“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Sunday, 5 June 2016

My Sunday Photo... the one that got away!

Today I'm willing to show you just when things don't go to plan... I'm linking up this photo of Muffin appreciating the beautiful hot day we had today. In fact it was just like summer (at last) but this wasn't the photo that I intended to use. 
Imagine a beautiful blue sky, green lush fields, and a fantastic Red Arrow display flying right over you. Well that is what I intended.
Unfortunately, I was talking on the phone when they flew over. (Trust me eh?)
When I heard them I quickly dashed outside, grabbing my mobile phone and took a shot. 
This was the result.
You'll have to look very hard into the distance, just above the trees to see the last of the loop the loop trail.
I can imagine that you all have had that feeling of a particular photograph... the one that got away.
Please tell me you do... I might feel slightly better then.
It would have been perfect to have captured them flying over in fantastic formation!
They looked magnificent.

Here's a photo taken by Paul Collier from the control tower of Aberdeen Airport.
He's taken some amazing photo's if you'd like to see more... click here


As usual I'm linking up with  'My Sunday Photo' with Photoalife and with Mersad over at Through my lens and Wordless (on Tuesday at image-in-ing)
Enjoy your Sunday everyone.


  1. Ha ha, I love the story behind the vapor trail, at least Muffin was watching!

    1. Hmm... yeah... I've never moved so fast for such a little reward!

  2. hehehe! You at least tried...
    Lovely photos though x

    1. I nearly broke a limb trying to get out of the door to capture them, never mind losing a friend as I just dropped the phone without any explanation! And still I didn't get the shot!

  3. What a great story behind the photo! Sorry you missed the planes but I love the photo of Muffin :)

    1. Hmm... maybe next time eh? I've seen some brilliant photos that I hope to attach to this post, but I'm waiting for the photographers permission. It's a case of watch this space.
      Muffin's an easy target!

  4. Hi Neesie, that is so funny! Bet you won't do that again! Muffin looks like the perfect cute substitute that what might have been a spectacular photo of the Red Arrows!


    1. Hi Debbie, well I'm not sure because I really tired to capture them.
      Thankfully Muffin is always ready to step into the brink to save the day.

  5. Oh no! I've done that sort of thing many a time before. At least we get to see a lovely photo of Muffin, so it's not all bad!

    1. It's good to know that I'm not alone in this sort of thing Sarah.
      I often see a perfect shot and don't have my camera with me... now that's infuriating!

  6. This made me smile Neesie, it is usually something that happens to me. At least Muffin is enjoying the sun x

    1. It's good to hear that I made you smile Cathy,
      It's reassuring that I'm not alone with missing the shot!
      Thankfully Muffy is always happy to come to the rescue.

  7. Haha I love that, I've done something similar in the past.

    Thank you for linking up

    1. I have been hearing that missing a particular shot is actually quite common Darren,
      Thanks for hosting and I hope your week is going well... capturing all the shots!

  8. Beautiful pooch!!! I love the red arrows and we are lucky enough to see them practise most days here but they always go before my cameras out!!

    1. Aww thanks Laura,
      How lucky to see the red arrows regularly. I think I'd have my camera constantly at the ready until I got my shot. Then I'd be satisfied and would just enjoy seeing their aerobatic displays.

  9. hahahah I think we've all had these photo moments where we've missed! I love both pics especially the one of Muffin!

    1. Thanks for your sympathetic comment... it's good to know that I'm not alone!

  10. Tehe....I can picture you making a mad dash for the door. ;) Glad no doggies, ankles or knees were injured in getting the fab shot of a disappearing vapor swirl. giggle lol Sorry, can't help chuckling as it has happened to us all at one time or Nother, dear Nessie. Hot hugs from me and the Girls. (Oops, sorry you'll need to towel off as we're a bit sweaty already this morn :)

    1. Oh Nan you should have seen me go... I was like a greyhound let out from a trap! Thankfully no animal or limb was hurt in the process.
      It's reassuring to know that I'm not alone in this kind of mishap.
      I'm glad I gave you a chuckle.
      Hey I'm happy to report that we're finally rather warm here. We've had three sunny warm days in a row... so that's summer I suppose!
      Hugs to you and the girls

  11. I would much rather see Muffie's sweet Mug - you gotta love that puppy!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Aww Sandy I think you just might be Muffy's biggest fan... other than us of course.
      I've got so many brilliant photo's... I'm thinking I might print her own calendar! Mind due that would probably just go to her head and make her an even bigger Diva!

  12. A lot of my photos that you never see of our visiting critters are a day late and a dollar short. Instead of grouse or Canadian geese there is a tail feather and grass. LOL! I know the feeling well. Muffy looks good though!

    1. Hehe... what a giggle Rita,
      I could visualise every one of those photographs. (LOL)
      I'm glad you weren't disappointed and liked Muffy's photo.

  13. i have missed many shots from not paying attention or the camera battery dieing :/

    The Red Arrows were about half an hour away from here but I didn't know until it was too late to go see them :/

    1. Argh the camera battery dying! I'd forgotten about those mishaps!
      The Red Arrows were supposed to fly back to Aberdeen twice for refuelling, but we'd missed the first return completely... and nearly missed the second.
      I only saw that they were coming to visit by sheer chance the night before.

  14. Oops! I've had a few moments like this too - what a shame you didn't quite manage to capture the Red Arrows but the photo of Muffin is very cute! :-)

    1. Thanks Louise and thankfully I'm not alone with my whoops. It appears that many photographers have had one slip away.
      Muffin is always keen to grasp the limelight so no problem there.

  15. Replies
    1. Yeah Debra, I can laugh about it now, but I was really miffed at the time.

  16. Cool photos. That jet stream is really cool.

    1. Well yes Rhonda, but the vapour trail photo isn't mine!
      I just tell myself that maybe next time I'll be more organised and capture the perfect shot.

  17. Sweet little Muffin! I do see the loop trail and love seeing the Red Arrows!

    1. They were absolutely brilliant flying over Christine.
      They certainly made my heart race watching them. Maybe next time I'll capture that perfect shot to do them justice.
      Muffin is so used to seeing the camera that it's all a little tedious, but she tolerates me!
      Especially if there's a piece of fresh chicken as a treat afterwards.

  18. so cute !!! and such wonderful skypics :-)

    1. Thanks... Muffin is used to being the photo model. She doesn't move anywhere as quick as the Red Arrows so I'm able to capture her!

  19. Muffin is so cute!
    I often gets shots just like your sky shot when I am trying to photograph birds in flight!

    1. Isn't she just Karen... but then she knows that and has been playing it for all it's worth for her 12 years!
      You have my sympathy about trying to capture the birds in flight. I'm in awe of the BBC wildlife cameramen and women that manage to take amazing shots. But then they do have incredible patience and can sit waiting three weeks for that perfect click!

  20. Haha I have lots of photos like this! I always have those moments with my son but he moves fast so .. missed moments. Muffin is the cutest though so its not all bad =) #mysundayphoto

    1. They say never work with animals or children (whomever 'they' are) but sometimes I think they might just be right.
      Although as long as there's a tasty treat Muffin will sit for hours and be the perfect model. She certainly knows how to work the system!

  21. Great shots!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/06/circa-1953-and-now.html

  22. gorgeous photo of your dog neesie. yes i know what you mean about missing a photo op. usually when we are driving around and i will yell out to hubby stop go back! i need that photo :=)

    1. Oh I've been there too Sherry... 'STOP'!!!! But you can count on there not being a place available for at least 5 miles!
      I've found myself in some precarious places trying to capture that one shot. It's a wonder I haven't come a cropper before now.
      Thankfully there's always Muffin to step into the brink when needed.

  23. Muffin is cute! have a fantastic week!

  24. Oh dear, what a shame, still at least your friend managed to capture a fantastic shot on your behalf :)

    1. I know Jane... I was upset initially, but then I had actually managed to see them so that was something. The noise and power was incredible.
      I saw Paul's photos on Twitter and he had taken them from the airport control tower. They are spectacular aren't they?

  25. For sure the shot you wanted to take was stunning, but Muffin is so very cute ... I think I do prefer him ;) !

    Hope your week is off to a good start, dearest Denise, I wish you most wonderful days to come, sending hugs and more hugs to you

    Xx Dany

    1. Don't worry Dany, you are not alone... many like to see Muffin's photo above anything else that I post. I'm getting used to her taking all of the limelight. She loves being a Diva!

  26. Oh yes, I have many a photo that has turned out like that :) Lovely shot of Muffin though!

    1. It's good to know that I'm not alone Sara,
      That's why I posted this particular photo.
      Glad you liked the Muffy shot.

  27. Wow- what a sight to see. I bet it was loud but how cool.

    1. I stood and shouted at the top of my voice Erika. Oops maybe I shouldn't have disclosed that part. They were noisy, but magnificent!
      Really a terrific sight!

  28. Aaaah Muffin is super cute - love her photo. And oh! I do see the loop trail too. Should, I say great composition? Hahaha ;) xx

    1. She had us at 'hello' Melody and we've been wrapped around her little paw for twelve years!
      Great composition... hmm... I think my report would say "lots of room for improvement"... or "must try harder"!

  29. Hehe... thanks Alexandra. We think she's cute too. Sometimes that the trouble she can just give you that cutie look and your a gonna!


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