“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Friday, 29 January 2016

Get your lovely Mango's - PPF

After a few weeks of creating black ink drawings, I needed a blast of colour for this weeks link to Paint Party Friday. 
So when I came across Tracey Fletcher King's latest video illustrating her technique for painting a mango, I was thrilled because it's no secret that I'm a huge fan, but also that I had a mango to hand. 
As you can see it's rather dark for painting, but what can you do during winter in Bonnie Scotland. You have to work with what you're given. 
With desk lamp and overhead lights switched on I dubiously started.
For those of you that like to know details of what supplies were used, then here they are...
I used the Kohi-I-Noor watercolour paints as shown in the above photo on Daler Rowney 300g/m2 
Aquafine paper, outlining with uni-ball eye waterproof black pen and white corrective pen.
I like the texture of the paper which gives the effect for the mango skin,
And here's the finished mango. 
It was such fun to paint and gave me my colour fix. 
If you'd like to take a look at the video of  Tracey painting a mango then click on her name, or nip across to the Paint Party Friday link, then click here.
Paint Party Friday
and for Sunday Sketches 
Also Express Your Creativity

Right... now I can actually eat the mango.... Mmm 
Have a fantastic Friday and wonderful weekend everyone.
Hope to see you again soon


  1. wow what a great job you did, the colours are amazingly real.

    1. I really enjoyed painting it Christine, I've only been using black ink lately and I needed a colour boost! It certainly worked... plus I got to eat the mango! Win, win ;D

  2. You did a stupendous job on your mango. I watched the video and was so impressed. Having no mango around the house, I decided to wait to try to paint one. I love the colors you've used. Looks good enough to eat.

    1. Aww thank you Faye, that's very kind of you.
      The video is great isn't it. Tracey is so relaxed and talented...it's a pleasure to watch her work.
      I was thrilled with the burst of colour after so long just drawing with black ink. It worked a treat especially on such a horrible dark winter day... with Storm Gertrude battering the house!
      I'll be eating it the mango tomorrow. Yum!

  3. That really is beautiful!! I haven't yet painted with watercolors, but I use the acylic inks very much like watercolor. Some day I may have to try it. Your mango looks fit to eat!! :) xo Silke

    1. Oh I can just imagine your acrylic inks working their magic with a mango painting Silke,
      Yes it is good enough to eat and I'll be doing just that tomorrow. It's just ripe!

  4. Oh I love Mangos, funny I mentioned this week in my post that I've been making mango chutney, so we've been on the same wave length there. Your mango is beautiful, so very well done, beautiful and so fresh!

    1. Well fancy that Kat, two mango's... I mean minds thinking alike!
      Thank you for the lovely comment. I'll be sure to nip across now to see chutney.
      I'm having mine freshly sliced with my yogurt and other fruits.

  5. Beautiful and inspired and now I'm hungry ;-)
    Tracey is amazing and so are you!
    Happy PPF
    oxo Patty #47

    1. Patty, I now have a huge smile on my face!
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment and happy PPF to you

  6. Lovely Denise, I saw Tracey's video too and you nailed it. Enjoy eating it.

    1. Hehe thanks Laila,
      I really enjoyed painting it and I will no doubt enjoy eating it too.
      I thought the video was great and so generous of Tracey to take time out of an incredible schedule to share her love of art.
      Happy PPF to you

  7. Your painted mango looks good enough to eat! I hope you enjoyed the other one.

    1. Thanks Janet,
      It was good enough to eat and hubby said he really enjoyed it!
      I do have another, but it didn't have as much colour on it so it's safe for now.

  8. I'm very impressed! That mango would look lovely on postcard prints, as well as framed as kitchen or dinning room decor. Thanks for the visit and blessings!

    1. Thank you Arnoldo,
      I was actually thinking about framing it for my kitchen, it would certainly add some colour.
      Have a great weekend and happy PPF to you

  9. Hey we are knee deep in mangos on this side of the world, they are flying off the shelves by the boxful at the Queen Vic market... I'm impressed you had one to hand in the middle of a Scottish winter and such a lovely job you did with yours, it looks very yummy!
    Wren x

    1. Aww the Queens Vic market.... my regular weekend haunt.
      I must tell you that not only did I have one mango, I actually had two! I know... such decadence!
      And yes, it was yummy according to hubby, who devoured it this morning for his breakfast!
      I just wish the Queen Vic was nearer... I'd be there like a shot!

  10. Yum - my mouth is watering -- you are so dang good Denise. When we lived in Southern Florida there were lots of mango trees around - there were so many mangoes around that people did not mind if you helped yourself to a few.
    sandy xx

    1. Hehe... thanks Sandy, it must be okay if it makes your mouth water.
      I remember when living in Melbourne, that if people had fruit trees and had excess produce ie lemons, they would place them in a box at the end of their driveway with an invitation note to say "Help yourself" It was such a delight to find and I often came home from our dog walk with my pockets smelling fruity!

  11. Lovely Mango! I love mangos! :D Happy PPF! I really love the gradation from the orange then yellow and green. The fruit looks delicious! :D

    1. It appears that many people love mango's too!
      I had lots of fun painting this and it certainly gave me the colour boost I needed.
      Happy PPF to you

  12. Now that had to help your color deprivation--LOL! What a beauty. :)

    1. It certainly did Rita,
      I really enjoyed painting it and I actually liked the end result... well all except the shadow, but you can't have everything.

  13. wow- you did a brilliant job painting that mango! Looks like now that you have me hungry for some I 'll be off to the market soon:):)

    1. Aww thanks Linda, I enjoyed painting it and I certainly needed the splash of colour.
      I had two so one to paint and one to eat!

  14. I love your mango- the colors are beautiful and its so tropical, probably is a nice way to brighten up that dark winter night. i know that feeling, but it is exciting for me to see our days getting a little bit longer as we go. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend-hugs!

  15. I love that you can both create a mango that complete capture your individual styles! Such a joy to watch such talented artists create the same thing! Really show they that both be so gorgeous and yet unique!! A little of life's metaphors me thinks!! Or should I say life imitates art!! lol

    Hugs Giggles

  16. Lovely mango! Terrific color blending. :)

  17. Beautiful work!!!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  18. You did a fantastic job on the mango. The shading and colors are amazing.

  19. Wonderful realism sketch ~ love it!

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  20. LOVE these images and really appreciate the close up shots so we can see the detail. Lovely work! xo

  21. Mangos are yummy! Yours looks good enough to eat. And the texture of the paper dos make the skin look real. Glad you shared your color fix with us.

  22. This is lovely! We had a massive rain this morning. Just pouring, I want my snow back! Crazy climates. (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  23. I meant to comment on the previous post, but I forget what I was going to say. sigh.

  24. Finally have internet working for longer than a minute so I can comment... It is bloody awesome... And two mangoes in the depths of winter is also impressive. Love that you are venturing back into the world if colour because you handle it so well... This really made my day xx


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