So here we are...Halloween's passed and we're into November already!
Next there's Bonfire Night and before we know it, it'll be Christmas.
But before I go any further, I want to apologise to all my fellow bloggers if I haven't visited you lately. It's not that I don't want to...I like nothing better than to pop over to your place to see what you've been up to and I do try...honestly I really do, but at the moment my online time seems minimal.
But I'll keep trying.
As to art?
Well, I just give up on that for now.
One of the reason is that we have the builders in and it's full steam ahead.
But wait a it's the 1st November let me show you this months photo first.
(the rear view on 1st November)
As you can see the leaves on some of the trees have finished their colourful display, they've fallen and flown away on the wind. The branches look very bare but at least we can see the birds more clearly now.
As you can see the leaves on some of the trees have finished their colourful display, they've fallen and flown away on the wind. The branches look very bare but at least we can see the birds more clearly now.
There's always positives in there just have to look or dig deep enough to find them.
It's good to see the beautiful blue sky too, but let me tell get that clear blue sky you need a strong wind to blow all of that grey cloud away and oh boy, did we have wind.
(oh sorry that sounds positively rude ;D)
I think it was possibly the tail-end of the storm St Jude which we thankfully missed here.
It's been such a lazy wind today, as my mother would have didn't blow around you...just straight through!
Again there's the plus and minus I suppose.
(Blue sky +, freezing wind -)
Whilst the builders were busy upstairs demolishing my bathroom, McMuffy and I feared that the ceiling would come crashing down upon us, so we nipped out to the tile shop and then into the park for a quick walk.
Note to time I must remember to wear my hat and gloves.
(new bathroom + demolition -)
It's a sharp reminder that winter's on it's way!
So before the garden is lost under a white blanket (well you never know) I thought I'd let you take a peek into the side garden.
Well I'll love and leave you for today because after all it is Friday night and the weekend's about to enjoy and I'll see you soon.

Glad you missed out on the storm Neesie. Isn't the year flying now that it's November.The pace just seems to accelerate like mad!
ReplyDeleteI'll be glad to see you when you get a chance to pop by.
Judy xx
Thanks Judy, it's great to see you.
DeleteAs you say it's frightening as to just how quickly the time is whizzing by :(
It seems to go faster with age, but then I've also noticed even the younger ones feel it too.
I'm not sure why...maybe it's the modern world we live in, but I do know that I don't like it!
I'm trying to make the most of every minute as it flies by ;D
I hope your weekend has started well and continues to get better.
See you soon xoxo
such a beautiful area you live in, what a drastic change from beautiful as well Australia! I think we all have found October flew by!
ReplyDeleteWhen I think back over the years Laurie, each place we've lived in seems to be so different from the next. Each one having it's good points and bad.
DeleteWe've woken up to a O degree looks stunning but I don't think I'll venture outside just yet. I need to find my winter woolies, gloves and hat first! ;D
Have a cosy weekend in your little love nest (hehe) and I'll pop across soon.
Toodleloo for now
The older I get, the faster time flys...and it is WHIZZING by !
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming by....
Have a good weekend.
Hi bj, well it's good to know that I've managed to visit someone lately ;D
DeleteI don't like to think about just how fast time is flying...I'm going to try to slow it down by really concentrating on each appreciate it for whatever reason.
Have a great weekend too....and hopefully I'll see you again soon.
Oh the joy of remodeling! It seems to take forever, but it will get done. Weather here has been rainy and leaves falling all over the place. Not looking forward to the winter cold.
ReplyDeleteI suppose so Terry...but it seems each little job expands and grows. I know it will all be worth it. I've just got to visualize the finished thing ;D
DeleteI have to say we haven't seen much rain. That's one of the advantages of living on the East coast of Scotland. I HATE wet, damp grey days!
So hopefully the sun and blue skies will remain even though the temperature is dropping. We woke up this morning to a chilly O degrees celsius !!!
Stay cosy and thanks for popping over to my place. I'll keep the fire lit and the kettle near to boiling for next time :D
You certainly live in a beautiful home Denise! I hate the wet damp and grey days too. So starts November. But then again, they do make you appreciate and enjoy the sunnier ones even more! xxoo
ReplyDeleteWell we seem to be luckier here with less rain (oops maybe I should say's bound to put the kiss of death on it)
DeleteI think it's good to have all the seasons for appreciating each one for different things. I really missed them when we lived in the Middle East.
Have a cosy dry weekend and I'll pop down to your place soon
The prospect of a renovation does seem very exciting (PLUS) but whilst I've never faced one myself (although we did have a Velux window installed and the mess from that small job alone!!... phew!) we have had family members do extensions etc and I did not envy the disruptions (MINUS) they had to face whilst waiting for the job to be competed. BUT (PLUS) the end product... swoon! (PLUS PLUS) So I'll cross fingers for you that it all runs smoothly and before you know it you'll be sharing the before & after shots! (PLUS PLUS PLUS)
ReplyDeleteDo not worry about being a little scarce on the blog front... these things happen from time to time. To everything there is a season... ♥♥♥
PS - I'm on the mend!! Yay! Thanks again for all your encouragement, thoughts and well wishes - they're working!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Oh that's so good to hear that you're on the mend Angy ;D
DeleteI had been thinking about you and seeing you in my sidebar, but just didn't get the chance to visit. I will though and hopefully soon.
I've got one photo I'm thinking of sharing with you on Silent Sunday but I'm not sure yet. It's a little funny, but then maybe it would be good to have a giggle. (PLUS PLUS PLUS!)
Dust dust and more much so that I could write this blog post on my bedside cabinet at the moment (MINUS) but on the other hand 'Handy Andy' is fantastic, quick and so good at what he does (PLUS).
I never fancied doing a reno when we lived in Melbourne, so it comes as a complete surprise and I can't really believe it that here we are slap bang in the middle of one!
Anyway, it'll all come good....(gulp)...hopefully.
Carry on doing whatever you're doing and you'll soon be back to your old (YOUNG) self Oh that's so good to hear that you're on the mend Angy ;D
I had been thinking about you and seeing you in my sidebar but just didn't get the chance to visit. I will though and hopefully soon.
I've got one photo I'm thinking of sharing with you on Silent Sunday but I'm not sure yet. It's a little funny but then maybe it would be good to have a giggle. (PLUS PLUS PLUS!)
Dust dust and more much so that I could write my blog on my bedside cabinet at the moment (MINUS) but on the other hand 'Handy Andy' is fantastic, quick and so good at what he does (PLUS).
I never fancied doing a reno when we lived in Melbourne so I can't believe that here we are slap bang in the middle of one.
Anyway it'll all come good....(gulp)...hopefully.
Carry on doing whatever you're doing and you'll soon be back to your old (YOUNG) self. It's obviously working ;D
Take care and enjoy your weekend.
See you soon xoxo
So Glad the storm missed you... we got it just as they predicted on the South Coast...we were so lucky no structural damage just trees & fencing coming down....You have a beautiful Garden Denise...keep warm... Hugs May x x x
ReplyDeleteOh did you looked pretty scary I have to say.
DeleteThank goodness that you had minimal damage.
I haven't spent much time out in the garden lately...and probably won't now we woke up to 0 degrees this morning! :$
It then tippled down for most of the day.
We're heading out for dinner with friends...but I'm having to be tough with myself to get over the fact that it's wet, cold and dark! :(
I'm hoping that you have had a better Saturday and Sunday will be even better!
Take care and keep cosy and I'll see you soon :D
Hugs to you and big licks from McMuffy ^..^
We have had construction in our houses in the past -- I really understand the disruption it causes. Absolutely no apologies needed regarding the lack of time/opportunity to respond to your Internet friends! Your side garden is so beautiful. It will be lovely as well even when blanketed with snow (and I want to see that, too!). Back to the subject of construction, my husband and one of our adult sons will be building storage shelves in our basement today, so I'll have my own share of noises going on under my feet! :o)
ReplyDeleteI knew you'd understand Barbara...thanks ;D
DeleteIf it does snow...then you'll certainly hear me, that's for sure!
It's also very kind of you to have a little demolition project of your own on the go too.
Today we've had silence here and it's been great.
Hopefully all the work is done and you can now sit back and relax :D
Have a great weekend and I'll hopefully pop over to see you soon
Good Lord Child! Can I come live with you? I could be your live in housekeeper. Is this is England or in Scotland. Are you going to live in England most of the year or Scotland. Denise, you are confusing me.
Hehe...a live in there's an idea. Then I'd be able to visit blogs, draw and paint all day and just sit with my feet up having copious cuppa's ;D
DeleteIt sounds sheer heaven!
We're in Scotland Sandy....sorry if I've confused you. I must admit sometimes my brain just runs away with itself and I might not be as clear as I could.
All of our family live in Cheshire, England other than my daughter. She lives in Edinburgh.
I'll try to make myself clearer in future :(
I hope your Saturday is going well and Sunday is superb.
Take care and I'll visit you as soon as I can ;D
Okay - I have just figured it out by reading your replies - you are living in Scotland. I still want to be your live in maid!!
LOL you clever bunny ;D
DeleteJust don't forget to pack your wellies, thermals, waterproof coat, hat and gloves before you come. ;D
In fact, you may want to wait until spring? :D
I'm glad it was only the remnants of the storm that hit you in Scotland. Looks like a lovely fall there. If you have remodeling going on it is not going to be peaceful for a while, though. ;)
ReplyDeleteYou are right there Rita...but thankfully today peace reigns ;D
DeleteBut it'll all kick off again tomorrow at 7am though.
I'm not sure if we are still having the tail end of that storm or maybe it's another, but over the last 24 hours the wind has been howling none stop.
Almost all the leaves on the trees around the house have fallen now. So I suppose I'll be busy getting them up tomorrow.
Busy, busy.... :D
I hope you're having a great weekend and I hope to pop over to see you soon.
Looks to be lovely Fall weather you're experiencing; sans the rain, the cold and the wind. (Te he) Love the red tree in the garden and that fab sky! Now about this remodeling.....oops, too late you've already started. Do hope all goes smoothly for you and look forward to seeing the results. You will share won't you? Don't worry about popping round for visits my dear. Get your projects done and settle back in then we'll put the kettle on and have a chocolate... with tiny marshmallows, of course! giggle grin smirk
ReplyDeleteWarm hugs from FL.
Well the red tree (acer) has only 6 leaves left on it this morning. We've had incredible gales and it's blown for the last 24 hours stripping all the leaves from the trees.
DeleteIt just shows you...seize the moment because if I hadn't taken that photo when I did I'd have missed it....there'd be just twigs ;D
I'm confident with the builder keeping everything in order. He's really good and such a hard worker. hot chocolate sounds wonderful and with tiny marshmellows...simply devine. I'll look forward to that Nan ;D
In the meantime I hope you're having a great weekend.
The garden looks so bright and lovely, hard for me to imagine it covered in snow. Of course we don't get snow here by the Bay. I'll bet your bathroom is going to be terrific and know you will be happy when the builders have packed up and gone home.
It may take the builders quite some time before they're finished here Darla...we've quite a few plans and two new bathrooms is just the start!
DeleteI'll be sure to share my snow with you if you wish. There's been mention of some snow landing in the Highlands but none here yet. We woke to -1 degree for the last two days so it maybe here before we know it!
Have a great week and I'll hopefully catch up with you soon.