Well hello all you lovely WOYWWer's out there...
(which for anyone visiting who doesn't know what 'WOYWW' stands for...
it's 'What's on Your Work desk Wednesday'.
Every Wednesday Julia over at Stamping Ground hosts an artistic/crafting get-together where you can nip around desks from all over the world, to check out what people are creating.
Okay, so it's a great excuse for a good nosy around...hey I'm the first to admit it...I like to take a peek into peoples lives.
WOYWW's are such a talented group and they're so friendly, they'd love you to pop over to see their space...but don't go just yet...take a peek at my space first.
I say space because it is quite literally a space at the moment. I can hardly call it a studio or art room.
I'm having an ongoing argument debate about what this room should be used for...but I've had it in my little head that it was to be MINE ALL MINE!!!
Besides the light is fantastic and I'll need all the light I can get once we head into the winter months...
...end of story!
You can see in the bottom left hand corner of this photo my art supplies, which have yet to be unpacked. One of the cushions on the chair was a gift from friends...the fabric is printed with the area that we lived in whilst in Melbourne. It shows a detailed map and is a fantastic memento.
The large print resting over the fireplace at the moment, is a photographic ariel view of Melbourne, not framed or hung yet, but we'll get there.
This next photo is the view from the other side of the room.
There's my desk which is just perfectly situated for me to keep an eye on the bird feeders.
(Don't look at the curtains...they're about to go)
I'm not sure its a good idea though because I get distracted so easily.
For instance, I was so excited this morning because I had a new visitor....a Great Spotted Woodpecker
(photo courtesy of wikipedia because my photo was just a blur...
but I'll keep working on it assuming he comes back)
ANYWAY...Julia likes us to keep our WOYWW posts brief...oh dear!
(cough) Moving on quickly, I will show you what I've finally managed to draw this week.
If you're a regular visitor here, then you'll know how I've struggled to find the time to fit any art into my day.
But I did manage to draw a few 'thank you' cards for friends that have very kindly given us pressies, for our big move from Melbourne back to the UK.
I wanted to do something Scottish but not a zentangle as such...just a drawing.
So here it is....
I was in two minds whether to 'tangle the leaves but decided in the end to leave them.
Then I was thinking of adding colour, but I think I'll maybe have a play later.
At the moment the top priority was to get the cards into the post.
After all we did leave Melbourne nearly two months ago!
But there's another treat in store for you today...because I have another card to show you.
But I didn't draw this one. It was a fantastic surprise and had travelled all the way from Brisbane to drop through my letterbox. Vonny from VonnyK Art had very kindly sent it to me.
How amazing is this....
Vonny had even researched the 'Allan' tartan because she knows my surname isn't 'Natters'...she's not only a talented artist she's also clever like that!
I love, love LOVE IT!!!!
Look at how light I am on my feet...as well as slim waisted, beautiful shaped legs and there isn't a wrinkle in sight!
How kind....Bless her ♥
But the more astute snoops amongst you will have already noticed that there's a little something extra in the shot. Vonny made a necklace too. She decided to make a chook necklace because that's what we are, a bunch of old chooks she said...but I think she really meant that we're spring chicks!!!
But the more astute snoops amongst you will have already noticed that there's a little something extra in the shot. Vonny made a necklace too. She decided to make a chook necklace because that's what we are, a bunch of old chooks she said...but I think she really meant that we're spring chicks!!!
Yeah that's what she meant!
So there you have my WOYWW for this week peeps...don't forget to nip across to Julia at Stamping Ground to see lots of creativity.
Have fun and thanks for stopping by at my place.
It's always lovely to see you and even better when you leave a comment.
I'll try to visit you all but I can't promise.
Happy WOYWW to you all.

What a sensational room for your wonderful creations AND for spying wonderful bird creations, too! I can't wait to see it all finished, which I know you will take your time doing. The card from Vonny took my breath away!! What fantastic talent she has and a jeweler, too!! Have a great week! Darnell (Having a rest, so not playing this week.)
ReplyDeleteIt's so exciting to think about setting the room up...but it's just a shame other things seem to be of a higher priority!
DeleteI'll get there though ;D
Isn't Vonny a darling sending the card. She wrote a funny comment inside and is so talented. The necklace just makes me smile too.
Thanks for stopping by...enjoy your rest and hopefully you'll be creating again soon.
oh that room would be a glorious studio! Make it happen!! Love your gifts and the tangling. Helen 23
ReplyDeleteI totally agree Helen...so I'm prepared to fight for it! Hehe
DeleteI'll keep you posted with developments!
Thanks for stopping by...enjoy WOYWW
Oh WOW! I know you will turn this room into your own and I know it will be sensational when you have finished. You already have the windows so that's a good start - make a list of 'why's" and "why nots" it would be good for you. Making sure the "nots" are few of course.
ReplyDeleteLove your thistle cards and the card from Vonny.
Hugs, Neet 25 xx (thanks for visiting me)
ps the PO's are a nuisance, be careful.
Morning Neet,
DeleteA list sounds a good plan but someone also suggested that we do share the room initially, but then I just have to spread out...so much so that I encroach on their side and then they finally give in and move out!
Oops I've spoilt it now...my devious plan is revealed! :$
Enjoy WOYWW ~ have fun xoxo
Wow what an amazing amount of space for You all you. Can't wait to see how you set it up and I love the little peek of the garden. I would be distracted time and time again, expecially with those beautiful birds. Have a lovely week.
ReplyDeleteSandra @34
Isn't it just Sandra...and that's why I want it! hehe
DeleteThe garden is a distraction but what a lovely distraction. I don't mind at all really. I could call it inspiration ;D
Have a lovely week yourself.
Enjoy WOYWW and thanks for popping in to visit.
It's always great to see you :D
Nice to see you settling in Denise. Can't wait to see your studio once you have it all sorted and settled. I'm afraid I would be distracted too. I couldn't help it. Such is the personality of a creative person. We cannot help ourselves. xxoo
ReplyDeleteHello Marie,
DeleteIt may be some time before I'm set up but there's no rush...I want to get it right so I'll take my time.
As long as I've got a desk or kitchen table for now I'll be okay ;D
So that's why my mind is like a butterfly...it's all done to my creative mind! Ahhh....that explains a lot.
I like that! :D
Lovely to see you again.
Have a great week and thanks for popping in
Hello Nessie
ReplyDeleteThe thank you card is just right , I really like it
Oh I hope you get that room it looks just lovely
What a pretty bird
Pleased your getting all sorted out now your back
Jackie 39
Hello Jackie,
DeleteYes I'm getting there but as I've said...there's lots on the plan and it will take some time to get where we want but there's no hurry.
Enjoy WOYWW ~ have fun and thanks for stopping by to say 'Hi' ;D
Oh what a wonderful room that window will be perfect and what lovely card you have made and the one from Vonny how wonderful. Love the chicken necklace
ReplyDeleteHi Sandy,
DeleteI know I'm very lucky to have such a room available. I plan to fully appreciate it ;D
Thanks for your lovely comment. I think Vonnys card is brilliant and I'm so thrilled she took the time and effort to make and send it to me :D
It's in pride of place now on the mantle piece of the 'STUDIO' hehe
What a lovely room & would make a fab craft studio. How luck to see such a wonderful bird . Happy woyww Jill #53
ReplyDeleteThat's what I think Jill, the light is perfect especially in the morning ;D
DeleteI know I'm lucky and that's why I like to share it. It adds to the pleasure.
Thanks for stopping by my space (can't say desk)
a new craft room is soooo exciting!! and it's fun for us to see it developing...
ReplyDeleteI reckon, i'd have a desk in the bay window as well, for times when you don't want to be distracted by your pretty feathered visitors :)
happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 38
I KNOW Claire, I can hardly contain myself! lol
DeleteYou have my thoughts entirely...desk in the bay window or easels. The desk at the moment is just shoved into the corner but when I sat down to sort some cards out I just looked up and there was a perfect view of the feeders.
Pure coincidence really :D
Thanks for popping over and leaving a lovely comment...have fun with WOYWW
Oh Neesie, I'm in love with that room. I've already mentally moved in and my two easels are in the bay window,the lights perfect. Damn, I forgot that you are across the world now, might take more than a cut lunch to come and paint. Your thistle is absolutely gorgeous, just perfect for Scotland, so glad you had time to do it. I love that cute birdie, they sure are different to the birds we get here. Hey, you could start drawing all the beautiful birds that come to visit your garden :)
ReplyDeleteI so pleased you liked the card. It's not that I didn't paint the wrinkles, I just painted the real you. Spring chickens sounds a lot better than the old chooks I thought we were (he he).
Have a fantastic week.
Von # 41
You can come and paint anytime ;D
DeleteOops but I've just remembered what you can do with paint...I have a sudden vision of a multi-coloured splattered room! hehe
I would have liked to have given more thought and taken more time to come up with a design, but in the end I just wanted to get something onto the cards.
Each one is a little different as I've drawn them which is quite interesting seeing them evolve.
Thanks for yet more ideas on what I can draw ie all the birds and last time you wrote...castles! But they are all hard subjects Von!
Unfortunately I'm not up to your standard :(
Keep clucking my wee chook and enjoy WOYWW
Great post Neesie. You made me smile. How exciting to be setting up your new craft room. I really wish I had your view! I can only see the roof of the carport ;-). What a fab card from Vonny. A true friend indeed ;-) I hope my pals have their wrinkle free glasses on when they look at me ha ha. Hope you find lots of time for crafting and family once you are all settled in. Thank you for popping by. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 27 x
ReplyDeleteThanks Helen,
DeleteI know how lucky I am to have this place and many others don't have a view, so that's why I like to share. Even if it is only for a quick visit ;D
Isn't Von lovely...oops just realised she's probably reading this ...oh well too late now I've said it!
I think if your friends notice any wrinkles then they're not real friends! Someone (rather young and wrinkle-less) once said to me "but I love the fact you get wrinkles because that shows you've lived, laughed and experienced life"
I think I obviously pull too many faces! :$
Thanks for stopping by...happy WOYWW
If I would had a room like that, I would claim it too :) Mine all mine ;) Uniflame - 95
ReplyDeleteThat's my plan...MMmmmhhhhhaaaaaaa!
Delete(that's an evil laugh just in case your not sure whether my typing has gone crazy) ;D
Well my hubby has his garage or as he calls it his 'nerve centre'
so there's no argument.
Case closed! :D
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
I have Australian friends so I know what a chook is. :) I vote you get that whole room just for you. Not sure my vote matters but you still have it. Your thank you card is wonderful and you do look very light on your feet.
ReplyDeleteOops I forgot to explain that a chook is a hen in Australian. Thanks for reminding me Boo.
DeleteI normally explain that but maybe because I've used that expression so often here, I just forgot. I think chook sounds much better than hen don't you?
Anyway, I'm so pleased to receive your vote. I'll be sure to add it to all the others. Thanks ;D
I think I'm nearly floating on air on Von's card I'm so light on my feet! She's been very kind :D
Have a great week ~ hopefully with lots of creativity!
A fabulous room for crafty pursuits! Love the large window. Love your drawing and vonny's too! I'm in awe of anyone who can draw. Enjoy the sunshine! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #21
ReplyDeleteHi Nan,
DeleteI wasn't going to show the other side of the room this week, but then it's such a great window and I thought everyone might like to see it in it's nakey (no dressing up just empty!)
I love to draw but I'm terrible at giving myself enough time and therefore tend to rush things. I really should know better by now :$
Thanks for stopping in my space...Have a great time with WOYWW.
Enjoy xoxo
oh my , what an amazing room, art will flow from this room, the gift from your friend is perfect, its beautiful!Looks just like you!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh I do hope so Laurie,
DeleteMaybe you could nip over to help me get started. I'm sure if I watched you for a wee while I'd be knee deep in canvas before I knew it! ;D
Hehe looks just like me in my dreams hehe...natures very cruel at times! lol
No seriously I think Vonny's done a fantastic job and she says she can't 'do' people HA! (yeah right Von)
Thanks for popping over...I'm trying to get to visit but every time I go to move away I have another visitor.
Kettles on a constant boil!!!
What a sensational room. You get so much light from that huge window. I love that card you rec'd, and the one you made. Happy crafting #3
ReplyDeleteThanks for your lovely comment Regina,
DeleteIt's great to get feedback especially when it's so positive.
I'm looking forward to many hours appreciating the room ;D
Happy crafting to you too ~ enjoy WOYWW xoxo
That looks the perfect craft space to me, lovely light and woodpeckers too! So you have been in Oz and now returned to the UK... and I have been in the UK and am now in Oz... LOL Love the Vonny card, how lovely and the chook necklace too! Have a good week! Annette #9
ReplyDeleteI was like a little child at Christmas when I first saw the woodpecker. I remember there used to be one here when we last lived here, so maybe it's son of son? (#sonofsonofsonofsonetc?)
DeleteI'm going to nip back to be your latest follower Annette, so that I can keep up with your Oz adventure.
Have a great week too and enjoy that spring weather...I believe it's warming up nicely :D
Happy WOYWW xoxo
Well now that's a stunning room and I agree, the light is perfect just for you so quick make a hanging that says 'Neesie's' and hang it on the door!! No desk from me, there isn't anything to see, well there is, but I can't share it yet! But I am popping in to say hello to some of my fav desk shairng friends! Take care Zo xx
ReplyDeleteNow that's a brilliant idea....hang my name on the door!
DeleteOh it all sounds very intriguing there Zo...not showing your desk. Keeping us all in suspenders eh? :O
I'm glad to have you pop in...it's always good to see you.
Take care yourself and have fun desk hopping!
I must away now to design my name plate! ;D
I would grab that beautiful space up in a heart beat! That woodpecker is gorgeous!!
Hi Sandy,
DeleteYep that's my plan...I'm not waiting I'm just going to own it for myself. ;D
Hubby took the garage space (sorry nerve centre as he calls it) so in my book he's made his choice! lol
The woodpecker has been back every day since I first spotted him. He's obviously delighted with the menu!
Have a wonderful Wednesday...have fun
You have a beautiful place to craft. I too love watching the birds from my window as I craft, and yes, sometimes it's more bird watching and less crafting....You are a talented artist, I wish I could draw, but thanks to rubber stamping, I at least get to color! Won't it be wonderful in the winter to sit by the fire and look out at your garden as it sleeps. That's when I get tons of crafting done. Happy Crafting!
ReplyDeleteHi Mary,
DeleteThanks for calling in and leaving such a lovely comment. I'm typing at the kitchen table at the moment and have just looked out into the back field (last time I entered WOYWW I posted a photo of the view, just in case you missed it) and the swallows or swifts are swooping low over the grass. They are brilliant aeriel acrobatics! I'm never sure whether they are swifts or swallows.
Someone once mentioned that my designs would make great rubber stamps, but I'm not sure how or who I should contact. I keep thinking I do some research but never get to it!
Now I can't believe that you've actually got me looking forward to winter and all that it will bring...it sounds wonderful.
Happy crafting to you too...enjoy!
I love your "distraction" at your work desk. Love watching the birds. Your drawing is really cool. I like the leaves not "tangled". And your card.... beautiful coloring! Happy WOYWW!
ReplyDeleteCarol N #105
No matter what window I sit near I find 'distractions' Carol,
DeleteWhat does that say about me I wonder? ;D
Thanks for your lovely comment. I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by.
Happy WOYWW to you too :D
Sorry Carol...unable to send an email to you.
DeletePost Master error message but I'm not sure why?
Oooh! Love the card and necklace from VonnyK. I'm jealous of your new space that is your, yours, all yours. It is a nice blank canvas with which to scatter your art supplies--in an artful manner of course. I like your drawing as well. Even though you say it isn't a zentangle, I think it looks very zentangly.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous isn't it ;D
DeleteI've reported back just how many girlies agree with me over the room...and I think he's running scared now! hehe
I'm having trouble moving away from the 'tangley thing. I didn't even want to zentangle in the first place...it just appeared from my pen!
Thanks for stopping by...it's great to see you again
Have a fantastic time desk hopping and I'll be across soon
Hi Neesie
ReplyDeleteI can see why you want to room all to yourself but as I think I have said before you wont get anything done because the view is so amazing.
love the thistle I think one of the leaves could have some zentangling although they look a bit like it anyway, Vonnys card and necklace are fab.
good luck with the unpacking
janet #47
Hehe...I think you could be right Janet,
DeleteThere's always something to watch. I'm going to have to make some blinkers for myself!
I didn't intend to do a 'tangle design but they keep coming out! Maybe I just need to carry on and embrace it in the hope that I finally work it out of my system and can move on ;D
Thanks for your lovely comment and taking the time out to visit me. It's always great to see you
Enjoy WOYWW xoxo
Oh that Vonnie is so clever, and ahem, really nearly right about the old chooks...from this seat anyway! Love your thistle cards, and I already know that your Melbourne friends will not even have thought about the time it takes to get a card! It's hard isn't it, settling in. But if you need help defending your position over that room, am betting there are a lot of us deskers who will cheerfully attest to your need for it. Space and light. You're going to miss the light for sure, huh!
ReplyDeleteShh...don't tell anyone Juliet! I'm still in denial over the age and numbers thing...I've never been good with numbers so I'm just not adding them every year! ;D
DeleteWe are surprisingly settled already because the house and area aren't new to us. That helps I think.
It will take years to do all that we'd like so I'm not stressing over it...only MY ROOM!
I think all the WOYWW gang have got him running for the ropes Julia...I told him that you're all behind me and agree it should be mine all mine!!!!
Oh don't mention the light...but I must admit I've been quite surprised with it since we arrived. I was even waking at 4am a few weeks ago because it was so light. I know it'll be a different story perhaps in winter but the East coast does seem to get better weather. Well I'm hoping anyway! :$
Thanks for taking time out to pop across. I know how many you try to visit so I really appreciate it.
Thanks for hosting...you must be so proud of your achievement to get a little community up and running!
(Pat on the back)
Enjoy your week and hopefully it'll be full of creativity! :D
Happy WOYWW!!! lovely new space!!
ReplyDelete-Tera #111
Happy WOYWW to you too Tera
DeleteThanks for stopping by :D
Fabulous post, Neesie. The thistle is great - and what a lovely gift from Vonny. A real treasure. I love the room - I would forsee huge contests between hubby and I over what the room should be used for!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week - you are so obviously well settled in.
Margaret #37
Hi Margaret,
DeleteYeah...things are all slotting into place but there's a huge list of things to tick off. No hurry though :D
I do feel very privileged to have such a special gift from Vonny. It's wonderful to have such a delight pop through your letter box and to think how far it has travelled.
Enjoy WOYWW and desk hopping.
I'm going to try to scoot about later today to see what everyone's up to...so pop the kettle on ;D
WOW...This room will make a fabulous studio for you...the view & light is perfect, Love your thistle & fabulous card from Vonnie... Have a great week.... Hugs May x x x
ReplyDeleteThanks May,
DeleteI know the room will be great and that's why I picked it. The light first thing in the morning is great. Well it is now but not sure how it will be in winter.
The sun comes streaming through (if its up and about that is?)
Lovely to see you...I'll pop across to visit you soon.
Toodleloo for now xoxo
That is such a great room that you must have it! Brilliant card from Vonny and I love the necklace. Hugs. Pam#36
ReplyDeleteI MUST MUSTN'T I Pam!!!!
DeleteI think the penny's sinking in now...I smell a victory! ;D
Love your blog name by the way...and I'll nip across to visit you soon to see what you've been up to.
Thanks for stopping by ~ Enjoy WOYWW
Lovely thistle.
ReplyDeleteYou'll need a tripod and a long lens set up by the window :)
Now there's a thought Laura,
DeleteHmm...my camera is in need of retirement. I must keep that in mind when I finally decide on my replacement.
Thanks for that idea ;D
Happy Belated WOYWW to you too.
Thanks for stopping by...have a great weekend :D
Oh this would make such a fabulous studio. I look forward to seeing the end result when posted.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my desk already
It was my pleasure Kyla,
DeleteYes I think the studio will be great...I just peeked in and the sun is streaming in...just perfect!
I'll be sure to share :D
Enjoy your weekend whatever you get up to and thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. I really appreciate it ;D
Your new space looks fabulous, and I just love that beautiful fireplace. Your card and the pressies from Vonny are all wonderful too. I am with you on being able to see outside whilst crafting and I would love to have woodpeckers in my backyard, what a magnificent looking bird. Hope you have a great week, settling in to your space. Happy WOYWW! Danie #62
ReplyDeleteI'm quite liking the fact that I have an open fire in that room. I can visualize during the winter months the fire roaring whilst I paint with Mufftypup curled asleep at my feet! (Deep sigh)
DeleteI just hope that I can get enough light ;D
'Woody' (I know that's not very original) has been visiting numerous times a day, although he's very shy. Not like the other smaller birds that just don't bother about me, even when I fill up their feeder. They just sit in the tree nearby, waiting to see what's on the menu.
Have a wonderful weekend...enjoying whatever it is that you have on your plan.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :D
Glad to see your back working on your artwork. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteWell it's a start Arnoldo...but I've got quite a way to go.
DeleteI'll keep working at it! ;D
Thanks for popping over to my place. It's great to see you once again :D
Ok, I'm late. Nevermind, I still enjoyed looking at your marvelous space. That is a great card you created and I like the one you received from Vonny as well. She's clever!
Hehe...never mind Darla because it's normally me that is the last to visit everyone. It's just great that you managed to stop by ;D
DeleteI hope you have a wonderful weekend
Oops - sorry if I've accidentally published my previous half comment?? Not sure what button I pushed?!
Here is my comment again ;-)
That "space" is YOURS FOR SURE!!!
It looks tranquil and light and inviting AND cosy for Winter
Having a sacred space is exactly what we all need for our souls
I look forward to seeing yours evolve ... and all the work too!
Hic! Have you been at the vino Angy? hehe
I couldn't agree with you more...MY SPACE indeed, although have you seen 'the folly' yet? It's a dilemma for sure.
Lovely to see you again.
I hope your weekend was great and the coming week even better!
♥ Have fun ♥
Better later than never, don't they say? That room is going to make a marvelous creative space! Love the cards you made. I would be distracted by the window, too. ;) My goodness! That Vonny is something else! Chooks, eh? I suppose we'd just call us old hens over here. I like Chooks better. ;)
ReplyDeleteHey...look at me and how long it's taken me to answer your comment.
DeleteMy feet haven't touched the ground since Friday but then do they ever?
Yeah the window is both good and bad for obvious reasons ;D
I like the word chook but I prefer the term...young chicks Rita!
Have a great Sunday
Good luck with the new space, will not take long to fill. Francesca #55
ReplyDeleteHmm...and just think what fun that will be! ;D
DeleteThanks for popping by and leaving a comment Francesca...I really appreciate it.
Enjoy your Sunday :D