“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Sunday Sketches... Brown Bear

I had another play today and decided that I'd do a little more drawing. 
Due to the cold weather my son suggested that I should draw a polar bear. 
Now I know it's gone chilly, but it's really not that chilly... yet!

I thought that a polar bear would make me feel even colder, so I decided to draw a brown bear instead... using the watercolour pencils once again.
I started with under painting, so that I could add multi-layers of colour for his fur. 
This particular journal isn't the best, but it's handy for playing.
I can try different things without becoming too precious about wasting good quality paper.
I'm using the kitchen table... as I'm still embracing the 'hygge' way of life. 
(If you'd like to know more about hygge then click here to see my previous post)
I'm sitting between the wood burner and the Aga.
I'm like a cat and always seek out the warmest place in the house on days like these.
We are coming to the end of Sunday Sketches from England, so please nip across and visit Alexandra's blog
There's always lots to see.
If you click on my design below it will automatically transport you over to her place... but before you do that... don't forget to let me know that you've been here by leaving me a quick comment.
Sunday Sketches
Oh yes and one more thing... don't forget that the Not On The High Street TV advertisement that will feature my daughter's grumpy owl Christmas cards airs tonight, here in the UK. 
It will appear during the Tutankhamen programme, but keep your eyes peeled as they say, because you'll have to be quick to spot him!

Have fun and enjoy your Sunday everyone and I wish you a wonderful week ahead.
Thanks for stopping by and I'll look forward to seeing you again soon.



  1. beautiful beautiful!!!!!!

    1. Aww thanks Laurie,
      He's not as stunning as your bear artwork, but it's a start ;D

  2. Lovely illustrated brown bear ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a wonderful week ~ ^_^

    1. I'm happy to hear that you like him Carol.
      I hope you are having a wonderful week too :D

  3. Very cute. Nice that you were able to change it up when you felt it wasn't working for you :-)

    1. Aww thanks Terri, I very often have to change things to make them work, but I'm persistent if nothing else!

  4. He's so cute, looks like he's getting ready to snuggle up in his den for the winter.

    1. Hehe thanks Paula, I think he's just looking for the right spot.
      There's talk of snow coming here soon so I don't blame him

  5. Your bear is precious, and would make a great print on a Christmas card. How exciting to have your daughter's work featured on TV. Blessings, my friend!

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Arnoldo.
      It is a very exciting time just now with wholesale orders rolling in along with many individual requests... and that's not due to the advert yet. We've been busy elves packing up boxes of orders today!
      Blessings to you too

  6. love your bear. Great job.. makes me wish for winter!! congratulations about your daughter!! Hope you have a great new week!!

    1. Aww thank you Jane. Well I don't think we need to wish for winter... it's arrived here and there's talk of snow visiting overnight!
      We've been busy elves today packing up orders for my daughter's cards. It's all very exciting and I'm so proud of her.
      Have a wonderful week

  7. There is so much detail in your bear and the trees, very lovely. I bet the tv feature is all the excitement, it would be for me.

    1. Thanks for your kind words Claudia about my bear.
      It has been very exciting and the busy elves have been packing orders all day!

  8. wow what a clever artwork with amazing detail

    1. Aww baili you are too kind, thank you. I had fun creating him.

  9. what a fun bear who looks like he's the viewer!

  10. Brown Bear - Brown Bear - What do I see -- I see a Brown Bear looking at me.
    Congratulations to your daughter - she is following in your footsteps. Aren't you a lucky Mama!
    Sandy xx


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