“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Friday, 5 February 2016

An Eclectic Mix for PPF and Sunday Sketches.

Today I have an eclectic mix for Paint Party Friday
I've had a busy week once again and therefore haven't spent a lot of time being creative. 
So I thought I'd show you a picture that I hung in my dining room earlier in the month. 
It's special for numerous reasons. 
Firstly, because it was drawn by my daughter (if you'd like to see more of her art you can go to her website Nic Allan by clicking here)
Secondly, it's a tree and anyone who knows me, knows how much I love trees and thirdly it's an autumn scene. 
The frame hasn't shown up properly (yet another grey wet day here... so not the best for photography) it actually happens to be a warm gold colour.
I think it actually looks like wood in this photo.
But I adore the pencil work... I think the shading is spectacular.
(I maybe shooting myself in the foot because if she sees it here, she may want to take it to her new apartment)
Here's a closer look but once again I apologise for my photographic inability to do the drawing justice. 
(If you notice a pink tinge to the bottom of the frame above... that's the reflection of my jumper. Pretty in pink today. 
I'm determined to bring colour into my day in whatever form I can).
I can't resist the opportunity to show you another artistic creation from a family member. 
This time it's my nephew and his new hobby... wood turning!
He's taken logs from my sister's wood burner store (thankfully with permission) and creates amazing wooden bowls.
I mean how clever and talented is that?
He's the proud owner of his own lathe now and turns a chunk of wood into these beautiful bowls and candle sticks. 
The first picture shows a type of log off cut but obviously for a bowl he uses larger pieces.
They are beautifully smooth and the grain varies, depending on the piece or type of wood. 
I had this one as a gift, but I'm putting in an order for a larger bowl plus candlesticks.

And finally a little something from myself.
As I mentioned I didn't get time to play this week, but because it's Chinese New Year on Monday, I thought I'd draw a little monkey picture, whilst waiting for dinner to cook.
It's the year of the Monkey (Fire Monkey)
Enjoy your weekend especially if you are celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Here's the link to join in with the Paint Party Friday if you'd like to see more artists work.
Paint Party Friday

I'm also linking up with Alexandra's  Sunday Sketches 
Just before I sign off I want to thank Jennifer McLean over at Just add water silly
for my new signature below. She very kindly came up with the design and led me through how to attach it here. I'm not sure whether it might confuse with it being my real name. 
Denise and not Neesie... let me know what you think. 
I used Neesie in order to rename anonymous when I first started blogging. 
(It's the name my brother used to call me when we were young) 
But quite a few followers have started using Denise now. 
Thanks once again Jenn... but I think you might be the star and not me!


  1. Beautiful tree painting, Denise. Thanks for showing off those wonderful wooden bowl carvings. He is certainly very talented.

    1. I certainly do think both of them are talented Faye,
      Have a great weekend... Happy PPF to you

  2. You are one talented family, amazing work all!

    1. Hehe... thanks Christine,
      I didn't realise that so many of my family are creative in one form or another. Other than the above I had an aunt who decorated wedding cakes, a cousin that writes stories for a comic magazine, another cousin who designs and makes wedding dresses, and a master baker!
      That's just off the top of my head, there could be more? ;D

  3. Love your Chinese monkey and your family seems to be very talented. Hugs, Valerie

    1. He was just a little fun Valerie-Jael,
      I really need to allocate more time in this coming week for creativity.
      Hugs back to you

  4. I see artistic talent runs in the family:) Beautiful art. My hubby's great uncle had a huge shop and made bowls, salt and pepper shakers and boxes. We have an assortment of them and do appreciate all that goes into making them. Have a great weekend and happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, my nephew is gaining knowledge with each piece. Bowls and candlesticks are his main creations so far, but salt and pepper shakers have been mentioned.
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend too.
      Happy PPF to you too.

  5. What a creative family you have. Your daughter's piece is gorgeous and that wooden bow is quite gorgeous also. And I love your Chinese New Year piece. Hope its a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Erika, I never realised until I went through and thought about each family member. I love both the artwork and the wooden bowl but I'm not too happy with the monkey.
      I really must take more time for art next week.
      Have a wonderful weekend too. Happy PPF to you.

  6. Helloo! I love all the beautiful art projects from this week. You are right the pencil sketch of the tree by your daughter is really wonderful. The bowls rendered are amazing, and how much fun the painting celebrating Chinese New Year! I like your new signature, too. Jenn is such a giving person!

    1. Well hello Gloria,
      I thought I'd post a few piece of artwork this week... even if it's not all by me. I never got a chance to do anything really involved this week, but will try to correct that before next weeks party!
      I still find the new signature strange when I first open up the blog. I suppose it's an age thing... it takes time to accept change sometime. I do like it very much and think Jenn is wonderful for creating it for me.
      Enjoy your weekend. Happy PPF to you

  7. It certainly looks like you have talent in your genes sweetie. No need to thank me for that sig, YOU'RE the star. Not only in your own life but to everyone who knows you. Much love... My god those bowls are awesome!! You must be so proud of Nic, she's doing awesome!

    1. Bless you Jenn,
      There are such diverse creativity in the family that I've never really thought about before this post, from wedding cake decorators, to dress designers and comic writers!
      I am immensely proud of Nicola for numerous reasons not only her artwork and the success of her business. She's really doing well.
      She's now at a cross-roads because of the success... whether to pack and post herself (which takes up so much time) or to have a company take over that side of the business. I think there are some big decisions ahead!
      I hope your week went well with the celebrations and that you're having a wonderful weekend too.

  8. Oh your daughters artwork is gorgeous as are those bowls..what a talented family you are!! Great monkey...Chinese New Year will be celebrated big time in Vancouver as it is every year!!Thanks for sharing!!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Thanks Giggles,
      We used to have big celebrations for the Chinese New Year when we lived in Brunei. My son was also born in the year of the monkey, so I thought it would be fun to include a quick drawing this week. Especially with not having had time to create anything worthwhile.
      I really do need to allocate some more time for art before next week.
      I hope you've had a great week and enjoying the weekend.

  9. I too love the pencil work in the tree -- has a lot of character. Hang it on your wall, quick. Beautiful bowl .. it will be lovely to see your next pieces. The monkey is so much fun .. great job. hugs, Donna

    1. Hehe... it is hanging on my wall already Donna, but she did mention when she last visited that she should take it to her new place. I suggested that she just draw another. Thankfully she was travelling back on the train so couldn't take it. We shall see what happens in the next installment!
      Hugs back to you and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  10. You are all very talented in your family, how wonderful.
    I took a photograph of a tree on the moors near me and it's virtually identical in every way. How spooky.
    Happy Chinese New Year celebrations
    Lynn X

    1. Hehe... thanks Lynn, you're very kind.
      I think we must be artistically connected now that we have similar trees.
      I wish you Gong xi fa choy. Have fun and thanks for popping into my place. It's great to see you.

  11. That is such a lovely tree picture, a simple image so beautifully painted. The wooden bowl is lovely too, so smooth and a fine shape.
    Happy PPWeekend!

    1. I really love the tree picture and that's why it now hangs on my wall.
      I looks great in the frame (which unfortunately doesn't show up correctly in this photo)
      I'm ordering a larger bowl which is quite exciting. I'm not sure what I'll put in it. It depends on the grain because I might not even put anything in it!
      Happy PPWeekend to you too Sheila

  12. Lots of wonderful creativity in your family!
    That tree is fabulous. I especially like the leaves that have fluttered to the bottom.
    Trees are something I enjoy and your nephew is using the wood brilliantly in his turned bowls.
    Your monkey is wonderful and full of Happy Chinese New Year warmth.
    Happy PPF too Neesie ♥ Denise

    1. I think the fluttering leaves is a nice addition too.
      We all seem to have an affinity with wood in our family.
      Thanks for your lovely comment and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Happy PPF to you too

  13. Talented, talented family members, too. No surprise, I guess.
    Happy year of the monkey! Zazzy!
    I think most people do probably know your real name is Denise, but I like Neesie. Probably because my little brother couldn't say my sister's name--Renee--and her nick name became NayNay when we were kids. Either way--you are you. ;)

    1. Hehe... thanks Rita,
      I suppose it keeps us all out of mischief!
      As to the monkey I'm not sure about him, but there was very little time this week. I hope to rectify that this coming week.
      I usually alter each of my blog comments replies to Neesie, so at least that's one job I won't have to do now.
      I had to giggle with the nick name NayNay because my son used to call his sister Nicola... NooNoo!
      NayNay and NooNoo (haha) quite a pair.
      Have a wonderful weekend

  14. Ohhhh wowow. It runs in the family for sure. Both mother and daughter with amazing art.

    1. Aww thank you so much for your kind words Nicole,
      I wish you have a wonderful week full of creativity.

  15. Ooohhh I would love to have my own lathe! Those bowls are lovely. Very lovely image by your daughter. My son would have a pure fit if he saw me post anything--so I never do. Great post! And happy monkey to you too! xo

    1. I always ask permission before I post anything about anyone in my family Dea, I think it's only right because I wouldn't like it.
      I would like to have a go on the lathe too... maybe one day.
      I hope you have a wonderfully creative week ahead.
      Happy PPF to you.

  16. you certainly have a creative gene running in your family, beautiful work! Love the bowls too, they are amazing!!

    1. Aww thank you Laurie,
      I thought the PPF gang might like to see a collection of different artwork.
      The wooden bowls and candlesticks are amazing considering they are created out of logs for the fire. I think he's sourcing special wood for future projects. It's all very exciting.

  17. You have a talented family. Love the tree picture and the way it has been painted and the bowls are amazing. Such talent. Your monkey is great too :) Happy SS

    1. Thank you so much Helen, it's always great to hear such positive feedback.
      I will try to take more time to produce something a little more involved for next week.
      Happy SS to you too

  18. Beautiful painting and wooden pieces, you have a talented family! I love your monkey piece too!

    1. Thank you Lisa,
      I thought it might be fun showing different types of projects this week. I need to allocate more time for something more involved to bring to the party next week.
      Have a wonderful week with lots of creativity.

  19. Great artwork and fantastic photography ~ the wood turning is divine!

    Wishing you a wonderful week ~ ^_^

    1. Isn't it just Carol,
      I would never think you could make something so beautiful out of a log!
      I wish you a wonderful week too

  20. You have a very talented family. I love your tangled monkey too. Happy Sunday Sketches, my friend! #17

    1. Thank you Arnoldo,
      I wasn't particularly pleased with the monkey, but I wanted to wish all of my Chinese followers a Happy New Year.

  21. Beautiful work, you're so creative!!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

    1. Aww thank you Saskia,
      Smiles back to you ;D

  22. Love the monkey art and your daughter's art work is beautiful. I can see why you want to frame it:)

    1. I just had fun with the monkey drawing... but I'm not too fussy on it.
      My daughter's picture is actually framed and on my wall now.

  23. I fell in love immediately with your daughter's artwork. This autumn tree is georgous! And your nephew's bowl is phantastic too. It must be such a pleasure to hold the bowl in hands and feel the wood. Your monkey is super cute and I love the cheerful happiness he shares with us :)

    1. Me too Stefanie, I love the picture especially the colours and fallen leaves. The wooden bowls are beautiful and so smooth. It's incredible to think it is created from a rough tree trunk.
      I don't really like the monkey drawing, but I'd ran out of time to produce anything for PPF. I just wanted something to post to wish all the Chinese followers Happy New Year.

  24. Ohhh Neesie, what a very talented family.... gorgeous projects.

  25. your monkey drawing is nice and festive and very red (which is good):D

    your daughters tree drawing looks really nice framed ;)


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