“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Monday, 29 December 2014

Turkey Tricks

Well how was it for you?
Personally, I had a wonderful time and I hope you did too. 
I know it's just a short pit stop on it's way to Hogmanay, but I thought I'd nip in here for a quick natter.

Have you had snow?
We've yet to see snow, even though my daughter has been thoroughly scruitinizing all of the weather apps and skies trying to find some... but so far we've only had minus temperatures, frosticles and lots of ice, for the last week or so. 

One thing's for sure... Mufftypup is not impressed with frozen grass!
At the moment for her toilet break she nips out and back into the house in record time... like a whippet. 
There's no need to stop to sniff when there's a comfy spot next to the fire waiting. 

Besides it's a little tricky walking on the ice... imagine the scene from Bambi when he goes out onto the ice with Thumper and you get the idea. Not with the long limbs of course... more Stumper than Thumper! 

Thinking about it Mufftypup has had quite a time of it really... 
For a start it was agonizing waiting for Santa to call.
And don't get her started on all of the culinary delights that just didn't come her way...
even when she used her most cutest "oh woe is me" look with those pleading eyes.
There's also the mystery of the dodgy doorbell.
She's been disturbed from her chicken-filled dreams, so many times when the doorbell has rang. No one escapes her welcome no matter how snoozey she's is... she's a martyr to the cause! 
But so many times, when she's ready to receive... sitting pretty staring at the door handle no-one enters, no matter how long she sits there patiently waiting. It's a complete mystery to her.
I don't quite know how to explain to her that it's a certain Christmas Carole that has a similar chime to our door bell... 
But I'm thinking the exercise is good for her (right?) especially as she's not walking for as long these days and she's looking a wee bitee chunky (for her)...
Or maybe it's just her winter fluffyness?
Just in case she is putting on a little excess (hey aren't we all?) we've decided for her to have a daily workout. My daughter really makes her work for the turkey treats! 
See what you think... after this routine she then does a few yoga stretches on the mat in front of the fire, before seriously meditating for a few hours...


So that'll just leave me to wish you all good luck and I hope you have healthy and happy New Year.
 Thank you so much for being a part of my year... it's been great. 
But I feel 2015 will be the best one yet! 
Create With Joy
I'm linking up with Create with Joy today... why don't you pop along too

Friday, 19 December 2014

Decoration or devastation?

I can't believe that it's been over a week since I last blogged. 
So what have I been up to...??? 
Up and down ladders fighting with Christmas fairy lights... or decorating the house from top to toe for the Christmas holiday... or dashing around the shops participating in rugby style tackles for those last minute pressies and bargains... or planning menu's for the big day... or...
pulling out a fireplace to install a new wood burner which caused a snowdrift an inch thick of dust in every nook and cranny of the house. 
Yep that'd be the one (will I ever learn... apparently it appears not)
I'm not sure if this is the reno carried over from Phase 1 or the beginning of Phase 2
Well when the main man says can we come to start work on your fireplace this week, what can you say? 
Yes of course I'd like nothing better. 

Here's the evidence...
Impressive isn't it? 
But at least the sun was shining...
And finally the mess started to clear...
I just kept my fingers crossed that it'd be completed in time to get everything in order before Christmas Eve.
We just need a little plastering here a bit of painting there...
A maiden flight...
and voila!
Now the mad panic to get the furniture back in... plus adding a little Christmas magic.
No problem... there's plenty of time right!!! 
(hyperventilating hysterically here...)

I'll hopefully get there... 
and then I'll be able to come back to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

What's On Your Work Desk... well a dog for starters!

This isn't the normal What's On Your Work Desk post from me today as there's no actual artwork on display. So if you want to see more art/craft then head over to our host Julia at Stamping Ground

For a start I have a dog on my desk... although she's actually Santa's Quality Control Manager and keeping a keen eye on procedures. 
She's making sure that standards are maintained. 
So what is she checking? 
Well basically me. 
I've been recruited as an elf to help with my daughter's Christmas orders. 
Her designs are flying out of the window... well not literally but you know what I mean.
(yes that's rain lashing on that window... see what I'm having to deal with peeps!)
Check here if you'd like a peek at the designs... there seems to be a head to head going on in the league table between Grumpy Owl with his Christmas jumper and Festive Penguins with the Penguins (at the last count) just a beak ahead. 
But that could all change with today's orders.
I've had my troubles with this lot I can tell you... it hasn't all been plain sailing. 
The seal tabs for the plastic wallets have certainly been a challenge!
Once they get a hold of you... the static just doesn't want to let go.
I'm finding them in the most unusual places.... nuff said!
Those little black circles above have white backs that once they are peeled off, make the room look like I'm working in a snow storm.
Talking of which we're supposed to be having a weather bomb hit us today. 
Yes a weather BOMB... whatever that means?
(I'll let you know once we get through it if there's anything to report)
I'm warming the sack here, along with all of my outer wear before heading off to the post office. 
I can hear the groans now as I think back to yesterday's visit. 
There was a queue... as there always is at this time of year, but oh boy they were lined up and wound around the whole post office by the time I left! 
If looks could kill I'd be six foot under now.
I was tempted to shout a cheery... " Merry Christmas Everyone" as I left but thought "Humbug" might have been more appropriate. 

So I'd better get on.... 
I hope to send time over the holidays catching up with everyone that's visited me over the last month or so. I'm horrified that I haven't done that yet as I like to reply and visit everyone.

By the way the art exhibition went well yesterday... I'll maybe post about it later. 
Anyway... I'm away to baton down the hatches now
Hopefully see you again soon
Have fun everyone and keep smiling! 

Saturday, 6 December 2014

My Sunday Photo...and other things

Today started beautifully with the sunrise casting it's magic light onto the woods. 
It reminds me so much of Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock in the southern part of the Northern Territory in central Australia when the light catches it like this. 
It promised to be a bright day but unfortunately it didn't turn out that way. 
The clouds blew in on a chilly wind and it was accompanied by a shower or two of rain.
I'm keen to see what tomorrow brings because there's talk of snow!
If it arrives I'll be sure to take some photo's.
I can't imagine how Mufftypup will get on if it does arrive, because she's been clipped this week.
Unfortunately she has very little hair at the moment as the groomer seemed to be a little over zealous to say the least. Muffy's been very keen to put her jumpers on and doesn't stray far from either the wood burner or the Aga.

Finally, this week I've finished my little trips away, so it's down to the serious business of getting ready for Christmas. I even enjoyed cleaning the house today! 
I know... what's that about? 
I was concerned too, so I checked my temperature and pulse rate but it seems that I'm okay. 
It just shows what the holiday season does to you. 
  I delegated the job of having the eight boxes of decorations brought down from the attic. 
So tomorrow I start in earnest... decorating the house, trees up, recipes and menu's planned... 
... and then maybe I'll wake up? 

I was also checking through my photos today, and I came across my Christmas book tree. 
I took this photo a few years ago when we lived in Melbourne but I love it.
I thought you might like to see it. 
I was so pleased because I adore books and this just seemed perfect.
I never normally like to even open a book fully whilst reading it, so to break it's back is normally unthinkable for me, but these were older specially chosen ones for this purpose. 
It was quite a busy day today because I was also Santa's helper too.
My daughter has taken a little trip to London and called in the magic elves to keep the studio in full production mode whilst she was away. 
The orders are flooding in for her Christmas designs which is wonderful.
Here's a link if you'd like to take a peek...nicallan.co.uk

As you can see the 'Quality Control Elf' (aka Mufftypup) was in prime position to check I had everything in order.
After all that activity it was time to settle down in front of a roaring fire with our yule log glowing to watch a Christmas movie. 
Someone had better get some serious rest because tomorrow could be quite eventful, especially with a tree coming into the house and possible snow! 
... and so the day comes to a close... (yawn)
but before I head off to snoozeyland I'm going to join the Sunday photo linky, Wordless (on Tuesday)) and Create with Joy.
Create With Joy
Whatever you have planned for tomorrow have fun and enjoy the day...
I hope to see you again soon
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