Many of you have kindly been asking how Muffin got on with travelling from one side of the world to the other. Well let me tell you she did extremely well...thanks to Jet Pets.
The fact that it cost more to transport her than it has for us to ship our car across, has nothing to do with it!
She's worth every penny and that's all there is to it!
On the day of her departure from Melbourne, we had people all over the house...
...the air freight was being packed in one room and the furniture rental company where in another, so Muffin was having the time of her life meeting and mingling with everyone.
Being the centre of attention is what she loves best!
So when the Jet Pet man came through the door to collect her, she greeted him in her usual enthusiastic way.
I ensured that I had all the paperwork organised and ready to hand over, explaining that if there was anything that needed to be done or said we'd best do it now, because I knew I'd be a complete mess when it came to handing her over. (AND I WAS)
I know some people will laugh at me saying she's just a dog...but believe me she's much more than just a dog to us.
And so the time had come when she had to start her journey (deep breath)
She was completely oblivious as to what was about to happen...
Before she knew it...she was placed very kindly into her crate...but oh boy as you can see she wasn't happy!
To say I was worried is an understatement...but having Jet Pets taking care of all the details, I needn't ...but then that would have been like asking me not to breathe!!!
Their International network of offices and operation centres monitor every step of your pets journey, to and from anywhere on the planet!
Here's some of the features that their International service include:
- A dedicated International Pet Travel Consultant
- Flight booking on the most direct flight to your destination
- Comprehensive itinerary
- Detailed information about your destinations quarantine and customs requirements
- Boarding (if required)
- Arranging an airline approved travel crate – including free Jetpets Stay Dry Fleece
- Expert pet travel advice about any vaccinations your pet may require
- Jetpets Veterinary home visit to provide necessary vaccinations (Melbourne & Sydney)
- Collection in a Jetpets Animal Transport Vehicle (if required)
- Access to Jetpets Transit Lounge (pre flight)
- Health check by Jetpets Veterinarian pre flight (Melbourne & Sydney)
- Pet priority check-in at airport
- Delivery of your pet(s) in a Jetpets Animal Transport Vehicle (if required)
- Convenient payment over the phone
- 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year customer service
We actually arrived in the UK the day before Muffin, but that was all part of the plan...I wanted to be there when she was delivered.
I won't tell you how many times I checked the driveway for her arrival.
You probably wouldn't believe me anyway!
Finally the van chauffeur driven limo arrived...and I was like a whippet out of the traps ^..^
Oh it was so brilliant to see and hear her!
She heard my voice and wanted OUT!!!
We were actually staying at my sister's house for that first week of our return home and she has a fantastic garden which Muffin immediately enjoyed...stretching her legs.
Here's Muffin taking it all in...her first few hours in the UK.
She landed at 5.30am and was with us by 3pm after going through all the checks and procedures.
You would never know that she had done that journey...and possibly had a little holiday romance along the way. Apparently I believe there had been a little Jack Russell who had accompanied her on the same flight!
I'm saying nothing just in case Zac reads this post...he'd be terribly upset.
Thankfully I'd also organised to pack some of the Aussie sunshine into our freight which made the transition that much easier.
We had an overnight stay in Edinburgh at my daughters on the way up...which reinforced our suspicion that Muffin and cats wouldn't get on. My daughter has two (one being a rag-doll which is twice the size of Muffy) but thankfully we were able to keep them separate by the glass lounge door!
There was spitting, arched backs and yelping but all safely from a distance.
And so finally one week and 12,000 miles later we finally arrived home.
Here's Mufftypup on her new look out post!
The trouble is we are on a country lane so there's not a lot happening for most of the time.
Shh...let's not disillusion her.
But look at the off leash park! :D
Can you spot her?
Can you spot her?
I'm rather nervous about foxes, buzzards and all the other beasties, but it's great to see her enjoying the freedom.
She was very adventurous to begin with...especially once she was on a scent!
It's amazing just how deaf she can be if she's on a trail...forget all the training...she's oblivious.
It didn't help to alleviate my concerns when we first arrived that there were three dead rabbits dotted around the garden. Something appears to like furry little things!'s good :D's good :D own that's special!
Not sure about so many things...the latest is the busy bees visiting the clover flowers
(yes I know we need to cut the grass, but we've been knee deep in packing boxes...we'll get there)
We've now started training in 'how NOT to eat a bee'
This could take some time...
So we'll leave Muffy here enjoying the sun going down...
Finally I thought I'd post this view of a bee visiting the Delphinium in the garden.
I actually planted them before we left the house all those years ago.
It seems strange to see them all grown up!
Just before I go...I'd just like to thank everyone who nipped across to see 'Little Wandering Wren's' Blog.

I hope you have a great week.
well you brought me to tears but I ended up smiling, what an adventure, you must be exhausted, I do believe you brought the Aussie sun with you as I hear its been a heat wave for weeks in the UK, of course you my dear friend bring the sunshine where ever you go, welcome home,
ReplyDeleteOh Laurie, what a lovely thing to say ;D
DeleteThank you so're not so bad yourself you know! lol
It's all surreal being here, but it feels right.
I can't believe that Muffy has settled in so well. She's loving exploring everywhere. We've had some great walks already ^..^
It's a fantastic home/location and we're all feeling it has been a good decision to return here.
It's great to see you again....have a wonderful week.
Well, Muffy, you certainly know how to travel in style. Trust you are not too broken hearted at the early demise of your holiday romance! Enjoy your new home all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do have my standards Margaret ^..^
DeleteI'm afraid I couldn't possibly comment on handsome Jackie (whoops!) What happens on tour stays on tour!!!
Yes I think I'll like staying here...I know where my dish and bed are, so everything's fine AND the sun's been shining too!
Have a good week and thanks for visiting me ;D
Me again - I did go to little wren - but couldn't leave a comment as I don't do google plus - just google....
Bless you Margaret...I'll make sure that Little Wren knows that you visited. Thanks :D
DeleteLovely to see Muffin she is a real wee Trooper... she done so well with all that traveling, I had tears in my eyes at the part when you had to hand her over...You both have made it & are back together again...Loved the post Nessie... Hugs May x x x
ReplyDeleteI sometimes feel guilty about what we've asked of her...but thankfully she doesn't seem to hold anything against us and seems happy enough.
DeleteI'm sorry I brought you to tears but then you know I'd have a happy ending! It was so tough handing her over and putting all your trust in others to ensure her safety...but sometimes you just have to do it. Thankfully Jet Pet did a brilliant job.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the post...they'll be a castle wedding coming soon ;D
Enjoy your week and hopefully now I have super-dooper internet I'll be able to visit you soon.
Take care xoxo
Muffy has certainly settled in, she looks like she's having a great time in her new home. The Jet Pet man looked like a doggy lover but it would have been terrible for you to let her go. It sounds like she might have had a good time on the trip though, the cheeky thing, I hope she used protection :) The fields look glorious and the flowers are gorgeous, despite the bees (he he), poor Muffy. Enjoy getting reacquainted with you house.
Muffy is enjoying life indeed Von,
DeleteThe Jet Pets guy was so good both with her and dealing with an emotional wreck! He takes his own dog (a female lab) in the van to help keep the other dogs calm.
She's keeping very quiet about the trip for obvious reasons, but I know she had company...and that's all I'm saying ;D
She's very fickle but then Zac already knows that!
I love the bees and have been so surprised to see so many because I had heard that they were on the decline here in the UK.
I'm even contemplating getting a beehive! I've just got to convince my hubby he'd be okay collecting the honey. He can have the suit and all that so what's the problem? We go through so much honey each week and they only seem to sell titzy-witzy bottles's got to be more cost effective....ZZZzz zzZZZzzz!
It's amazing how relaxed and right this place feels. There's something very special about being home. I just never realised.
Have a fun week and I'll be across to see you soon...pop that kettle on!
Wow, I'm booking my next return flight to the Uk with Jet Pets - what shall I be, no longer a whippet, maybe more of an Old English Sheepdog these days! I like the sound of a dedicated International Travel Consultant and priority check-in...!! Loved the bee on the Delpinium, clever photography and lovely blog Neesie. Wrenxx
ReplyDeleteHey I would too! If we hadn't been flying business class we'd certainly have tried to book in with them. ^..^
DeleteAhh...Old English Sheep dogs...don't you just love them? I used to want one so badly when we first got married that we actually borrowed one to take on a day trip to Wales. We all have a brilliant time but I can't help feeling guilty when I think back to how matted, covered in mud, grass and generally half the country-side caught up in his coat when we handed him back!
We virtually rang the door bell and ran!
I really liked that photo of the bee too. I can confess I took about 24 before I caught him...he was such a busy bee!
Thanks for popping's always great to see you ;D
Hope your week is going well and just gets better as the weekend approaches.
Welcome back to the UK. And Welcome Muffy. Glad you had some nice weather but sadly today (here anyway) it appears to be changing. Ah well, British summers never do last long. Must not grumble!
ReplyDeleteHugs, Neet (who planned a barbie for today!)
Thanks for the lovely welcome Neet,
DeleteYep the weather has been fabulous but as you say it's changed today. The Scottish mist has landed.
I'm not actually sure if its mist or fog! :$
Nah...I'm with you...I'm determined not to grumble no matter what.
We enjoyed nearly two weeks of incredible summer weather so that was a bonus.
It is what it is...I just need to remember life back in the Middle East when I missed all the changes in the weather.
So bring it on!
Oh dear planning a barbie...hmm...that's where you went wrong should know you never plan a barbie.
You just have to be spontaneous and go for it when conditions dictate! LOL
Good luck but you never said what time we should arrive?
Have fun xoxo
Looks like a good place to be, and so good that your four footed friend had such a good journey and arrived safely, too! Valerie
ReplyDeleteYep it's all good her Valerie,
DeleteI hope it is in your part of the world too ;D
Thanks for popping by...I plan to get some visiting during this week so hopefully see you soon.
Hi needier
ReplyDeleteI think I have missed a few post and didn't realise you had landed over here. Love the story I did a sharp intake of breath at the thought of handing her over for the journey but she seems to have taken it all on her stride and seems very happy. I don't care what people say they are not just dogs
Hi Janet,
DeleteYes all good thankfully ;D
It was so much easier than when we transported her from the Middle East to Australia and she had to do a month of quarantine. I just wouldn't do that to her again, so as you can imagine I was very relieved when the laws changed here.
I'm so glad you agree about not just being a dog ^..^
Have a great week and see you again soon...I'll be whizzing around the blogosphere soon.
Muffy's adventures are as great as a novel. So glad the JRT was there to keep her company on the flight. JetPets sounds wonderful. She had her own valet and everything.
ReplyDeleteI know she is not "just a dog." She is family and I truly understand that. Boo hisss to anyone who does not understand.
Glad your family is altogether and safe and sound.
A book! Oh please don't let her hear you Boo...she's such a diva as it is. She'll have a ghost writer recruited before you can say 'dogs dinner' ^..^
DeleteWe couldn't fault Jet Pets. I certainly can recommend them. When she arrived it was like she'd just been to the local park for a few hours! I wasn't sure what I expected and had various scenarios playing in my head, but she looked just the same as when she'd left me.
If anyone doesn't understand about dogs then they don't know what they are missing or have never had a dog. They give so much more back than we can ever give them.
Thanks for your lovely good wishes.
I'll be back visiting soon so stand by and maybe pop that kettle on.
I was delighted to read this entire post about Muffy's adventures. And--yes--she was worth every penny! If she ever catches a bee I bet she won't catch another one--OMG! But the dead rabbits--now that is worrisome. What would kill them and not eat them or carry them off? How strange. Well, I have heard of dogs that would kill rabbits for sport. ?? Scary!
ReplyDeleteHi Rita,
DeleteI'm so happy to hear you enjoyed reading my post. That's what it's all about isn't it? ;D
I agree she was worth every penny and I didn't begrudge one single cent.
As to the eating of bees...apparently I've heard that being stung once doesn't put some dogs off trying to catch another! Crazy I know but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case with Muffy because sometimes it appears that the lights are on but there's no-one home! ^..^
Now as to the rabbits...I suppose I didn't make things very clear...whoever or whatever had killed the rabbits really likes them because they ate every bit except the fur!
No-one has been living in the house since March, so I suppose they just got used to dining here and not dragging it I feel we've covered this subject for long enough don't you agree! Yuk!
Suffice to say my son cleared the debris and there's been no new incidents since.
I'm hoping that Muffy's scent (sorry - cough) perfume will keep any flesh eating beasts at bay!
I hope your week is progressing well...and you're having fun!
See you sometime soon I hope
Loved reading your Muffin journey post and seeing your wonderful photos of Zac's betrothed. Now, as you know, Zac is a verrrry clever dog who can not only talk but now reads. He managed to somehow read over my shoulder about Muffin's suspected travel romance. I explained to him that she is a lady and was sure she wouldn't entertain the idea of playing up with another 'fella'. He was mollified to some degree and the subject won't be mentioned again. Hehe xoxo
DeleteHey everyone...let me introduce Zac's owner...YAY!!!!
Oh I know how clever Zac can be, but you're telling me he now reads?!!?? WOW he has come on since we left ;D
Sorry he had to hear the rumours about the assignation, but I'm glad that you were able to pacify him. I'm sure it was just the altitude that sent her a little dizzy. Hmm...a lady...right! :$
So as of now the matter is closed right? ^..^
Have a fantastic week and maybe we'll skype soon. Give Zac a big hug from us.
I know Muffy would love to hear from you all too. xoxo
So happy she made it safe and sound and have to say she looks entirely relaxed and happy about the whole thing... let's hope the weather continues as I suspect she won't be too happy once the weather turns.. and the garden looks amazing.. you must be happy to be home.. always a great feeling...xx
ReplyDeleteDoesn't she just Trace,
DeleteBut as usual she has all of us jumping through hoops for her every need! ^..^
The garden is beautiful and matured in our absence...maybe a little too much in some parts, so I'm going to have a battle on my hands I think. The veg plot might have to wait until next year though ;D
It feels very surreal but right to be home. It's amazing even when you are missing so much from your travels...everything feels comfortable being home.
We are all constantly having flash backs! hehe
Take care and I'll be in touch asap.
Good Luck for Tuesday...I'll be right there with you.
Beautiful pictures and I am in love with Muffy!
Oh no not another one Sandy...she has that ability!
DeleteLittle minx knows she's cute and plays it for all its worth. ^..^
Thanks for stopping by...I really appreciate it and hope to visit you soon.
Have a wonderful weekend whatever you have on your plan ~ enjoy!
It was just so entertaining to read your lovely story about Muffy's long journey. many thanks! I am happy too that all of you have arrived safely now. Enjoy the weekend!
ReplyDeleteHello Stefanie,
DeleteSorry for the delay in replying to your lovely comment. It's been full on here as you can imagine.
We're all settling in nicely now and actually having some time to appreciate being home again.
Muffy seems to have accepted the changes too...her priority is having chicken in her bowl...then she's happy ^..^
Have a great week and hopefully the sun is shining where you are :D
I am with you 110%% They are DEFINITELY NOT "just a dog" in our family either. In fact Hubby told me all about Jet Pets to put my mind at rest when I said to him: we cannot move to the Uk -what about Eddie??!! Indeed the quarantine laws & regs are easier going from Oz to the Uk (we are CRAZY strict here are we not?) than they are the other way around! I can feel your relief ... and she certainly does look like she's settling in well .. then again who wouldn't with a park/play ground like that! I'm feeling a lot better about our "one of these days we too can embark on an adventure to Ol Blighty - pooch and all" dreams!! Have a super weekend lovely lady! xx♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteI have no clue why I missed your comment Angy...well I didn't actually miss it because I remember reading it...I just don't know why I never got to reply. Anyway...I'm here now to rectify that.
DeleteI think Eddie would be fine travelling here with Jet Pets. And there's no quarantine!!! So pack your bags sweetie ^..^
Muffy could tell Eddie all about it!