“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Friday, 8 January 2016

Paint Party Friday

I can't believe that it's a whole week since I mentioned the floods here in Aberdeenshire and believe it or not, last night was the worst night of flooding since the rain started over a week ago.
The National Media have now suddenly become aware of the severity of the flooding and thanks to the fantastic voluntary Fubar News team on Facebook, who are providing the masses of video footage for them, everyone now has become aware of what people are dealing with here.
It's wonderful to see and hear about the local community pulling together (other than a few morons that have taken the opportunistic view that an unattended, flooded house is far game for looting) along with the amazing emergency services, local businesses and volunteers that are all doing incredible work to try to minimize what is an horrific situation for so many. 
These floods are the worst on record... EVER!
We are counting our blessings here in this house for sitting high on a hill.

I'm feel slightly frivolous linking up with my little piece of artwork today, when so much is happening but it is Friday and I haven't posted all week... so here it is...
my latest drawing.
Can you tell what it is...?
I decided that after drawing the wolf (click here if you'd like to see him) 
(Wow... I've just seen that I drew him way back in November)
Oh my, how time flies when you're enjoying yourself.
There's lots I would change on this drawing, but I thought I'd show you because I think it's important to show when things go well and when they don't. 
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
After all it's the journey when creating art isn't it?
That's one of the fascinating things about creating art... you just never know!
I read that there are as few as 3,200 tigers left in the wild.
It's unthinkable that we might lose these magnificent animals in my lifetime!
That would be so tragic.

Unfortunately, the photographs were taken on different days and as you can see there hasn't been a great deal of light. 
But I can assure you the final drawing is on white paper! 
I forgot to mention that we had snow last night and now it's turned to ice.
Just another spanner in the works... It just keeps giving!
So when Mufftypup finally went out for her walk after days of being house-bound due to the wind and rain she wore her  'Adidog' coat (as in Adidas with a difference).
She was very cozy and she was really up for a good workout.
She decided she wanted to head into the woods for lots of mooching and adventures. 
Here's the before photo... 
And here's the after shot...
She's showing her sad face because she knows she's heading into a bath!
But after she had a good warm sitting on the Aga, then the hairdryer and finally into her bed by the wood burner for her afternoon snoozelet.
Is it any wonder I don't get enough hours in my day?

I'm off to check out all the artist linking up to Eva and Kristin's Paint Party Friday
Paint Party Friday
Have a great Friday and I hope you have a wonderful enjoyable weekend!
Thanks for stopping by my place and I hope you'll come back again soon


  1. What a gorgeous tiger! I love it! Your pup is adorable. I hope the situation with the weather improves, it sounds so scary!

    1. Thanks Lisa on both accounts... the pup and the tiger!
      It looks like we might be in for more rain again tomorrow, but hopefully some of the water levels might have reduced a little.
      Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by once again.

  2. I am glad your house is on a high hill since there is so much flooding where you live. I like your tiger drawing.

    1. So am I Terra, I love this house and never more so than this week.
      We are truly blessed.
      Thanks for your lovely comment and I hope that you have a great weekend.

  3. My thoughts are with the people of Aberdeenshire...what a dreadfull time. I know people in Ellon who have been affected. Let's hope for some sunshine soon.

    1. And mine too Morag, some of the footage is heart-breaking. It must be a living nightmare. We actually saw some sky and sunshine today, which must have lifted spirits slightly even if it was only for a brief respite.
      I hope the people you know in Ellon have help as soon as possible and minimal damage.
      I also hope you have a good weekend and thanks for visiting my place.

  4. Love your zentangle. Happy PPF.

    1. Thanks Clare, and happy PPF to you too :D

  5. beautiful zentangle and I can think of no better way to spend a day than babying your baby, I had to do the very same thing for my dog,, everyday, several times, lol, he was my life, more ofetn than mud he was covered in snowballs and I sprayed warm water on them then blow dried him,, he became so accustom to this routine if someone let him in from outside other than i, we would find him sitting in the shower waiting for me to spray the snowballs off , lol,,,,
    what we don't do for our furry kids,,,

    1. Muffy is the same when she enters the house after a walk... she just stands still in the utility room waiting. I think she likes the warm water so it's a treat.
      You dog sounds like he was adorable. I have a vivid picture in my mind now or him covered in snowballs... bless. It's amazing to think he took himself off to the shower to wait for you.
      Such wonderful memories but I can hear in your words just how much you miss him.
      It's great to chat with someone who can relate to just how much of the day these fur babies can take up. All worth every minute though.
      Great to have you visit Laurie... have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Your work is awesome. Love both pieces. If your puppy goes missing, look at my house ... so sweet. hugs, Donna

    1. Oh Donna, your comment makes me so happy.
      My puppy is a grand old pup (84 in our years) but she's like a puppy and my shadow... we're never far from each other, so I guess if she's at your house, then I must be too ;D
      Pop the kettle on!

  7. What a gorgeous zentangle. Your Muffy is most adorable little princes.
    Happy weekend ♥

    1. Oh please don't let her hear you say she's a little princess Sirkkis because she's bad enough already! (hehe)

  8. What horrible scenes I've been seeing from the UK. My dad was born in Glasgow and we have visited Scotland - loved it, so I keep an eye on the news from there. Hope and pray the weather resolves itself soon for all your sakes. We need some art when our world is in turmoil. Love your tiger and zentangles.

    1. Well hello from a bright, sunny, crisp Bonnie Scotland Beverley,
      I just loved typing that because after so many weeks of wet, grey and hoolie blowing weather it's a pleasure.
      Glasgow is about a three hour drive from me, but I know it well. It's funny because I lived in Melbourne and have their weather on my phone etc, so I suppose with today's technology it's so easy to keep an eye on various places that interest us.
      It's great to know that you've visited here... I just hope the weather was kind to you whilst you were here.
      I've been busy drawing once again, so all in all the week's going well.
      I hope it is for you too ;D

  9. such beautiful art. Love it. And I can see a lot of things in there.
    I´m glad you are on a hill and still have power. My daughter visited one of the flooded areas just after Christmas. It´s not fun at all.

    1. All good here thankfully and I've even managed to do some more drawing so it's turning out to be a good week... oh yes, and the sun came out!
      Thank you for your kind comment about my art. It's always good to have positive responses to putting your art out there for all to see.

  10. Thanks for the link I sent it to my two friends who have relatives there! So sorry for everyone facing these horrific floods! Glad you are safe and warm!! Love love love your tiger!! The expression is priceless, and so is Muffys! Oh I remember those dirty dog days of winter all too well!! That is the part I don't miss....but that sweet little face always makes me yearn... for puppy wiggles during their happy dance, and big smiles as a greeting!!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Nae probs, as they say here Giggles, the link is so informative even for finding lost dogs, or making people aware of traffic incidents or unfortunately break-ins etc.
      Thanks so much for your lovely kind comments about my drawing... you really are so encouraging and I love it.
      Yep Muffy's got many priceless expressions... she's incredible and I have to constantly remind myself she's 12 and not a pup. The trouble is she doesn't believe it!
      Her greeting (even when you've only been out for the room) are brilliant. I must try to video it one day. But then you would definitely be tempted to get a furbaby!

  11. Horrible, horrible for everyone concerned and meanwhile we're so dry in Australia, the droughts are having a terrible affect for the farmers and with the bushfires - a crazy world and start to 2016 for so many. Glad you are OK and you have done brilliantly to even draw and blog this week. Laughed at Muffy's before and after photos, priceless :)
    With love.
    Wren x

    1. Yes the weather is crazy for sure, I was watching footage of your fires whilst the rivers were bursting their banks here!
      I've managed more drawing this week and with the sun remembering where we live... it's a great week so far!
      Muffy is having to be bathed daily... or at least her paws because she's loving going out, so has to pay the price. I am secretly thinking that she's liking the whole process of the hot water spa, warm Aga drying and then snoozin' in front of the wood burner. In fact, now I type that I fancy that myself!

  12. simply beautiful, neesie. And your little pup is sooooo sweet. hope weather conditions will improve soon. it's got to be pretty darn scary. glad you are safe.

    1. Aww thank you Jo,
      Yep thankfully the weather has changed, although there's snow mentioned at least it's gone colder which means brighter weather... sun and we can see the sky!

  13. Hahahaha :D Poor wee Mufty pup, she does look so sad, but I'm afraid I did laugh out loud when the last pic scrolled up. I wonder how she balances the fun and joy of 'free mudding' against the prospect of a bath, hehe.

    Back to the start of your post, I am with you in the praise of Fubar news, they have become my first stop when I log into fb.

    Have a great weekend :D xx

    1. Muffy is liking the whole shenanigans because she loves to go out on her walks and adventures... so she has to pay the price. I am secretly thinking that she's liking the whole process of the hot water spa, warm Aga drying and then snoozin' in front of the wood burner. In fact, now I've typed that I actually fancy that myself!

  14. So glad you are safe and sound. My heart goes out to those affected by the floods. Ms Muffty looks so stylish then so bedraggled. Even her coat is mucky. :) I'm assuming she had a dapper good time foraging around after such a long time indoors. ;) Cool zen tangle tiger! Hugs

    1. Thankfully the weather has changed at last. The sun came out and I've finally seen the sky.
      Ms MacMuffty is a minx who can one minute melt your heart and the next drive you to distraction! She has had a ball on her woodland adventures lately and I can't help but smile when she appears back at the house like a drowned rat!

  15. Your drawings are so beautifully detailed and so skilfully done.
    The floods are terrible, I'm so glad you are safe on the hill.

  16. Lots of wonderful detail and contrast in your tiger!

    So sorry to hear about the flooding and now ice! Stay safe! Hopefully things will be better soon.

    By the way. Oh. My. Gosh. Mufftypup! Crazy adorable. I love when people post pics of their pets with their art! (especially dogs, if I'm being honest) :D

  17. stay safe up on your hill..positive thoughts and prayers than this rain soon ceases

  18. I am so glad you guys are safe and up high!! The tiger is just a gorgeous as your wolf.
    Muffy did look a right mess after her adventures in the wild--LOL! But I am sure she's happier clean and warm. :)

  19. Ok, I love the tiger and the sad pre-bath face-but I would saw some paws need a washing. The floods sound terrible, but hopefully things are drying out and improving. Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Great tiger drawing! Poor little pup with the muddy feet! Hope the flooding has gone away by now. I didn't realize you were having all that rain too.

  21. I thought it was an abstract at first, beautiful wolf! Cute pup too. Stay safe Neesie!

  22. I'm sorry to hear about the flooding, but glad you're OK. Your tiger drawing is spectacular. Happy New Year!

  23. really nice tiger :)

    the rain has been horrible :/ Its not that bad here, but it still wont stop raining

    Our dog looked the same and had the same face before her bath and that was just after a walk downtown

  24. Love the pics of your little friend ... stay safe it sounds like the weather has gone crazy world wide.

  25. Stunning drawing,beautiful details. Yes the weathers been truly awful in the UK
    Donna xx

  26. hahaha, that dog is hilarious :-) And I love your tiger. So beautifully done ... (as was the wolf). So glad that you're on a hill and the floods didn't get to you. I hope this horrible weather will end soon!

  27. Oh dear! I did not realize that people have to face this disaster in Scottland and I followed your link and went through the photographs on facebook. I keep all my fingers crossed that the situation will improve soon! All these people who engaged in supporting the areas affected are really tough and deserve our admiration. As well I admire your tiger very much. You did a great job. It's beautiful artwork!

  28. Your tiger is elegant. Your doggie adorable. We have a little Shih Tzu "Molly" they look so much alike. Molly likes a bath. I'm glad.

  29. Nessie I found you! Love your art and that pup is too cute for words. Ooohhh the ice--I am in New Jersey and oddly enough we are having the warmest winter I can remember. It was almost 80 on Christmas. Glad to find you through PPF--as you know I am new around the blog world and glad to make art friends. Happy to say I am a new follower. Dea xo

  30. How terrible that the flooding is so extreme....any sign that it will subside soon? Thoughts are with the people directly effected.

    Your wolf and tiger are stunning! You did a fabulous job on them.

    Oh my, I literally laughed out loud when I saw the After shot of little Muffy. Too funny! hehe

    Have a lovely week! xx

  31. I do love your tiger ♥♥♥ So sad that their numbers are getting to be so few. Humans are such a nasty lot of things that are so deadly to our universe :( Mufftypup is adorable even with her dirty paws ♥

  32. I hope your rains are subsiding. I saw the news on it late the other night when they were showing world weather. I hope people are safe. I love the details in both your pictures. SO lovely. I also laughed when I saw the after picture of Muffy. Our dog pouts and whines during her entire bath but always seems to strut afterwards.

  33. I'm glad to hear you're safe from the flooding, and I hope the weather conditions have improved by now. Your tiger looks great, so many beautiful details. And what a sweet pup! She certainly looks like she enjoyed her walk in the woods!

  34. I hate to tell you this Miss Smarty Pants - the minute I saw the eye staring at me - I started singing "The Eye of the Tiger". You and Donna Parker make quite a pair.... If I didn't like you so much I would be down right jealous of your artistic talents!
    I am sorry about your flooding - we have had flooding here too - lots of people have lost their homes and some have died. It is sad. Another reason to enjoy the sunshine while we can.
    sandy xx

  35. I am so sorry for being sooo late to comment this week... Time has been disappearing here as well. I am hoping things are much improved and that some recovery efforts are underway... It has been a crazy time weather wise and glad you are safe... As for the drawing... Simply beautiful. I love those lines and the use of pattern... It comes alive.... And mufty is adorable, even when she is bedraggled


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