“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Friday, 24 March 2017

Today is Shih Tzu Day... PPF

As many of you will know, we've had a worrying time with our little ShihTzu Muffin. 
She's had three trips to the vets so far, 8 injections, three blood tests (that I know of) one scan and 3 x-rays to identify her weight loss problem. 
She was 4.6 kilos and had dropped to 3.7 kilos! 
Thankfully she's gained .1 of a kilo, so we're heading in the right direction now, but it's a struggle. 
(Her condition has been diagnosed as IBD)

We are still closely monitoring her and administering medication, which is a circus to say the least.
She's very much been the centre of attention over the last few weeks, so it seems appropriate that today just happens to be ShihTzu Day. 
Who decides these random days is a mystery to me, but it fits in quite nicely with both what's been happening here and in my current painting.
The last time I tried to paint Muffin was a little disastrous, so I thought after painting the giraffe that I'd have another go at painting an animal.
It's obviously a work in progress and I've got such a long way to go, but it's certainly different than my last attempt, so it shows I'm progressing in my painting.
Just in case you've noticed and are worried... there is smoke coming from the folly in the garden.
It's just my hubby busy burning off garden waste... hedges, leaves, branches etc.
The folly is an ideal place for such activities, plus it's well away from any washing!
The intention in that this painting will be to capture Muffy as a pup and as she is now.
(Apparently it was Happy Puppy Day yesterday!) 
I've not had much time what with all the vet appointments and trying to hide tablets and hand feeding.
(Never underestimate the sheer stubbornness of a Shihtzu when it comes to administering
medication... they are certainly switched on.
There's still masses to do on this one, but it's good to have it sitting there waiting for me to nip in and out of the studio. 
Here's 'madame' sitting enjoying some warmth on the studio windowsill, whilst I paint. 
It's a relaxing scene now after the shenanigans of medication time! 
I'm linking up with Paint Party Friday
If you'd like to see amazing art, then click on the above link.
I'd just like to say a huge thank you for all the lovely messages, prayers, positive vibes and kind words I've received over the airways.
I really appreciate each and every one of them.
Have a fantastic Friday and I wish you an enjoyable weekend.


  1. Oh, Muffin, take your medication! The painting is lovely.

  2. Hugs and prayers for Ms. mcMuffin from me and the Girls! We had been thinking of her and wondering how she was. Glad the vets have diagnosed the issue and hope Muffin makes a full recovery. You have a nice start on her portrait. I like the 'then and now' aspect to it. Take care. Hugs

  3. I am so glad that "our" little Muffy is doing better. Denise you know how much I love her!!!!! Your drawing and painting is wonderful!
    sandy xx

  4. Wishing Muffin to get better soon...poor baby.
    Your painting is so beautiful and you are a talented artist!!!
    My granddaughter had to give pills to her dog, Raptor. She put the pill inside bread with peanut butter...but Raptor is a Pit Bull so it probably wouldn't work for Muffin~

    Happy PPF!!!

  5. Your brushwork is amazing here. She looks like a little sweetheart but I am sure she sees herself as your 4-legged boss.

  6. So glad they have figured out the cause! Now to just get Muffy to take her medication--LOL! Can hardly wait to see your finished Muffin portraits. Still sending positive energy and prayers. :)

  7. Nice work and so glad at least you have a diagnosis.

  8. your drawing is showing Muffin's personality already. So happy for some good news and to hear she's on the mend! I remember buying doggie ice cream cups called Frosty Paws to get one of my dogs to swallow his meds. Happy PPF!

  9. So glad to hear she's gonna be ok. You did make me and mom laugh though as we had a Lhasa Apso named Lasha when I was young. Muffy and Lasha were SO similar in looks and attitude. Lasha had arthritis and had medication for the last ten years of her life and it was such a chore to get Lasha to take it. As you know, lol, these breeds are SMART. Lasha used to get her little red pill hidden in a hot dog but she figured it out and would chew around the pill, swallow the hot dog part and spit out the gooy red pill which notoriously stained the white carpet! It was a stand off with mom and Lasha, lol. It got to be mom would open her mouth, throw in the pill as far as possible and close her mouth and hold it closed. Lasha would stare a hole in mom as she swallowed that damn pill then go pout with her nose in the corner for hours after. Ram rod straight back, nose in corner, that was her punishment to mom. It was kinda hilarious. They had such a funny relationship. Mom had rescued her from a puppy mill when she was a puppy so Lasha truly saw mom as a GOD, it ticked the dog off that she was forced to swallow that pill though, lol. Gotta love stubborn dogs, all that personality in a little body. Glad to hear our muffy is gonna be ok. :o) Hugs to you my friend.

  10. Wow I am so amazed at how your animal paintings. You bring out such life in each one.

  11. your painting is looking great. you certainly have that fluffy puppy look at the moment :)

    really hope she starts getting better soon. tiny dogs dont have a lot of weight to lose :/

  12. Hi Neesie, so glad to hear you have a diagnosis for Muffy and that things are progressing in the right direction. Oh boy, you certainly have your hands full with the medication-giving... good luck with that!
    I love your painting of Muffy in her two ages, a lovely idea and so gorgeous looking already!
    Cheers now and I'm off to catch up on some of your posts I would have missed with my absence :D)

  13. Awe what a tender post. So hard to watch a pup sick you just love them so much. I can't tell you how glad I am that you are her mum.. Your beautiful painting is just wonderful. Can't wait to see the finished project! Always sending love to you and your sweet Muffin!

    Big hugs Giggles

  14. I love your painting!! It is going to be amazing! Your workspace is fabulous, too! How wonderful to look out the window as you create!! I hope this week finds your little darling improving quickly! :)

  15. Sending good wishes to Muffin ...
    I do hope you see improvement soon

    All the best Jan

  16. Lovely work. Praying for your little furry friend to get better soon. ((hugs))

  17. Gorgeous picture of her. Family is always so precious and when one is down, we all rally round. (((hugs))), Love and Blessings, Janet


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