“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Friday, 8 July 2016

Sniffs, Snuffles and Sunday Sketches

I'm so late joining the PPF link today... but I've got a slight dilemma at the moment... have I caught a cold or am I suffering with hay fever for the first time in my life? 
Both my hubby and son suffer with allergies and the pollen count must be really high around here at the moment, because they're having quite a time of it. 
I'm not so sure my symptoms are hay fever, even though my hubby thinks it might be... I'm coughing, spluttering, snivelling and sniffing like a true professional sufferer, but I think it's a cold. 
This is one of the reasons why I am late today... it's difficult to get your act together when you are constantly sneezing, sniffing and generally sinking amongst mountains of tissues.
I suppose it doesn't help that I keep bringing flowers into the house to make floral arrangements.
After working in my garden, I like nothing better than to fill a vase with all that's on display at that time. There's always something to bring in to appreciate.
I'm so happy that I've managed to do some artwork even with all the disruptions during this past week and I have to admit I really enjoyed creating and painting the design. 
I read that Alexandra MacVean over at Bluechairdiary.blogspot.co.uk is running a competition for a new Sunday Sketches logo over at her place.
Here's my entry above...
Alexandra is moving to the UK for six months and wanted a suitable logo to reflect her move there.
She also wanted to incorporate a tree in some way as the original feature for Sunday Sketches has a tree included in it. 
It's been a very sporty week with the Euro Football Championship on the go... along with the Tour de France cycling, plus Wimbledon too. 
Obviously my newly retired hubby is in his element and wants to keep up to scratch on all the developments... which means I can sneak in some great fun time creating art! 
I'm beginning to be a real sports fan after all ;D
I used the under painting technique that Tracey Fletcher King taught in her Delicious Paint Class. 
I'm a huge fan and can't imagine painting anything without under painting now.
So here's the final illustration as it might appear on the link... what do you think?
Maybe take a trip over to Alexandra's place to see Sunday Sketches and other entries.
In the meantime... thanks for popping by and I wish you a wonderful weekend ahead. 
Have fun and enjoy!


  1. Lovely creation ~ wonderful teapot ~ so inviting ~ Sending you and hubby lots of healing energy ~

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

    1. Thanks Carol, I appreciate your kind words. Cold developed into a cough now, so no hay fever for me.
      I hope you have a happy weekend too

  2. Gorgeous bouquet and I love the sketch. You really added some great details Denise, like the quote and the tea cup and pot. Perfect for a Sunday or any day sketching. Have great weekend! Hugs-Erika

    1. I love to bring flowers and foliage from the garden into the house... it always makes me smile.
      I thought the quote was very appropriate and I'm happy that you like it Erika. I wish you a wonderful weekend too.

  3. Im not sure what underpainting is but it seems to have done the trick. Hope you are feeling better soon. I'm not a football fan so I've stayed away from the tv all month ☺

    1. You might do it automatically, but I learnt the technique from TFK classes. I've definitely got a cold as now it's turned into an annoying cough!
      Thanks for your kind words and with two football fans in the house I tend to take football in by osmosis!

  4. I love your entry for SS! See you Sunday when I'll display mine!

    1. Thanks Christine, I look forward to seeing your entry on Sunday.

  5. Wow excellent painting...love it! Beardo has a cold and never gets them! Also could be all the flowers you're bringing in the house! We often get them when we have flowers around!! Feel better soon. Love that stunning bouquet...breathtaking!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Hi Giggles, thanks for your praise. I now know that I've definitely got a cold, as it's turned into a very annoying cough now!
      I've always had fresh flowers in my house where ever I've lived. I just love to bring the garden indoors.
      The peonies are opening now which is making the bouquet look much better. It makes me smile :D

  6. Lovely painting. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  7. Keep calm and sketch on...I like that!!

    1. Hehe... me too June,
      Have fun and happy PPF to you

  8. Fantastic pages Neesie - wonderful done and a beautiful bouquet!
    Happy PPF!
    oxo Susi

    1. Thank you Susi for your kind words. I really enjoyed painting this illustration and fresh flowers always make me smile.
      Happy PPF to you too

  9. Lovely post. So summeris and beautiful.
    Happy weekend xx

    1. I try my best sirkkis,
      Sometimes the weather here isn't the most summery, so we have to be brave and positive. For example we had fog and missle this morning!
      Happy weekend to you too

  10. I never had hay fever until I was 27. It only bothers me some years and others not very much at all. I sneeze a lot along with the tissues and watery eyes. Hope you all survive well. Love your entry.
    Oh, and I always found sports are great for keeping males occupied so you can get other things done. Good time to shop, too. ;)

    1. Really Rita, well my hubby has started to recover from his allergy after suffering from the age of 2! Mine was definitely a cold as it has now progressed to a cough.
      Thanks for your kind words with reference to my entry. I had fun creating it. Well footy is on now, so here I am chatting to you and everyone in blogsville.
      I hope you have had a lovely weekend and I hope the coming week is a great one for you.

  11. Your Sunday Sketches art is delightful! Good luck in the competition!

    1. Thank you Deb, I really enjoyed creating it. There are some great ideas for the competition, so I wouldn't like to be Alexandra and have to choose one.
      Enjoy your Sunday and I wish you a wonderful week ahead.

  12. hopefully the cold/cough gets better soon (could still be allergies tho, you can get a couch with allergies)

    really nice illustration for Sunday Sketches :)

    1. Yes I suppose you could be right about the allergies Jennifer, but I feel that it is more a cough now.
      Thanks for your visit and I hope you are in for a fun packed creative week ahead.

  13. A totally wonderful sketch for alexandra!

    1. Aww bless you for your kind words. I certainly wouldn't want to be Alexandra and have to choose from the entries.

  14. that sunday sketches logo is lovely, I like how you did the words, and also a sketchbook as the background works really well for the theme of sketches.

    visiting from Alexandra's blog, have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Lissa, I really had fun working on this design. There are some great entries, so I don't envy Alexandra having to pick one.
      I've had a lovely weekend thanks, so I'll wish you a wonderful week ahead with hopefully lots of creativity.

  15. This is awesome! Perfect take on Alexandra's theme. In my book - you win :)

    1. Aww bless you Claudia, there are so brilliant designs... your's included. It's been fun.
      Have a great creative week ahead and thanks for your kind words.

  16. Replies
    1. Really Alicia... aww bless you. I really had fun creating this logo. It's not something I would normally do, so it was good for me to step out of my comfort zone.

  17. Love what you have done with the logo! lots of work and so pretty!! Hope you have a wonderful new week!! thanks for stopping over at my blog and for your kind comments..

    1. Thanks Jane, I had fun creating it. I certainly wouldn't want to be Alexandra and having to choose a design.
      I hope you have a wonderful week too. Enjoy!

  18. your logo is wonderful!! keep calm and sketch on -- yes!

    1. Hehe... thanks. I thought it was a terribly British thing to say and couldn't resist including it in the logo design.

  19. Wonderful creation for the contest ~ well done!

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

    1. Thanks for your kind words Carol. I really appreciate them.
      I wish you a happy week too.

  20. love the Brittish teapot :) lovely art.

    1. Haha... thanks. I thought that I just had to have a teapot in there somewhere as I'm quite a teapot myself.
      Thanks for your comment and visit. Have a great week ahead.

  21. You work really shows what sketching is about: just relax, let it flow with a cup (or more) tea...

    1. That's exactly what I think it's all about... but sometimes I need reminding.

  22. Thank you Alexandra, I adore bringing fresh flowers into the house and would miss them. I've moved home so many times that I feel for what you must be going through just now.
    I had so much fun creating the SS illustration, so thank you for organising the competition especially whilst you have so much on your plate right now. I hope everything goes to plan and you arrive over here safe and sound. Good luck with everything!

  23. WOW! Your logo for SS is absolutely spectacular. Blessings!

    1. Aww bless you Arnoldo. I certainly had fun creating it.
      I hope you are having a wonderful week.

  24. What a gorgeous flower bouquet! And a wonderful page too, I would love to have a teapot like that. Hope your cold is better now, summer colds are so annoying, I seem to have one lurking somewhere in my head. You never quite know what it is with them.

    1. Well it's taken me so long to reply to your lovely comment Nordljus, that I'm pleased to say my cold has almost disappeared and my Sunday Sketch design won the competition!

  25. My allergies come and go too. I don't know which is better to have: a cold or allergies? Either way, hope you're feeling better.

    brilliant entry for the sunday sketches avatar! I love how detailed your sketch is with elements that reflect the sunday sketches.
    thank you for your visit and thoughful comment on my blog post.

    1. Well I'm very happy to report that my entry won Juana!
      Apologies for taking so long to reply to your lovely comment... it's been a little hectic. Cold has almost disappeared too.
      I hope you have a wonderful week ahead and thanks for popping by.


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