FOR TODAY ~ Friday 11th October 2013
Outside my window...I have just been privileged to watch two deer ambling slowly along the boundary of the back field near to the wood. A young buck and his female friend were munching tasty roots with the odd turn of the head towards me. Can they possibly know I'm spying on them through my binoculars?
The diet of roe deer varies and includes brambles, buds and leaves of deciduous trees and shrubs, herbs, rose plants, ivy, ferns, heather, conifers and grasses, so there are lots to chose from around here! At the moment their pantry (larder) is bountiful! Roe deer are common all over Scotland (and much of England) so we are lucky that most days we have a brief sighting.
For instance, when returning home and driving up the lane last evening, we turned a rather sharp bend in the road and there up on the wall stood a doe. She didn't wait for us to stop and take a photograph (which would have been rather dangerous on that particular part of the lane...but I'd have tried) She gracefully leapt into the air clearing the fence and wall with ease.
It all happened in a matter of seconds, but it was a magnificent sight of such a beautiful creature up close which will stayed etched in my mind.
So what else is outside my window today? Thankfully not the gale force arctic wind that has been visiting us for the last two days. Everything is still this morning. The birds have returned to the feeders, even though one was blown completely off the tree and emptied all over the floor. I laughed to myself when I thought about the mice that would come for their usual scavenge for anything that had dropped from the feeder only to find an abundance of seed like Mount Etna waiting for them!
So why didn't I sweep it up? Well, I thought there would be many thankful mouths eager to do the job for me.
The washing is hanging out on the line and dancing to some unique tune that only they can hear.
But there's a little sad to report I'm afraid. Most of the Virginia Creeper's leaves have fallen in a heap at our back door. Maybe it wanted to enter to be out of that cruel wind?
Most of the trees haven't lost their leaves yet, but I know it's just a question of time.
And finally there's what I would describe as a Simpson sky (from the TV show The Simpson's) A cartoon kind of sky with pockets of blue with fluffy white clouds.
Yesterday, I saw a double rainbow not once but twice! (More of that below)
Maybe I am having a lucky week and should buy a lotto ticket? comes a little sunshine. Now that is lucky!
I am thinking...about yesterday and the fact that when the wind was so strong it upped and blew the BBQ cover away. When I say away, I really mean away! I searched every inch of the garden and beyond but couldn't see it anywhere. It's not like I could miss it. It's quite large and black!
It had completely vanished and was a total mystery. I had a vision that a local sheep might have had it land on its back causing quite a stir amongst it's flock by wearing the first sheep mac!
Very this season!

I gave up searching but later in the afternoon it mysteriously appeared again. I haven't a clue where it went, but thankful it returned. It's now securely fastened down with ties!
I am thankful...that it appears we've all made the transition from Australia to the UK with relative ease. Of course there are people and things we miss but generally we seem to be settling in really well. There's still a long way to go and there's our first winter to get through of course, but I'm confident we'll make it.
McMuffy isn't so sure...she felt that icy arctic blast the other day so she's keeping her passport handy just in case! ^..^
In the kitchen...There's a freshly baked cake in the cake tin and two new fresh herbs pots on the window sill. I love to have fresh herbs near to hand and they do thankfully seem to like living in my kitchen. I've got mint, basil, dill, coriander and thyme at the moment. The Aga remains cold, but not for long. The engineer is coming to give her a fitness check next week and then hopefully she'll be given a clean bill of health. We have lots of plans for our adventures and will no doubt share some of them with you.
I am wearing...Dare I say it...? 

Joggers again with a sweat shirt (there's even a thermal vest hidden under there, but don't tell anyone. That's just between you and me). I think this might be my screensaver wardrobe for the next few months with the addition of the odd giblet when necessary. By the way, a giblet is my name for a gilet. It's just that I started saying giblet and it's stuck ever since.
For those of you whom may not have heard that word's a quilted sleeveless waistcoat. I have a few in different colours and find them so useful when I just need a little something extra.
I am creating...well I haven't actually started yet, but I will. I want to create another calendar for next year. I know I better get a move on hadn't I.
Last year I had such fun drawing and creating a calendar, so I thought I'd draw something for the re-opening of my Etsy store. I know I stated that I'd open shortly and that was months ago but how did I know that the time would disappear like it has. I don't know what on earth I've been doing to waste the time!
Last year I had such fun drawing and creating a calendar, so I thought I'd draw something for the re-opening of my Etsy store. I know I stated that I'd open shortly and that was months ago but how did I know that the time would disappear like it has. I don't know what on earth I've been doing to waste the time!

I am start to decorate a room next week. I know how exciting is that? Rock star lifestyle and all that! We've got some sofa's arriving in just under two weeks so the pressure is on. There's a lot to do before they arrive and then we have the nerve biting question of will the sofa's even get through the door!
Once more it appears I'm living on the edge.
Once more it appears I'm living on the edge.
I am wondering...why I can't keep these journal entries brief. I've notice that other people can just answer each of these questions within one sentence. I have no idea how they can do that. I'm in awe. (I'm making a conscious effort here to keep this answer brief...but it's impossible for me) 

I'm reading...Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult
It is an International Bestseller and rightly so.
Its subject matter is and has been one of great debate.
I'm finding this book slightly disturbing because as the news has shown the subject matter contained within this book is all too real. It shows that in nineteen minutes you can bring the world to a screeching halt and Peter Houghton (a much-bullied New Hampshire teenager) did just that. On a beautiful March morning, he went into school with guns instead of books, and started shooting! The town is obviously left reeling.
I have to say I am enjoying reading the book although perhaps enjoying isn't the right word to use but it is riveting. I'm only a third of the way through so I can't comment too much at the moment, plus I don't want to spoil it by doing any more research before I've read it.
I have read all of Jodi Picoult's books and never been disappointed and I don't think that will change any time soon.
I grew up on Long Island with my parents and my little brother, the product of a ridiculously happy childhood. My mom says I've been writing as long as she remembers - my first masterpiece was "The Lobster That Was Misunderstood," at age 5. I honed my writing skills beyond that, one hopes, before I headed off to Princeton, where I wanted to work with living, breathing authors in their creative writing program. Mary Morris was my teacher/mentor, and I really do believe I wouldn't be where I am today if not for her guidance and expertise. I had two short stories published in SEVENTEEN magazine when I was in college. However, when I graduated, a desire to not eat ramen noodles exclusively and to be able to pay my rent led me to take a job on Wall Street (not a great idea, since I can't even balance my checkbook). When the stock market crashed in 1987, I moved to Massachusetts and over the course of two years, worked at a textbook publishing company, taught creative writing at a private school, became an ad copywriter, got a master's in education at Harvard, got married, taught at a public school, and had a baby. My first novel was published shortly after my son was born, and I've always said that the reason I kept writing is because it's so much easier than teaching English.
In fourteen years, I've published thirteen novels: Songs of the Humpback Whale, Harvesting the Heart, Picture Perfect, Mercy, The Pact, Keeping Faith, Plain Truth, Salem Falls, Perfect Match, Second Glance, My Sister's Keeper, Vanishing Acts, and the upcoming The Tenth Circle, this March. Two of my books (Plain Truth and The Pact) were made into Lifetime TV movies; Keeping Faith will be another. My Sister's Keeper is in development at New Line Cinema to be a feature film. And there isn't a single day that I don't stop and marvel at the fact that when I go to work, I get to do what I love the most. My husband Tim and I live in Hanover, NH with our three kids, a dog, a rabbit, and the occasional donkey or cow.
I have already bought Bridget Jones' 'Mad About The Boy' and it's waiting on my bedside cabinet because I think after reading Nineteen Minutes, I might need something lighter to read.
I find when I read a thought provoking book or something similar to this one, I need to take time before moving on to the next book but when I do it will be a light-hearted choice.
For example...I started reading a chapter of 'Nineteen Minutes' whilst sitting in the hairdressers last week when suddenly I became aware that tears were brewing.
It doesn't seem right to say I'm enjoying reading it because it is so emotionally charged but it is a riveting, poignant and thought-provoking novel.
I am carry on in good health to enable me to fully appreciate all that I have.
I am looking forward to...having a trip down South to visit family soon. We haven't seen everyone since we first landed back in July.
Around the house...My son is studying in his room, McMuffty is gently gruffing to let me know that it's getting near her dinner time. Everywhere is tidy but what's not done now will have to wait. There are two fires giving warmth and a glow, setting the scene for a relaxing Friday evening. The wine is chilling and the meal prepped. Don't you just love Friday nights?
My favourite quote of the day...Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend ~ Albert Camus
One of my favourite taking photographs! I am at a stage when I can't leave the house without my camera. Since I started blogging I've progressively got worse. I can't resist snapping away at the most bizarre things and at odd times. Things come into my my eye line and I have to take a shot because I know that they can change or disappear in an instant. Take the other day for instance...a double rainbow appeared.
For example...I started reading a chapter of 'Nineteen Minutes' whilst sitting in the hairdressers last week when suddenly I became aware that tears were brewing.
It doesn't seem right to say I'm enjoying reading it because it is so emotionally charged but it is a riveting, poignant and thought-provoking novel.
I am carry on in good health to enable me to fully appreciate all that I have.
I am looking forward to...having a trip down South to visit family soon. We haven't seen everyone since we first landed back in July.
Around the house...My son is studying in his room, McMuffty is gently gruffing to let me know that it's getting near her dinner time. Everywhere is tidy but what's not done now will have to wait. There are two fires giving warmth and a glow, setting the scene for a relaxing Friday evening. The wine is chilling and the meal prepped. Don't you just love Friday nights?
My favourite quote of the day...Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend ~ Albert Camus
One of my favourite taking photographs! I am at a stage when I can't leave the house without my camera. Since I started blogging I've progressively got worse. I can't resist snapping away at the most bizarre things and at odd times. Things come into my my eye line and I have to take a shot because I know that they can change or disappear in an instant. Take the other day for instance...a double rainbow appeared.
A peek into my day...It starts. The autumn leaves begin to fall.
So that's it for this week; I hope you enjoyed your October visit and if it's your first time reading my day book entry, I hope you'll be back again soon.
Don't forget to pop over to The Simple Woman's Daybook and check out the other day book entries.

Have fun and hopefully the sun will shine for you!!!
~ ♥ ~
Good one, interesting to read through :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Weekend-Windup,
DeleteI promise I'll try to be more concise next time! ;D
Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.
Yes, your writings are quite long, but on the bright side, you have a special way of wording your thoughts. Have you ever thought of writing poetry or a story? I'm sure you would do quite well at it. The double rainbow is fabulous. Very funny about the men's weigh-in.
ReplyDeleteHi Terry,
DeleteI can go on can't I? I promise I'll try to make it concise next time ;D
I've always wanted to write a book so maybe that's why. The trouble would be that no-one would be able to even lift it never mind read it!
I'd need a very patient, meticulous and hard working editor.
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. I appreciate it
Thanks for stopping by and sure enjoyed your Daybook this morning. Yes, it's long, but interesting and that's everyone's personal preference. I would never be able to think of that much to say, but you do a good job.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pics and great story about the men's weigh in. Happy weekend to you!
Hello Lea,
DeleteEveryone in my family would probably say I have too much to say ;D
I just can't help myself...tis me and that's probably not going to change now.
Thanks for popping over to my place. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit.
Have a happy weekend too :D
Amazing rainbow picture. The buddha story was so funny.
ReplyDeleteHi Boo,
DeleteI had such a giggle over the weigh-in too. Especially when my hubby text me with his sheer horror that he might be the naughty boy!
I was so glad that I dropped everything to capture that rainbow because within seconds of taking the disappeared!
Have a wonderful weekend :D
I always enjoy reading your "daybook" entries and I don't think they are too long at all. In fact, you have inspired me to do my own similar entry about once a week in my daily journal. Thank you for sharing the double rainbow. I saw one the other day while I was driving and by the time I stopped and got my phone camera out and on, it was gone :( Enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteAww bless you cjsrq,
DeleteI'm so happy to hear that you are inspired to write your own entry. It really is a good way to stop and take stock of what's happening in the now. I'm sure you will have fun and enjoy it! ;D
Your rainbow experience sounds a little like my deer sighting. There one minute but then gone the next!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend too :D
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Annie's posts are still there, and will remain for some time. But she decided that her life is uninteresting now, and stopped posting. In fact, she now likes to spend a lot of time in the garage, away from Dotty dog, and in quiet, just to think her kitten thoughts, whatever they may be; she doesn't clue me in.
ReplyDeleteShe gave the blog back to me, and I am posting my writings, erudite and otherwise, take 'em or leave 'em, whether or not folks consider that rather narcissistic of me.
I really enjoy your long posts; I love to read, and news from another spot on the globe is interesting and enlightening.
Thank you for taking your time to post and to visit my simple blog.
Hello Anita, I understand...Annie has other interests to pursue of the feline kind ^..^
Thanks for your great feedback and I'm glad that you found the post interesting.
It is fantastic when you think about it...just simply hopping around the world and see so many different cultures at the touch of a button.
I hope you'll visit my place again, but in the meantime have fun creating your blog. Note I didn't say simple....blogging can be anything but simple at times ;D
Enjoy your weekend!
I don't think for a minute that your entries should be shorter. You have something to say, and you say it so beautifully... it would be a real shame to tamper with it. I look forward to going back and reading your earlier entries.
ReplyDeleteAww thank you so much Jennifer...I really appreciate your lovely comment.
DeleteIt sometimes makes me wonder if I've struck the right cord and it appears from the comments I've read that I'm doing okay ;D
I hope you enjoy my earlier entries if you do visit them, as they are all of a similar length hehe...maybe you should make a cuppa before you start? :D
Have a wonderful weekend whatever is on your plan...enjoy!
I'm sorry if this shows up twice, I seem to be having blogger issues this morning. Please don't try to make your entries shorter just for the sake of being shorter. You have something to say and you say it in such a lovely way that it'd be a real shame to miss any of it. I look forward to going back and reading your earlier entries.
ReplyDeleteOh hello again Jennifer (lol)
DeletePlease don't apologise especially when you say such great things about my post ;D
Don't forget to pop that kettle on before you head back into the earlier may be there some time.
Thanks once again for taking the time to stop and comment.
Especially twice! :D
What a delightful blog you have! I can almost hear your English accent as I read, and you turn your phrases so pleasantly!
ReplyDeleteLike you, I can't leave the house anymore without my camera (actually, it's my iPhone with a camera). Beloved has learned to wait for me during our late afternoon walks while I stop (repeatedly) to take pictures of wild flowers, mountains, sky, and such. Keep on blogging!
Oh I say Barbara, that's absolutely spiffing that you enjoyed visiting me (lol)
DeleteSorry I just couldn't help myself ;D
I'm fascinated that you could hear my English accent through the post though.
My friends have said that when they read my posts, it's like I'm sitting chatting with them. I've no idea how that happens but I'm happy that people enjoy listening.
I must tell you that after I said I never leave the house without my camera...this afternoon I did!
My hubby and I went out for a drive to a farm shop and also to check out the area, but I realised I hadn't put my camera in the bag.
I felt like I'd left my arm behind never mind my camera and how many things do you think I saw that I wanted to shoot!
Yep, millions...we maybe not that many but lots!
There was one particular shot I really wanted but I've had to shed it, as I'll probably never get the opportunity again :(
Anyway, let's move on and not dwell on the what if's!
Have a wonderful weekend and keep that camera close to hand :D
Ah, giblets, gilet, fleecy vest! Yep I wear one all winter even here Florida. I'm a chilly willy thru n thru!. :) Engineer weigh-in...what a hoot! I love your Daybook entires. They give us a nice glimpse into your daily life...'day' book right? Fab pics of the rainbows and fallen leaves! Have a wonderful Sunday. I hope the weather stays nice for awhile for you, making the adjustment period easier.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to hear that you like my Daybook entries Nan. They do take quite some time to create because I have to stop and think in much more detail than I normally would. It's a good exercise in stopping in the now to take stock.
DeleteIt's been chilly again today so I wore my giblet again. At least we've had lots of sun so that makes it bearable.
I hope you've had a wonderful weekend and are ready for a great week ahead ;D
Hi Neesie
ReplyDeleteWe needed our giblet's here this weekend - freezin! A great post and lovely way to keep up to date with all your news.
No wonder you have a double rainbow over your place it's because your special and pretty darn clever to have been able to capture it for us all to admire!
Have a great week
The Sottish word 'dreak' sums up our weather today. I've got my own word for it, but as you know Wren, I'm too polite to use it here ;D
DeleteYou always make me blush with your kind words. But if I was special there would have been pots of gold too!
I did have to run and grab the camera though because I knew you'd like to see it. They don't hang around but with a biting wind blowing a hoolie as I took the photo I'm glad because I could then rush back indoors!
I've been noting that your weather isn't that much different than poor things. Keep that giblet handy.
At least your weather will improve...ours won't until about August if we're lucky.
You know, everybody has their own style and yours is chatty. No need to apologize, it's what we love about you. Plenty of others write in a dry, brief style....embrace your talkative nature I say! There's a lot to reply to here, I don't know where to start (since I tend to be a bit on the long winded side as well). Love the photos, love the peek into what's going on in your life. I've also read all of Jodi P's books and you're right....enjoy seems wrong when applied to the difficult subjects she tackles, but they are ALL well written and hard to put down.....until I need an emotional break. I like how she usually has characters representing all sides of the issue and tries to give a balanced look at how actions affect others around you. Look forward to seeing your calendar drawings.....
ReplyDeleteThat word 'chatty' appeared on most of my early school reports Terrie ;D
DeleteI suppose that's just the way I I'll embrace it and just hope that it's okay with everyone. If not, then so be it!
I especially like the way Jodi P writes and enjoyed your review of her work.
As to seeing my drawings...I suppose it would help if I started to draw!
I just don't know what's going on but I've not really got going here. Unfortunately there's always something else fighting for my attention.
I'm just going to have to ignore everything else and be disciplined.
It's lovely to see you and I appreciate you leaving a lovely (long) comment :D
Must dash if I'm going to achieve any drawing today.
Have a wonderful creative week
Enjoyed the descriptions of the view from the window and spotting the deer. I really laughed at the mental image of a sheep wearing a BBQ cover for a mac though. Now that was very clever of you. Glad your husband hasn't rec'd the Naughty Boy award yet. I have to confess that a small jade buddha sits on my desk every day though. I'm going to think Naughty Girl every time I look at it now - and will most likely deserve the prize, LOL!
I think the BBQ cover might have suited a cow more as it's quite big. I still haven't a clue where it flew off to...but glad it's back ;D
DeleteI informed my hubby that a Buddha is an ideal of enlightenment; a symbol of wisdom, compassion and absolute reality but he's not convinced and only focusing on the naughty boy aspect. Thursday's weigh-in is looming!
I wouldn't mind but he only weighs just over 70 kilos.
Apologies if I've spoilt having your little jade Buddha on your desk.
You may never look at it the same again :(
I better skedaddle now I've caused trouble...have a fabulous week.
Let's hope it's full of creativity!