“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Sunday, 16 August 2015

My Sunday Photo... Kelso Abbey



  1. wwwoooooowwwwwww.........said softly on the exhale. ( It blogs my architectural mind what magnificent huge buildings were built without modern tools!)

    1. Oh Nan, I've got so many brilliant architectural photo's to share with you.
      Hopefully in this next coming week if everything goes to plan.
      My hubby said exactly the same thing as you... how on earth did they build these incredible monumental structures?
      I hope you have a great week ahead... enjoy ;D

  2. You are so lucky to have such wonderful things to photograph.
    Sandy xx

    1. I know Sandy and I try to appreciate and capture as many as I can, in order to share them with you. Testing my hubbies patience to the limit sometimes.
      I've got quite a collection to show you... hopefully over the next week.
      I hope you've had a great weekend and are ready for a fun packed week ahead.

  3. Great photo....It looks a wonderful place to explore x

    1. It was Kim, so much history it's quite mind-blowing.
      I hope to share more with you over the coming week.
      Enjoy your Sunday and I hope you have a great week ahead.

  4. What a beauty. I bet it was magnificent in it's day :) x

    1. I think it probably was Mo... along with all of the other buildings around it.
      In fact there are four Abbey's in this area alone.
      I hope you've had a great weekend and have a fun packed week ahead.

  5. Hey you have sunshine and I spy with my little eye a little bird! Looks a great place to visit!
    Happy Monday!
    Wren x

    1. Hehe... I saw the bird Wren but I thought I hadn't managed to capture him but ... voilà!
      The Abbey was interesting and so were the other three that are in the area.
      As usual I've lots of photo's to sort through and then hopefully post next week.
      Happy Sunday to you and Monday when it comes to us.

  6. I love old historic building, so much character

    Thank you for linking up

    1. There were so many historical buildings to appreciate Darren, you'd have loved it.
      Four Abbeys alone!
      Thanks for your link up once again... it's always so much fun.
      Enjoy the week ahead and thanks for popping into my place.

  7. That's stunning - what a fab photo!!

    1. Aww thank you Sally, I've got a few of this amazing ruin from all angles. It was difficult to choose which one to share with everyone.
      Maybe I'll have to include them in a post along with others taken over this weekend.
      I hope you've had a great weekend and the coming week is great too.

  8. What a wonderful building, right up my street #MySundayPhoto

    1. Not literally surely Mary? ;D
      Hehe... yes I know what you mean. I'm going to have to show the other five views of the Abbey. It's an amazing building and unfortunately was purposely destroyed. Imagine if it was still intact!
      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.
      Have a great week.

  9. i think we have been here many moons ago on our trip around the UK. love an old ruin! and i don't mean my hubby:)

    1. Hahahaha! Brilliant Sherry... what a giggle and great way to start my Monday morning.
      Thanks and I hope you have a fun week ahead.

  10. What an amazing structure. Wow!! It's amazing how well it weathered the centuries.

    1. Considering it was founded in the 12th century, it certainly has weathered well although it would have been better if over the 14th to 16th century it didn't have to go through trauma's of demolition attempts!
      It's amazing it's standing at all and you certainly get a feeling for all the history contained within its walls when you visit the site.
      My apologies for taking so long to reply to your lovely comment.
      I hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by my place ;D

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Jade,
      I thought it was a special place and that people might like to see it.
      Have a great week... enjoy!

  12. Oooh - what tales these walls could tell!

    1. You're certainly right there... after reading a little of the history of Kelso Abbey it's as they say certainly had a life!
      Thanks for your comment... have fun this week ;D

  13. A lovely and majestic shot!
    Please come link up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/08/double-play-on-way.html

    1. Hello NC Sue,
      Thanks for your visit, comment and invitation.
      I'm desperately trying to play catch up since being away.
      Have a great week and I hope to see you soon ;D

  14. What a wonderfully atmospheric photo! Lovely pic. x

    1. I'm so happy to hear that Suzanne because I certainly wanted to try to do the best I could for this amazing abbey. It stands so majestically and proud even though it has suffered over the centuries... since the 12th century in fact.
      Have a great week and thanks for visiting my place.

  15. Neesie, that is one gorgeous building. I love the old structures, they have such a story to tell!!!!

    1. There's an amazing amount of history attached to this abbey... and it's not alone. There are four abbeys in this particular area. It's incredible that it's been there since the 12th century. How they managed to build them back then is just astonishing.
      Thanks for visiting and I wish you a great week ahead.

  16. Great photo. I love the shadows that only reach halfway up the walls, it amplifies the height of the building. The bird flying above it brings it to life too. Thanks for linking up to #CheckOutThatView

    1. The abbey is incredibly majestic and stands so tall. It's a little daunting standing in the shadow. It's also mind-blowing thinking about how they managed to build such a building without modern machinery and technology.
      I thought I'd actually missed capturing the bird but was thrilled that he appeared in the shot.
      Thanks for your visit and lovely comment. Have fun in this coming week.


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