At last I've spotted a little critter! And Christmas has come early for him....
Up until this point the only animals that I've seen have been pet dogs and cats.
I hadn't even seen a bird or rodent since we arrived here and I must admit I was beginning to wonder if I would see any or where they'd all gone!
(Maybe off to Australia for a little warm for their winter holiday?
I believe it's rather toasty there just now...)
It's not until the little things like birds go missing from our lives that we realise how much we enjoy having them around and that we take them for granted.
Take for instance their birdsong's not until it's gone that you miss it so much.
The silence can be quite deafening here sometimes especially at night.
Let me tell you, you have no idea how loud snoring can sound when there's no other sound around!!!
Listen to wonder I'm awake all's not jet lag after all!
Anyway, back to my little critter. As I mentioned in a previous post I always like to feed the wildlife especially the birds, so we have hung a feeder from a nearby tree.
Expectantly we've waited....and waited...and fact we're still waiting for a bird, but just as I was passing the window today something caught my attention and there balanced precariously on the feeder was a squirrel. A RED squirrel.
I should just add a little note here to say that in the UK the red squirrel was virtually wiped out by the grey squirrel so I was thrilled to see this little guy. There are programmes now that are trying to reintroduce them but it'll take some time. The grey squirrels are quite a lot larger than the red and not as cute in fact they can be quite aggressive.
I apologise that the photo is slightly out of focus but that's because he was in such a great hurry.
Stocking up with bulging jowls, then just a flick of the tail and he was away again....puff gone!
But now I'd seen him I wanted to see more...I knew he would be hungry because there's been heavy snow on the ground for four days now. That has obvioulsy meant slim pickings and so with that in mind I produced a culinary delight for my new little furry friend. I chopped up some apple, nuts, and even sacreficed my blueberries. No expense spared for the little guy.
These were obviously too tempting and as you can see below he came running over to add to his daily five!!! By the way, the snow he's running over just happens to be well over my knees....I know this for a fact because I lost my boot whilst trying to fill the feeder!
After freezing my behooky off and finally locating my boot once more, I decided to retreat to the warmth of the fire to watch his antics...and look who wasn't camera shy after all.
Now this photo below I think is the cutest I've seen for quite some time. What do you think?
I think someone else must have been feeding him too because he certainly looks healthy don't you think?
I just need to name him now? Any idea's anyone?
I'm not sure if he's a he or a she...but I don't think either way that'll bother my new bestie,
just so long as I keep up the peanut run!
I've just heard that the weather forecast is for 40cms of fresh snow fall tomorrow! Whoohoo!

Santa's nearly on his way peeps...are you ready?
Just remember to enjoy. Catch you later...
The squirrel's name has to be "Nutkin", surely! Lovely photos. Can't wait till you spot the Moose...
ReplyDeleteBecause you are the first to comment Mark...and I have to admit I like it "Nutkin" it is!
DeleteHe's been here this morning so I told him that's what we'll call him and he seemed pleased...well I have to admit he was rather busy with eating the peanuts but I think he liked it.
As to spotting a moose you'll be sure to see the evidence if I do. Last time we were here (over four years ago) we did see a female moose cross the road in front of us one night. It was August, so maybe it'll be easier to spot one more easily now with all this snow ;D
I see you've been cooking up a storm. We were without power for 36 hours so haven't stopped to comment...just took a peek!
Have fun with the festivities and if I don't catch you before Santa arrives have a fantastic time with your family. :D
Merry Christmas!
He's a handsome fella or she is ! Maybe you could call him Lucky because when word gets out in the forest they'll all say he won the jackpot at your house!Blueberries no less!
ReplyDeleteHehe...I know Laurie,
DeleteHe was back again this morning. Peanuts were on the menu this morning and he seemed to like them. ;D
Decided on 'nutkin' as Mark above was the first to comment with a name, but I agree he is one lucky critter!
I hope you're all ready for the festivities? :D
First, that is a boat load of snow!! Your little squirrel friend is so adorable. I have a thing for them; we have brown ones in California. If red ones are rather rare, you should send your stunning photo to the paper or a magazine!
ReplyDeleteYou have a friend for life now that you've fed him those sumptious treats! You called him a "little guy" and "he," so let's say he's a boy. Isn't it amazing they can run and pounce on top of the snow like that?! Hey, how about "Pounce" for his name? It has a sweet perky ring to it.
Have a wonderful holiday, Neesie!
'Pounce' does have a sweet perky ring to it indeed Darnell but I'm afraid he's now known as 'Nutkin' and seems to be very happy.
DeleteIt could have something to do with the pine nuts he's been enjoying this morning though?
I don't think the red squirrels are rare in this part of the world but they certainly are in the UK.
Good idea about sending the photo on...I'll just have to give it some thought as to where?
I hope you had a wonderful holiday and apologies for taking so long in replying to your comment. I'm desperately trying to catch up with everyone today.
See you soon xoxo
p.s. we're to have some more snow in the next 24 hours...time to hunker down and start playing with my new art supplies I think! Oh happy days!!!
Whether a he or a she - just gorgeous. I love red squirrels, too. Ha dsome come to the window in Scotland the other year - the grandchildren were thrilled. Have the most wonderful WHITE Christmas, Neesie.
Thank you Margaret we certainly did have a wonderful Christmas.
DeleteI apologise for my delay in replying to you but Christmas Day just arrived.
No wonder your grandchildren enjoyed being visited by the red squirrels...what a treat!
I'm trying to catch up with everyone today and we're due another snow fall over the next 24 hours so I might actually manage to get to everyone. If I'm lucky I might even manage to use my new art supplies...oh boy I can't wait!
Have a fabulous time with family and friends over the holiday period and I hope to make it over to you soon. ;D
BRRRRRRRRRR....I bet it was cold without that boot, need to get you some hip waders! LOVE the pictures of the squirrel, forget the feeder, just throw the goodies right out the door since he comes up to it! I'd just call him BIG waving hi from the no snow in sight hills of North Carolina :)
ReplyDeleteWell the bird feeder wasn't really intended for him sandee...he just took the liberty!
DeleteHe does come to visit our doorstep every day now. He's no fool especially when there's blueberries and pine nuts on the menu!
I decided to name him 'Nutkin' as suggested my Mark above. He was the first to comment and I thought it was just so appropriate.
Waving from the cosy fireside on the Canadian lakeside ;D
Enjoy the holidays and I'll be with you asap.
Catch up day today...
Aw, so cute - cuddle bum bums is my name for him/her.
ReplyDeleteNeet xx
ps hope it does not sound rude x
LOL...what a laugh Neet,
DeleteI didn't think it sounded rude but I've gone with 'Nutkin'
Hope you don't mind? ;D
I'm just a teensy bit jealous!! :) Gorgeous chap.
ReplyDeleteAww sorry Laura,
DeleteThat wasn't my intention. It's just a perfect location for Christmas and looks just like a Christmas card that I wanted to share it ;D
Plus he's sooooooooooo cute I just had to.
Maybe if I sent you some snow would that help?
We're supposed to have another dump overnight so there's plenty to spread around.
I hope you're having a lovely Christmas too and I apologise for now replying sooner :D
Aww, what a cutie pie! I think Sammy is a great name because it fits for both a he-bestie or a she-bestie ;-)
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are wonderfully captured :0)
#Santa Claus is coming to town!#
#Santa Claus is coming to town!#
WooHoo!! :D
No snow here tho' could you Fed-Ex some over s'il vous plait?
Mo x
Tell my Mo, did you get your Fed-Ex? ;D
DeleteWe are about to have another snow dump tonight apparently, so there's plenty to go around!
Sorry no can do with your suggestion of 'Sammy' I'm afraid, as he's been 'Nutkin' for quite a few days now but thanks for the clever suggestion.
He appears every day which isn't surprising as there's pine nuts on the menu now :D
He has been taking them and hiding them which is hilarious to watch. (I hope to capture him on video) So I think by the time we leave here, he'll have a good store to keep him going throughout the rest of the winter!
I hope you're having a great Boxing Day ~ enjoy!
We have both red and grey squirrels around here. I loved the black squirrels I saw when I was in Canada! I just plain love them all and this one is a real cutie pie! They are so perky and clever. A joy to watch. Have fun!! :)
ReplyDeleteI've really enjoyed watching 'Nutkins' antics especially as he's being very clever now taking the pine nuts and hiding them for emergencies!
DeleteI've heard they have black squirrels here but I haven't spotted one yet...but it's early days.
Maybe word will get out in the neighbourhood that there's good pickings here! ;D
Enjoy your day xoxo
OMG!! He's so darn cute!! It looks like you made a friend, lunch el-fresco will make you his bestie right quick, although I'm thinking you're right, he has other best friends who are feeding him. He is NOT a skinny minnie.
ReplyDeleteWe always name our squirrels Skippy as the first Skippy was our friend for years. He used to come for the peanut butter sandwiches my mom used to make him for his daily lunch. :o)
I'm glad you made a freind, I'm thinking though that most of the others are either hibernating or flew south for the winter, it's COLD up there!!Hehehe.
Keep up the good work putting up with our weather, you're a trooper my dear.
Much Canadian Love being sent from the West.
Sorry to take so long in replying to you Jenn,
DeleteChristmas was upon me before I knew it!
I'm also afraid I couldn't have 'Skippy' either because 'Skippy' is a kangeroo in my book!
PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES...and I thought I was a softy throwing pine nuts on the path!
Let me tell you there's no way I'm making sandwiches...I'm doing enough in the kitchen already LOL
Yep -18 degrees is the coldest we've been in so far, but we managed.
There's another snow dump about to happen over the next 24 hours so I'm charging everything up just in case we loose the power again.
Learning all the time! :D
Sending Canadian love from the East right backatch sweetie ;D