I've been brought down to earth with a bump today...not a hard bump but a little bump all the same. I've had to close windows due to a rather chilly breeze that is reminding me that yes, we're in Scotland now and not Australia!
Autumn could be coming to call soon.
That's okay because we've been here before, so in good 'Girl Guide' or 'Boy Scout' fashion we're making preparations.
To be honest even if we were in the tropics I think my hubby would still want to chop wood and have real fires. So it's quite fitting that he can indulge in this passion because now thankfully we have a special building allocated just for that precise purpose.
This wood shed is in fact a solid granite out-building.
There had to be some serious clearing out first...not just junk but spiders, humongous webs, abandoned birds nests, broken windows and the door frame.
Plus stacking just a few hundred spare roof tiles we've inherited.
We contemplated dismantling the old stove inside but decided that we'd leave it in. It was doing no harm and I love to have old things with a little history around me...don't you?
So once everywhere was clear in came the wood palettes.
Apparently according to 'woody' sorry my hubby, you need to stack the wood in a certain way and have it elevated off the floor with good air flow in order that it can carry on drying out!
Yes Dear!
This photo on the bottom left is the side view of the building.
Hey...did you notice that sunlight?
Sorry, I just thought I'd point that out to everyone that thinks it never shows it's face in Scotland!
Right the 'Des Res' for logs is ready and waiting...
After intensive research...(I kid you not peeps)...my hubby contacted numerous a local company to arrange delivery of a substantial amount of hardwood.
Yep hardwood is the best apparently.
Are you still with me...?
Enter Bob and Charlie...
Yes I know that's a lot of logs but let me tell you they didn't just drop off this load, they returned three (or was it four) times!
I have to say that I've never met such great guys who have pride in their work and a passion for what they're doing. I'm sorry to say there's quite a few cowboys out there and it was so refreshing doing business with these guys.
All the wood is dry and beautifully cut.
Hubby was well impressed although I suspect he wasn't sure to be pleased or not because his chopping skills wouldn't be needed now.
I had visions of him tucked away in the woodshed for months!
Bob and Charlie have given it so much thought that they even cut 'lady logs' so that there's no excuse ladies are able to handle them with ease!
Now isn't that thoughtful...?
I need to say I'm not so sure about this caring act because as we progressed with stacking the logs my hubby suddenly remembered that he'd got something incredibly important that just had to be tended to in town and promptly disappeared! %$#@
Now if the logs hadn't been delicate lady logs but big bloody bloke logs then I wouldn't have been able to spend the next 7 hours moving them off the driveway would I ?!!?!!
The Silver Soft-top came in very handy I have to say...
Plus I did have help it has to be said...my son and his muscles came in very handy.
We even had time to play 'Jenga'
(Remember air flow...in order for the wood to carry on drying out...sigh)
And even after that many logs, we still have space for more...rumour has it that more might be delivered next week.
I'm sure I'll be washing my hair when it lands!
As I mentioned above...both Bob and Charlie are great guys so they deserve success.
(oops I should perhaps mention here that I'm not receiving any reward, remuneration etc for this post...there that clears that up...just in case you wondered)
Because they're not content to reap the rewards of their success solely for themselves ...they're wanting to pass it on.
For every 20 truck loads of logs sold they are going to donate a full truck of logs to worthy causes through charitable organisations...ie old people, people with young families or just anyone in need of a little helping hand.
People who may struggle with their heating bills this coming winter.
Now I think that's brilliant and it is so refreshing to hear.
With aching limbs, taut biceps and triceps, broken nails and unbelievably weary I went to see where we'd stock any excess wood...and look what I found at the rear of the building...1906!
As you could see in the photos above the sun was shining beautifully on that day and in fact generally since we arrived it's been brilliant. We've even managed to eat al-fresco on many occasions which is unbelievable really. I never expected that when we left Melbourne...I thought we might be lucky on the odd occasion, but not six nights in a row in that first week. It was surreal.
But as expected it's beginning to get a little chilly at night. Not too chilly...just the type that makes you want to light a fire to settle down to relax in front of for the evening.
Hey come on...we now have wood and we're not afraid to use it!
Here's our family room wood burner and inglenook....now how's that for escape to the country?
(That's a little wave to all my Aussie friends out there that adore watching the programme 'Escape to the Country'...I never knew it was so popular until I mentioned that we were going home and the house was in the country)
See those logs roar...those ladies are the bizz!
Unfortunately Bob and Charlie don't have a website, so I can't link you to them.
A website is on their plan, but at the moment they're just too busy chopping wood.
Hey...I've just realised maybe I shouldn't have mentioned them because now you all may want your logs from them and they might run out!!!
Have a great week and thanks for popping by everyone.
Oh yeah...if anyone likes to stack wood then just let me know?

Yeah I know...you're washing your hair too!
now thats Fall t me, we burned wood for our heat 30 years, I know exactly the pleasure and the pain, thank you for sharing, beautiful wood!!!
ReplyDeleteHi there Laurie,
DeleteI saw your little flag spinning around on my globe when I nipped in to edit this post, so I knew you were there ;D
As you say there's certainly pleasure and pain with this job.
Come on in next time...the kettles never far from boiling.
I must away to light tonight's fire before we settle down to dinner. It's all go :D
Have a fabulous week whatever you're up to in your nest.
See you soon xoxo
Hi Neesie, now that's a woodshed to be proud of, as are your stalwart efforts to stack those lady logs too. Shame on your DH to leave you to it ... for 7 whole hours!!! We've noticed that it has turned a tad chilly down here in Ayr too, but with no wood burning stove to turn to we've had to resort to our central heating ... so much easier to flick a switch, even if it doesn't create quite the same ambiance as your stove :) You do sound as though you are settling in and preparing for our Scottish winter well ... hope you've looked out your thermal undies :)) Elizabeth xx
ReplyDeleteOh don't worry Elizabeth...my DH has suffered since! ;D
DeleteAs to the ease of flicking on the central heating...I'm all for that and thankfully we have that too, but at the moment it's just not cold enough for it. I suspect we'll become well acquainted soon enough.
I can't recommend using a wood burner enough. They are fantastic and just tick away gently spreading their heat plus they look so cute and especially wonderful to gaze at too.
I persuaded my sister to get one, but her hubby wasn't convinced until it was in and running. Now it's certainly won him over! :D
I do hope we've a little way to go before winter does come to call...but rest assured my thermals are never far!
I don't like to feel cold...never have...never will.
Fingers crossed we'll have an Indian Summer and September will bring all it's splendor.
Have a great week and thanks for popping in.
Your log guys sound great and I wish them success. That wood shed is quite a handsome little building and your glowing fireplace/wood stove is very charming and welcoming.
ReplyDeleteThanks on all accounts there Terra,
DeleteI do love the little woodshed ;D
We had another gorgeous fire again last night which makes me think perhaps winter won't be so bad after all. But we'll see.
I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a mild one though :D
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.
I hopefully will manage to visit you soon
Hi Neesie
ReplyDeletewow that is some wood shed even my handyman was impressed and a lot of chopping , well done guys.... and Neesie.
I hope you have the chair closest to the fire
How well you know me Janet...my chair is indeed the closest to the fire and woe betide anyone who gets near it! ;D
DeleteI hope your week is going well...enjoy.
I'm a wee bit far away to help you stack that wood, but I can cheer you on! I somehow missed that you moved. I always thought living in Scotland would be something I'd like. I enjoyed seeing the wood shed, but I really liked the last picture. It looks so warm and homey. We still have summer going her on the East Coast of the US, but I have my dreams set on fall. I do like the cooler weather, sweaters (jumpers) and boots. Have a good week!
ReplyDeleteHi Patrice,
DeleteYeah...the last photo is the reward part for all the hard work ;D
There's nothing better than sitting back and relaxing gazing into the flames.
We're not depending on it as a sole heating device as we have central heating too for when winter does come, but for now its just lovely to take the chill out of the house for an evenings relaxation.
We're still summer here but sometimes it can still feel chilly...especially if you haven't been to Scotland for over 12 years!
I love the cooler weather too. May and September are my favourite months.
I hope you have a good week too. xoxo
That's an awful lot of wood there, makes me think it's going to be a long cold winter, brrr but what a huge fire place. Oops, that should be inglenook, I love Escape to the Country too so I'm getting the terminology slowly. Your wood shed "out building" (nearly said outhouse he, he)is fabulous. I do love the old buildings you get there, old here is from the 70's :) I really hope those guys get heaps of orders, they are really lovely donating to the people less fortunate, they deserve good things. I hope hubby rubbed your shoulders after all that work, the cheeky devil running off like that.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the warm weather while you can.
I call it a fireplace too Von ;D
DeleteNah I've heard that winter this coming year is going to be perfect...not to cold and not too wet! I think then I woke up! lol
I can't believe you know about 'outhouses' or would you call it 'The Dunny'. Aren't we funny to have so many different words but we know what we mean.
Don't worry Von, my hubby suffered and has been suffering since he returned. I'm just waiting to see if he's available for the next delivery. He's got the excuse that he'll be in work but it may all just sit there until he is free!
I'm about to spend the day in the garden...pruning and having fun planning with the sun shining brightly.
Ahh...not bad at all. :D
Have a great day and I've just realised it's Wednesday so enjoy desk hopping. I'll be across shortly.
I think this is your best post ever. You are a great writer. I wish I could sit in front of that fire with you and just chat. Your house in the country must be fantastic. I love your stove/nook.
ReplyDeleteI think you might want to plan additional activities besides hair washing. Maybe a facial, soaking your feet, a massage... If more wood arrives, I think you need plans to be busy for 7 more hours. Watch your elbows... even lady logs could give you tendentious. Thanks for the smile first thing in the morning.
REALLY Boo? Oh how you make my heart sing saying that.
DeleteI'm truly thrilled. :D
I'm always bothered that my writing isn't good enough or that I miss so many mistakes because it's either late, time restraints or for whatever reason. Mostly my head is moving far faster than my fingers and I can touch type rather quickly, so that gives you some indication where my head is most of the time! ;D
It would be lovely to have you come over and sit with a cuppa for a while, chatting and watching the flames. Although today the sun is shining and it's around 18 degrees, so I probably won't be lighting the fire tonight.
We are really happy here in our(old)home and it feels we've made the right decision to return. It is rather special.
Not sure if I'll still feel like this come winter, but we'll see.
You made me smile too with your comment about getting my activities sorted and booked before the logs arrive. I like all of your ideas and they are duly noted.
I've also noted your remark on elbows because when I was cutting branches from a huge hedge yesterday I did feel my elbow ping!
I think I'll work on this ready for the delivery day...But that's just between you and me! REALLY Boo? Oh how you make my heart sing saying that.
Carry on smiling until we chat again xoxo
Hi Neesie Gosh I should think you Guys all sleep well at night, with all the hard work you are putting into making your home your own again after all these years away! I love all the little glimpses of your house and new (old) life. We also have had our real (gas) fire on tonight, we are in Winter here after all - one click of the remote and the fire jumps into action!!! Not quite the same I know....!!! We do have real fireplaces in three rooms here, and a chimney pot on the roof but if we ever saw smoke coming out of the top we'd have to call the fire brigade as each chimney has been blocked off...! Sooooo lovely to have warmed my toes by your real fire - thank you! Wrenx
ReplyDeleteWe do indeed sleep well Wren. I don't think I've ever worked so physically hard since my aerobics instructors days...and that was many moons ago!
DeleteBut there's something very satisfying about finishing the day with weary muscles but lots of ticks off the 'to do' list ;D
I do like the sound of that remote and wish we had one for many things here not only the log stacking, fire lighting but also gardening, hedge cutting and dinner cooked and ready on the table.
I could do with my name being Mary Poppins...although my finger clicking isn't the best!
I'm glad you stopped by to warm your toes because you warm my heart when you come to visit :D
Have a fantastic week and an even better weekend.
You have a lovely wood shed. Now that the hard work is mostly done, you'll be able to sit back and enjoy.
ReplyDeleteIndeed...I just hope the winter isn't too cold and we just need the fire for atmospheric purposes ;D
DeleteThanks for popping over.
Have a great week and I'll visit soon.
Fabulous post Nessie, You are a right wee trooper all those logs... Love the pic of your wonderful Roaring fire & the log shed is fantastic...It's lovely to see you settling back in your home... Hugs May x x x
ReplyDeleteThanks May,
DeleteYep we're settling in well although I've so many projects in mind I think it might be quite some time before we can just sit back and relax. But there's no hurry so we'll go with the flow when weather and energy permit :D
I hope your Wednesday is going well with lots of desk hopping. I missed this week again but I have managed to draw one 'thank you' card. Well it's a start anyway ;D
I'd get some more deliveries...the winter is long and cold...but I'd find an emergency something or other to do in town. Washing hair doesn't take enough time--LOL!
ReplyDeleteI love that old stone building and the wonderful fire blazing! We've had fall weather since mid-July, which is really unusual. There's nothing like a good fire on a cold, cold night! Looks like you will be prepared...if you get a few more loads--LOL! ;)
Oh don't Rita...brr....just thinking about it makes me shiver ;D
DeleteBut I think you could be right. I think we'll soon go through that pile if it's a bad winter.
We do have central heating and there is a gas fire in one of the rooms so we have other sources of heat...oh and I mustn't forget the Aga! It's not switched on yet as I would melt in the kitchen if we did but it's a lovely thought that it's there ready and waiting for me ;D
Have a fantastic week whatever you're up to...make sure you have fun :D
Oh my goodness, that hours of hard work and tons of wood you had to move. I have to say my heart does little pitter patters just looking at your wonderful woodshed. If it had just a wee bit more light it would be a perfect art studio. Your husband and his logs won this one it seems :-)
I KNOW Darla and my body certainly knew afterwards! ;D
DeleteAn art studio...now I never thought of that...hmm...but I do have other options that I'll be sharing with you later. I'm down but I'm not out!
One is a room in the house, but another is an old barn that needs renovating. We're having lots of discussions on this one and a studio is on the agenda :D
It's a question of watching this space. Once I know what we're doing I'll certainly share it with you all.
For the time being I'll have to work on the temporary tables.
In fact that's where I'm sitting right now and I'm about to draw...WHOOHOO! :D
Have a great day and see you soon
First I do love Scotland - Beautiful country. And I love winter most of all. I love old building and I love your family room with the wood burning stove. Yes hard wood is the best. I do love your posts although I don't comment all the time. This was certainly fun to see and read!
Aww bless you Sandy,
DeleteIt's always great to know that people have enjoyed a particular post. It makes it all worthwhile and I have to admit this one did take more time than I expected. If I remember rightly dinner was late that day! ;D
Well there's no sun tonight, so I think I may well light a fire ready for this evening's relaxation session!
Yeah...that sounds good.
Thanks again for taking the time to comment...I really appreciate it.
Enjoy your evening...hopefully relaxing :D
Hi Neesie,
ReplyDeleteTee hee. I think some of those logs need to be split so maybe your husband will get a few swings with the axe. The stacking job looks like perfection. When we first moved to New Mexico some of our family outings were to go out and cut firewood. Yikes. We had one chimney fire which was quite exciting.
How cool that you found 1906 on the building - love all things historical.
I'm glad that you've had some days of sun - maybe it will help with the transition into winter?
Thanks for visiting me. I've missed not blogging (or visiting blogs) and decided that I need to just jump right back in.
Hello Kay,
DeleteGreat to see you ;D
Oh I'm sure he'll come up with a plan so that his new axe won't stay shiny for long.
I was thrilled when I found that date. I've recently met an old gentleman that has lived here all of his life...so I hope to perhaps gain some info on the house. I've got old photographs from the builder who transformed the little wee cottage into what it is today.
The transition from Melbourne hasn't been bad at all really. We've just settled right in ;D
I didn't realise you haven't been blogging because I've been a little distracted to say the least!
I hope you have a fabulous weekend and thanks for stopping by...it's always lovely to see you.
You have really been busy! Glad you got all the logs stacked before Autumn really gets going up there - sounds like it isn't going to be long in coming.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week.
Margaret #69
Well we actually had a beautiful day yesterday...so summer's still hanging in there.
DeleteI'm hoping for an Indian summer during September. Well I can hope ;D
Thanks for popping by Margaret. Great to see you
Enjoy your weekend whatever to get up to
What a beautiful beautiful spot you have! I love the woodshed, so glad you left the romantic stove. Poor you for seven hours hauling logs. Now put your feet up and get toasty! Thank you for your comment on my blog.
ReplyDeleteHello Gloria,
DeleteYep its a very special spot. I didn't want to leave it years ago and did wonder if I'd ever get back so it's wonderful to be here.
We've actually had a few fires since the logs arrived. Nothing too toasty...just ticking over to give a warm glow to watch and enjoy.
Thanks for stopping by...Enjoy your weekend :D
Oh this was such a lovely text to read! Many thanks for taking me with you to Scottland and directly into your exciting wood shed. I was suprised of the sunshine too :) Your place looks wonderful! And I envy you so much for your table in your kitchen in front of the big windows and the view onto the fields! And I have also enjoyed the wedding story and all these beautiful photos of the impressing castle!
ReplyDeleteHello Stefanie, it's great to see you and even more so when you leave such a lovely comment :D
DeleteHmm...not sure I agree with the 'exciting' wood shed part though. By the time I'd spent seven hours in there I'd had enough!
I know many people believe that the weather is always terrible in Scotland but that's one of my missions in life...to show just how wonderful and varied the weather can be. Having said that unfortunatley I'm sitting in a heavy fog this morning!
Oh well...it's never dull.
I'm sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop at the moment, so I'm appreciating the view for everyone who may not have a view.
I'm so happy you've enjoyed visiting the Scottish Castle for the wedding. The bride has just written to me, so I now can tell you the honeymoon destinations were London, Rome, Maldives, Dubai and now they are settling in Brisbane, Australia for the next few years.
Well I've lots to tick off my list today so I must dash.
Have a great week whatever you get up to...don't forget to have fun!
I'll be across soon so pop the kettle on ;D
Ok.. picture a fellow blogger reading... NO DEVOURING... every last morsel of this post ... lots and lots of sighing too.... then one great big deep breath as she sees the Inglenook (hope i've spelt that right?) fireplace and then.... plonk..... (that's the teacup dropping) and then .... GADUMPH.... that' the fellow blogger passing out.... from sheer... um... ENVY?
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this DELICIOUSNESS with us mere "Tropic Dwellers" Denise... WE. ARE. GREEN. ♥
(Hello fellow Aussies who are as OBSESSED with Escape to the Country as I am)
Oh Angy you gave me such a laugh with your comment :D
DeleteMy...I've got something to live up to now though....Escape to the country is incredibly popular. Far more than I imagined.
I'll step up to the plate and try to deliver ;D
I've got lots planned so as they say stay tuned to this channel...you ain't seen nothing yet!
Thanks once again for giving me a good chuckle.
Carry on having fun this weekend whatever you have planned.
Enjoy xoxo