was time I did...especially as I have 2.5 kilos of blackberry's to use up now that I've been foraging through the country lanes.
Jamie Oliver would be proud of me...although I have to say McMuffy wasn't.
She wasn't happy at all when I kept stopping constantly on HER walk. It's okay when she wants to stop and sniff everything within a 10 mile radius, but that's her calling the shots and not me! This time it was different and came as a shock to her.
I mean it's not as if she was to get the spoils at the end of it...not like finding bones or doggy chews, but we compromised and had a successful forage!
Therefore we can now bake an Apple and Blackberry crumble....yummeeeeeeeeeeey!
The apple in the photo below was just to keep me going whilst out foraging.
I'd eaten enough blackberry's to feed a village, so I thought I'd end with an apple just to keep the balance and to accompany all those berries.
I couldn't wait for the crumble ;D
Unfortunately at the moment I don't have apple trees in my garden, but I do plan to plant cordons at some stage. I'm quite excited about having my own fruit trees in the future.
But for now it had to be a quick trip to the local supermarket to buy some Bramley apples. I always like to cook with Bramley's but over the years when I haven't been able to source any, I've had to improvise by using eating apples but omitted adding additional sugar.
In fact that may well be a better option for some people watching their sugar intake.
I have to remain strong and focused at this stage...not eating the whole pan full as they stew.
If you look closely at the wooden spoon below you will see that it's from Melbourne Queen Victoria Market. Oh such memories...I think it's the first time that I've actually used it.
I'm not even sure I wanted to use it, but I didn't notice which spoon it was until it was too late.
Sprinkling the crumble on top of the wonderful smelling warm apple and blackberries...mmm...not long now!
The recipe is written below although it's such a simple thing to make, you probably all have your own recipes already.
But maybe if you are new to baking or have just got the baking bug it might be of some help.
When time is of the essence a crumble is a quick simple recipe to rustle up, it's easy and doesn't everyone love a crumble?
I thought I'd use my retro apple dessert dishes to present it to you.
I thought it would be fun for the photo.
And now here's the serious bit of todays post...(maybe it should come with a warning)...
...it's my potential veggie plot!
I know...I know...it's going to be a lot of work but I'm not thinking about that right now, otherwise I'll never start.
I do have a plan but I'll save that for another day ;D
And so finally to the recipe 

750g (1lb 10oz) fruit (in this instance I'm using apples and blackberries)
45g (1½oz) granulated sugar2tbsp water
For Topping
225g (8oz) plain flour
100g (3½oz) Butter (room temperature), cut into cubes
45g (1½oz) granulated sugar
Preheat the oven to 180C (fan 160⁰C/350⁰F/Gas 4). Put the fruit in a baking dish measuring about 25 x 20cm (10x8in) and 5cm (2in) deep. Sprinkle the fruit with the sugar and water.
Make the crumble topping: Place the flour in a bowl and add the butter. Rub the butter into the flour, then stir in the sugar.
Scatter the crumble topping evenly over the fruit. Bake for 45 minutes, or until the topping is golden brown and fruit juices are bubbling.
Serve with cream, icecream or custard.
There are lots of variations for a fruit crumble...adding apples, sultana's and nuts, plums, or using half wholemeal and half white flour...the options are endless.
I hope you'll enjoy this perfect pudding for a winter's day after Sunday lunch perhaps or maybe just because?!?!!

Enjoy foraging if you're out and about.
It is harvest time after all.
Well in my part of the world it is!
I hope to see you again soon
beautiful photos!! sounds amazing desert! I think you are in the perfect spot!
ReplyDeleteHello Laurie...but the best thing about this lovely dessert is that you can put virtually put any fruit under the simple crumble mix and it works well.
DeleteNot sure about the perfect spot today because I'm having a serious reminder of what may lie ahead. The wind is blowing itself into a right hoolie! ;D
I think it's keeping the rain at bay so that's something at least.
It's Sunday as I type this so it's a relaxing day by the fire with a roast cooking. Ahh...simple pleasures sometimes are the best!
Have a lovely day too xoxo
If you put that crumble into a Tupperware pot and put it on the next plane out to Aus, I reckon it would be just the right temperature for me to eat (hint, hint). Heck, for that crumble I would even let you come with it (he he). It's so nice to see a real crumble recipe, the Aussies put all that horrible healthy stuff like oats and muesli bits in theirs. It's just not the same. When I make a crumble, and that's not very often, I use the same ingredients as you. Oooh, I have a hankering now, you rotter, you know how much I hate cooking.
ReplyDeleteWe used to go apple scrumping when I was little in England and there were blackberry hedges everywhere, so mum used to make the crumble, ahh the memories. Have a great day.
Luv Von.
I'm glad to hear that the crumble hit the spot Von,
DeleteIt's the easiest recipe to rustle up...I think your family and newly arrived friend would love a little crumble after their meal tonight, don't you?
It'll taste all the better because as you say you don't bake very often. After all I did give you one of the easiest recipies because I'm good like that ;D
Apple scrumping...ahh...now I understand...Is that why you were deported? How long did you get?
I'm happy you revisited your early memories too.
You have a good day...I'm sure you will with what's happening today :D
Gosh Neesie you do know how to make a girl homesick!! I have been waiting and hoping you would do a crumble blog. It looks amazing, especially in your gorgeous apple bowl and with your beautiful custard (mine would be lumpy!!!) I especially love the Queen Victoria Market spoon, am going in search of one myself...
ReplyDeleteWow the potential in that veggie plot, I know you'll be out there picking something delicious in no time at all.
Have a wonderful weekend, I know you'll be busy!
MMmmwwwwhhhhhaaaaa....my plan is working then ;D
DeleteI'm not sure about your statement about my veggie plot...no time at all picking produce? Hmmm....my back twinges everytime I look at the plot.
I hope your weekend is wonderful too, whatever you have planned.
Enjoy :D
Looks so delicious!
ReplyDeleteAnd absolutely no calories if baked at the weekend! ;D
DeleteHave a fabulous weekend...with or without crumble (lol)
I don't have any blackberries and I just used all our apples making apple butter. I'm going to have to "crumble" something real soon though. Yours looks so delicious.
Mmm...apple butter! I've never made that. It sounds like I should though ;D
DeleteAs I mentioned you can put almost anything under the crumb mixture...rhubarb, cherry, pears, bananas to name but a few.
It's very versitile and absolutely no calories involved if you bake it at the weekend! :D
Enjoy xoxo
Yum yum! Love blackberry crumble and with apples sounds so delish! The apple dish/bowl is a beauty. And what a gorgeous wooden spoon! So smooth. Most new ones are a joke. :/ you know, Nessie, you are very lucky we all live so far away. Me thinks you would have a ton of company otherwise. :) enjoy the crumble on our behalf. Hugs
ReplyDeleteIt is delish Nan ;D
DeleteSorry to take so long to reply to your lovely comment. I really don't know where the time went...maybe making a treacle and ginger cake?
Yes, I know I'm on a roll. Or I will be...in fact I'll have lots of rolls if I carry on like this?!?!
I wish you could all come to sample the cake and crumble because then it wouldn't be down to us to eat it all!
I hope your week has started well and will continue to improve.
Thanks for stopping by
Looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteWell it did Boo...but now there's Treacle and Ginger cake in its place!
DeleteIt sounds like I'm getting ready for winter with extra blubber at this rate ;D
Have a great week and thanks for popping over.
Muffy cracks me up! Having your own fruit trees would be wonderful. This looks so goooood!!! Thanks for the recipe. :)
ReplyDeleteShe does me too Rita...have you seen todays post? It's a McMuffy post ^..^
DeleteI do like the sound of my own fruit trees...I just need to do all the work first :(
I hope your Monday is going well...have fun and enjoy the day
Yum! Just adore crumble - lovely to see that on your picture.
I'm not really a dessert kind of person but it always hits the spot!
DeleteIt was yum indeed but alas it is no more...just Treacle and Ginger cake in it's place.
Well you have to don't you?
Thanks for stopping by...it's always good to see you
Your fruit crumble looks so delicious, and so attractive in the apple-shaped dish. Oh, you always manage to bring back such happy memories. That looks a pretty big veggie plot, so I imagine you are doing a lot of planning and imagining how productive it will be - and of course what you are going to cook with your produce. Lovely to have such dreams. Yes, I missed your interesting posts.
ReplyDeleteI haven't actually used those dishes for years Jez, but they just seemed right for the photo shoot ;D
DeleteI'm glad that I can evoke happy memories too.
I'm hoping I'll have happy memories when I look back at all the work I'll have done to get my veggie plot up and working! I doubt it though.
Aww...you're too kind and polite missing me. I appreciate it...I really do :D
Neesie- I would not have thought to combine apples and blackberries together- but the combination sounds delightful! I'm thinking this will be a great fall cobbler:)
They do make a very delicious pair Vicki...and you are right they would be perfect as a cobbler ;D
DeleteLovely to see you again...I hope your week is going well.
Thanks for stopping by xoxo
Oh Neesie, you make me feel so hungry when I look at your awesome dessert! It looks so yummy and delicious!
ReplyDeleteWell it was Stefanie...but it didn't last long!
DeleteIt never does in this house Emoji
I hope you're having a great week and thanks for stopping by to let me know you've been by leaving such a lovely comment.
Have fun xoxo