“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Camera... Action - PPF

Hello everyone... can you believe that it's Friday! 
Woohoo and a long Bank Holiday weekend for some too.
Normally you'd expect good weather for the May Bank Holiday, but once again we had snow and hail storms today. 
Seriously will it ever warm up?

Can I just say please don't judge me... once you see the video below you'll know what I mean.
I thought I'd distract myself from the weather and have a little play by trying to make a video whilst drawing.
To say I got a little worked up about it, possibly was an understatement.
I really don't like any part of me to be in front of the camera. 
I'd much rather be behind the lens. 
The drawing will be used as a draft because basically it just isn't good enough. 
I think I was too conscious of the camera instead of enjoying the journey of creating. 
Usually my mind wanders to I know not where and I feel thoroughly de-stressed after finishing a drawing... but not today. 
Anyway here it is....
Because this video doesn't really show the sketch here's a photo of it.
But as I mentioned it isn't finished yet... there's still more work to be done. 

I've had two weeks of appointments, but finally I'm free now, so hopefully I'll be able to spend some time doing some serious painting soon. 
Especially if this weather continues, because quite frankly there's no way that I'll be spending any time in the garden until the temperature starts to rise.
I'll be linking up with the Paint Party Friday group if you'd like to see some stunning artwork then click here.

I'm also linking into Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
Thank you for visiting today.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you again soon.


  1. I really enjoyed the video!! Beautiful drawing,, I hope it warms up for you!!

    1. Really Laurie?
      Well I'm always impressed when I see video's of artists working, so I thought I'd have a play. It was snowing after all, so there wasn't much else I could do.
      Unfortunately, the Arctic blast is still with us... but I'm still hopeful that it'll warm up soon.

  2. beautiful sketch and enjoyed the video, sorry it wasn't a calming experience. Enjoy your long weekend, it has been cold in Toronto albeit lots of sunshine ..and the weeds are here.

    1. Oh it's just me Christine... I should have just forgotten that the camera was on. I'm going to have another play one day.
      Unfortunately, here in Bonnie Scotland it isn't a Bank Holiday. Some holidays are different for whatever reason.
      We thankfully have sunlight, but it's extremely cold. In fact it's freezing!
      I hope you have a pleasant weekend and let's hope for some warmth.

  3. Beautiful sketch, we have had bad weather here too - still hoping for spring. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks Valerie, I wonder what spring is up too... she must be very busy because she should be here by now!
      Happy PPF and hugs to you too

  4. Wonderful video! Take care of yourself this weekend.
    Happy PPF!!
    MiSchra ♥ #25 this week on PPF

    1. Thank you so much MiSchra, it was fun after I'd finished it, but I really need to redo it properly.
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend... Happy PPF to you

  5. nice video! I would think I'd be distracted to have a camera rolling too while creating but I'm sure with more practice you can practically forget the camera's rolling. Thank goodness for the artists who can do that and make the online class videos! Sorry you are still into winter weather-I hope our spring crosses the pond for you real soon. Lovely sketch. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, I think you could be right... there's no sound from the camera, so I just need to forget that it's there. I'll definitely have another go, now that I've seen how it's done. I won't be using it for online I just wanted to have a play.
      Winter weather... humm... December was far warmer than this. It's seriously cold. If you could just give spring a little push this way... I'll be waiting to catch it!
      Happy PPF to you too.

  6. I loved the video--the quick view of how you did it is fascinating. I also adore your drawing, it fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

    1. Well maybe if I have another go with another drawing now that I know what it's about... it might actually be better Beth.
      You are very kind giving such encouragement. I really appreciate it.

  7. A very beautiful drawing. Happy PP Friday!

    1. Thank you so much Maarit,
      Happy PPF to you too.

  8. being in front of a camera will get easier. even if you have it on but never use the footage, when it come time to film footage you want to use, you will be more use to the camera.

    1. It was my son's idea and he says I need to film again when I'm not bothered because it didn't come out as he wanted it to.
      I think I'll just leave it for now though.

  9. Oh no, not snow. We had some this past week. It did not make me happy. And I loved your little video. Your final piece came out great and I can't wait to see it painted. Hope you have sunny, warm and wonderful weekend. Erika

    1. Thankfully no snow this week Erika... finally the weather has improved and we've seen a rise in the temperature.
      It makes such a difference feeling the sun's warmth at last.
      I wish you a wonderful warm week too.

  10. Impressive...I'd be nervous and self conscious too! Good on you for what you accomplished...very well done!! I love it...nice fast video too!!Glad you posted the after picture!!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. It was all my son's idea Giggles, and I even forgot to turn the paper around to begin with. Lots of practice needed before I attempt another one.

  11. Your sketch looks like the beginning of a great composition.

    1. I've actually finished it today Fran, but not on camera. I think it will be some time before I attempt that again.

  12. Very elegant sketch ~ divine work!

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

    1. Thank you so much Carol,
      I wish you a happy week too.

  13. Oh, my goodness, Denise...This is going to be wonderful...you are so talented. I love the video at fast forward. It really did put a grin on my face. I love doing sketching like this but mine are all geometrics. I would never try something as complicated as this. It is going to be great when you finish. Please share your finished product with us. genie

    1. Aww thank you so much Genie, it's so great to receive such positive feedback. I'm happy to hear that my filming attempt made you smile... but I don't think I'll be trying it again any time soon. It was my son's idea anyway!
      I love to draw, so I didn't think it was complicated at all. I actually finished it today and will be sure to show it soon.

  14. It was interesting to see you at work on that stunning sketch, even though I could only see your hand and it was in fast motion. I've thought about doing a video of me working on something, but I would probably be as intimidated by the camera as you were. Blessings, my friend!

    1. Hehe... yes Arnoldo, I wasn't really happy at the the filming (it was my son's idea) so only agreed to my hand being on show. I didn't realise it would be that quick either because I actually tried to draw faster than I normally would. On the whole I found it all rather stressful. I don't think I'll be attempting it again in the near future. I'd love to see you film your work.
      Blessings to you too.

  15. I love the sketch AND the video...nicely done, Neesie!

    1. Aww thanks Serena, my son wanted to play so I thought I'd have a go, but it was rather off putting.

  16. Hmm... I'm not so sure I had fun Aexandra,
    Maybe if I did a few to get used to the idea, then I might start to relax and enjoy them. I love to see other's working, so I thought I'd give it a go. Let's call it a work in progress.


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