“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Friday, 22 January 2016

Paint Party Friday... Signs of spring

I just can't believe that it's Friday once more. 
I've got a busy weekend ahead, but I've actually managed to finish the autumn tree drawing, and as promised I've come to the Paint Party Friday link to show how it turned out.
Not only that but I've actually managed to started a new design.
I must be subconsciously thinking of wonderful springiness and lovely summer days because butterflies (or flutterby's as my daughter used to call them) appeared in my drawing.
Maybe it's the appearance of sprouting daffodils, crocus and much to my surprise Iris, that has set me off. Some positive signs of lighter nights, warmer days and the smell of cut grass.
I can't wait...
Paint Party Friday
I'm also linking to Sunday Sketches
So I'm off now to put on my glad rags, a little lippy and then to enjoy Friday night!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and perhaps if you'd like to see more art, then click here.


  1. Wonderful art, and doodling is such a relaxing thing to do. Do you ever paint them? I would love to see your flutterby's in color. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you Laila, I think I will paint them, because they do seem to scream out for some colour don't they?
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend too

  2. lovely pieces, have a great time tonight!

    1. Thanks Christine, I'm celebrating a birthday this weekend and no I'm not going to say which one, but let's say I'm over 21!
      Have a great weekend and Happy PPF to you.

  3. oooo, I like this beautiful work,,,, enjoy your self!!

    1. Hehe... thanks Laurie,
      When I popped the owl into the tree I thought of you.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. wow - I really am so impressed with your fabulous ink designs! I too am longing for spring-especially as that dreaded storm in NE US is coming my way-anytime now....

    1. Oh no Linda, the storms heading your way... Stay safe and I hope that the weather forecasters are being over cautious and it won't be as bad as they are predicting.
      Thanks for your lovely comment. I'll be thinking about you hunkering down. Take care xoxo

  5. I don't know where you get all your time from - this type of drawing looks to me like it takes a very long time but you have said that it is very relaxing.
    sandy xx

    1. Well, I'm making a conscious effort to try to draw/paint more... so there's a fair bit of dust at times, but once you've live in a desert you tend not to stress over the little we have land here.
      I feel very happy once I've got something on paper because then I can nip in and out whenever the time allows. I do find it relaxing and I am even having a little play in the evenings, especially if there's football on. I plug myself into my kindle or music and I'm transported away to somewhere... not sure where, but I like it there!
      Have a wonderful weekend

  6. The tree is fantastic! I love the new one too, I like to call them flutterbys too...

    1. Hi Lisa, thank you for your kind words.
      I think flutterby's are a much better name for butterflies... it describes them so well.
      Have a great weekend and happy PPF to you

  7. Spring please--I'll take one! Yes -- keep drawing spring--maybe you will help manifest an early season. xo

    1. Oh I wish it were that easy Dea, but I'll keep trying.
      There are thankfully lots of little signs that it will come to call... we just have to be patient

  8. That tree is very pretty and I like the detail you put into it.

    1. Thank you Terra, I really enjoyed drawing it.

  9. Great doodling. Wishing spring, too.
    Happy weekend to you xx

    1. Thanks Sirkkis, we had a little sneak peek at spring yesterday and it was wonderful.
      I hope you are having a great week

  10. What a stunning tree creation, i love your work very much, and I also love your current thoughts of warmer days; I shall add my own positive vibes and maybe they will combine to come true before too long ;)
    And as it is Saturday now, I wish yo the happiest of birthday days and hope you have lots of happy plans to enjoy and you get spoilt wonderfully.
    Happy Birthday Denise xoxox

    1. Did you have the little sneak peek at spring yesterday Mo? I'm sure our combined thoughts are working... other than the odd hoolie and downpour!
      I've been busy since finishing this tree and have another drawing completed, which is pretty surprising to me. I even started another drawing tonight, whilst waiting for dinner to cook. How's that for the start of my new year?
      Thank you for your birthday wishes. I had not only a lovely day, but the whole weekend!
      I hope your week is pretty wonderful too.

  11. These will turn out magical! I also would like to see them colored. Maybe the craving for color is due to this all whiteness with snow, I want colors :D

    1. I feel exactly the same about adding colour, but I plan to colour them at a later stage. Right now I'm enjoying just drawing the designs.
      We haven't had any snow, but I'm still looking forward to seeing more colour with the spring flowers hopefully opening soon. They're already popping up right now.

  12. Wow! Nessie you're zentangle work is fabulous! I would go crossed-eyed trying to do that. Love the flutterbys you've started. If spring comes your way first please share. I'm freezing down here. Need a woolly mammoth coat! I mean this is FL and our high temp today...43F!!! with winds howling at 50 knots. Crazy! Have a wonderful weekend while the Girls and I find a warm place to hibernate. ;)

    1. The flutterby's are finished Nan and yes they do affect your eyes a little. I make sure that I rest them at regular intervals... gazing off into the fields and woodland. (Long Distance exercise)
      I would love to share some spring with you but we only saw a day and we're back into the downpours!
      There's certainly an amazing amount of weird and wonderful weather happening over the last few months.
      Good Luck finding a cozy place... we're in front of the wood burner as usual!

  13. Great doodling! I find doodling or tangling can be so relaxing. The tree looks like it took a long time.

    1. I find these designs very relaxing Rita and that's why I keep drawing them. I can leave them out without too much mess and nip back whenever I've a few minutes spare. It works perfectly for me and I'm producing far more than usual... although I'm beginning to miss some colour.

  14. Stunning work as always...love "flutterbys" you know what you should use that name for...just sayin!! Love it all!!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. The flutterby's are finished Giggles, along with another new design started... I think I may be on a roll. (hehe)
      Thanks for your encouragement.
      I hope you're having a wonderful week.

  15. These are lovely, well done,Nessie!
    They would be quite fun made up into a book, don't you think?

    1. I think you might be right Dia, I'll have to give it some thought.
      Have a great week with lots of creativity.

  16. Loved the tree last week and really like the butterflies too.

    1. Thanks Fran, it's great to hear such positive feedback from everyone.
      I've finished the butterfly design and already started another.

  17. Ooh, this is gorgeous .... Makes me feel like doodling again :-)

    1. I can thoroughly recommend doodling denthe, I find it so relaxing.
      Once I have a design organised and drafted out.
      Then it's fun time!

  18. Creatively done sketch and an ode to Spring ~ ^_^

    Wishing you peace in your week ~ ^_^

    1. Thank you Carol, I enjoyed drawing and thinking about spring.
      Now I'd just like it to arrive... and quickly!

  19. Gorgeous doodles! Thanks for sharing. I linked just after you!
    I enjoyed crossing the water to visit you!

    1. Well hello from Bonnie Scotland and thanks for coming across the water Lynn,
      I'm glad that you like the drawings too.

  20. Such beauty, such detail. Wonderful expressions.

    1. Thanks you Wanda, I've had fun and a lovely relaxing time drawing it.
      I've finished the butterfly's now and already started another design. I'm obviously on a roll at the moment!

  21. These are quite wonderful- such exquisite detail.

    1. Aww thank you Suza, that's very kind of you.
      I think I'm on a roll because I've already started a new design tonight.

  22. Thanks Alexandra, I wasn't sure whether to add in the little owl, but once he appeared I was glad I did.
    I've also finished the butterfly design now... and started a new drawing. I'm obviously on a roll at the moment. I do hope it lasts!

  23. These are wonderful! In my mind, I often think I'd like to do the zentangle thing. I even have a book! But then I lack the patience to keep going until it's done. I admire you!! xo Silke


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