I was thinking that today's post could be a 'Wordless Wednesday' but as usual I've got far too much to say.
(Nothing new there my hubby would say!)
There's far too much milling around my head and it's all desperate to come out!
So I think perhaps I should call this post 'Waffling Wednesday' instead?
I apologise in advance if I take you all over the place and it is difficult to follow...but that's just the way my mind is working today. I've no idea what I'm going to write about at this stage or where it will lead...so strap yourself in...it could be a bumpy ride!
Firstly, it appears that it's October already according to the calender and autumn is upon us (whether we like it or not)
Personally I love to see the seasonal changes. It's something I really missed whilst living in the Middle East, so I make sure that I stop to appreciate the changes as they occur.
We seem to be in a transitional period at the moment...it's not too cold but then it's not warm either. It can take quite some time first thing in the morning to decide how many layers and what thicknesses will be needed...starting off rather chilly but later warming up when the weak sun peeks out through the grey blanket.
Here's my entry into this months photography of the view at the rear of our property...
As you can see there's a golden glow to the tree on the left plus it holds a new bird feeder. It took nearly a whole week for the word to spread that there was a new feeder just around the corner. I think the few chaffinches that have found it and are visiting are keeping it very quiet and to themselves for now.
The grasses near to the boundary have dried out now and their seeds scattered by the brisk breeze. The sun was very shy yesterday but it did appear sporadically during the day but I missed it!
The hills in the far distance can hardly be seen with the low cloud.
I'm happy to report that there's more blue sky peeping today, but the breeze has developed into very emthusiastic chilly gusts!
It's difficult to say whether the crows are either having fun or battling trying to fly around the fields.
But here's a view from a little further back where hopefully my veg plot might be one day...I can hope!
Tell me, do you think this Virginia Creeper is showing off?
It's certainly got into the autumn show in a big way!
I remember actually planting this plant years ago and as you can imagine I was surprised when I returned to see this stunning sight!
I've just got to make sure it doesn't run riot now...but with that colour I can't see that as too much of a problem.
Well for now anyway.
Oh I must tell you about yesterday...I was a hero and saved a life!
I know that's quite a statement but its true.
I was filling the bird feeders when I heard a strange noise.
When I investigated I saw an incredible sight...there down in a drain was a tiny blue tit!
He'd fallen down the drainpipe!
How I don't know, but there he was looking forlornly at me...so Neesie to the rescue.
First grabbing my camera of course, but I was aware that whilst I was photographing, it could well die or drown...so please forgive the quality of the picture!
I had to be brave because surprisingly I'm not too good at putting my hand down a drain or getting hold of a flapping bird!
Anyway donning my gardening gloves, I removed the drain cover and gently scooped the poor wee thing up. As it got to the top of the drain...off it flew but not before he bid me a chirpy 'thank you'.
Honestly, it sounded just like he said thank you!
And here he is...
Keeping with little critters (see I'm trying desperately not to flit too much) we tested McMuffy's intelligence after watching a doggy programme on the TV, that showed how you can do this. For anyone wanting to try this out here's the process...
When your dog is relaxed but obviously not asleep, take a towel and gently place it over its head and see how long it takes to work it out how to get out!
I'm pleased to report McMuffy did exactly as the TV's sheepdog...using the backing out technique and completed within seconds!
So it appears she's as clever as a Collie! Yay!
Hmm...so all those times we've thought she was being a dumb blond...she was in fact working the system!
Minx ^..^
Having said all of the above she is definitely having a problem in this house.
It's not foxes or buzzards as we first feared but bleeps!
Yes, I did say bleeps!
Basically, it appears that everything in this kitchen area bleeps, which sends her scurrying upstairs. I only have to walk towards the cooker now and she's off! I have to admit it is rather annoying that everytime I press anything on the cooker a high pitch noise pierces the air. It's obviously worse for a dog's sensitive ears by McMuffy's reaction.
But it's not just the cooker...there's the washing machine, microwave, tumble dryer and fridge/freezer. Plus the car can be just the same. When did it happen that we have to have a bleep to tell us what's happening or when we're either too near, too hot or open?
The fridge sound makes me want to run from the room too because it's so insistent.
Our last fridge/freezer back in Melbourne used to give a gentle melodious chime that told you that the door had been left open or you were taking too long to decide what to take out. No problem there...I'd shut it asap but this model...oh my word...it's impatient to say the least!
There's help on hand though because once the Aga is serviced we will be cooking on gas as they say and as far as I remember it doesn't bleep.
So at least thankfully that'll silence some of the bleeps.
Back 'atcha baby....I'll have to last laugh!
I can't wait to feel its warmth as an Aga can be the heart of the home.
Everyone gravitates to it.
There's bound to be lots of posts regarding this beauty!
Moving on again...(are you still with me...?) I thought I'd show you another of my wonderful presents that fantastic friends bought for us when we left Melbourne. The Monet apron got such a great reaction from everyone so I thought you'd like to see this...
It's a cushion with a street map of the area we used to live in.
I thought it was such a thoughtful present because now we have a constant reminder of all the area around our old home. Isn't that fantastic?
I did promise that once I'd left the area, I'd write a blog on the village and I still intend to...I'm just not sure when. Soon hopefully because I've taken so long that they've all probably forgotten me by now!
I also plan to show you much more about this area and all that it offers.
I've been out snapping photos so don't worry it's not all about birds, blonds, gardening and weather.
Here's just a snippet...
His Majesty's Theatre in Aberdeen is the largest theatre in north-east Scotland, seating more than 1,400. The theatre is sited on Rosemount Viaduct, opposite the city's Union Terrace Gardens. It was designed by Frank Matcham and opened in 1906.
I'll be writing about His Majesty's Theatre and possibly taking you inside at some stage. Note that beautiful blue sky!
Phew...well I feel a little better now that I've nattered for a while with you...but really I must get on...
Don't worry I'll be back soon
In the meantime enjoy your week whatever you get up to...have fun!
Toodleloo for now 

Another wonderful peek into your world! Poor McMuffy! Lol all that bleeping. Baxter just barks at any sound he's not sure of, but thankfully we have no bleeps here! But then I don't think any of my white goods are new enough to bleep!! Love those red leaves and the theatre looks amazing! Take care lovely. Zo xx 65
ReplyDeleteThey're everywhere Zo and she's had bleeping enough! ^..^
DeleteBaxter sounds like he's switched on...and would be a good guide dog. I think there's no need to test his intelligence.
Aren't those leaves something...and that's without the sun shining on them. They don't look real sometimes but they are! ;D
I'm hoping to blog more about the history that surrounds me. As I said I'm just not sure.
I'm still trying to get some art done. With my mind all over the place is it any wonder that I haven't been able to sit and draw!
Lovely to see you...I'll pop over to check on you soon.
Pop that kettle on :D
I have always wanted an Aga, how romantic, its a beauty! this I love so much,
ReplyDeletepoor puppy, thats so sad, I suppose they have sensitive ears don't they,
what a beautiful area you live in, I enjoy my visits with you so much, and such a thoughtful gift the map pillow, you have good friends because YOU are a good friend,
Isn't she just Laurie ;)
DeleteFrom our first meeting all those years ago I've been slightly smitten. From day one I cooked a huge joint of roast beef and never looked back. I had been told I'd have to go to lessons to learn how to cook on one but I never did.
We muddled through and became a team! ;D
Oh Muffy's fine she just needs to toughen up! When she's cosy in her bed and snoozy she still drags herself to hide, but as the winter comes on maybe she'll find it all too much effort? We'll see. I'm trying to desensitize her ^..^
I love you popping by too Laurie...so keep visiting won't you? I've got lots to share with you.
Thank you for the compliment...I did make some great friends whilst over there.
Have a great day :D
Lovely post, Neesie. The view is beautiful and the Virginia Creeper is gorgeous at this time of the year - such a cheering colour. I was never in any doubt of McMuffy's intelligence - you can see it in his wee face that he's as bright as a button. Love the Aga - and it's green, my favourite colour too. So nice of your friends to give you that cushion - it's always going to be a conversation piece. Ah, His Majesty's Theatre - now that brings back some happy memories. We had to travel a fair few miles to Aberdeen from Rosehearty to see a show or play but it was worth it. It's such a pleasure to read your blog and now I'm eagerly awaiting the next one. Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth xx
ReplyDeleteThanks Elizabeth, I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it ;D
DeleteI'm just keeping an eye on the creeper at the moment, because it's now climbing over the eaves and making its way along the roof...but it is a stunning sight especially when the light catches it.
Hmm...as bright as a button...well McMuffy certainly can be sneaky using that cutie card to the max! ^..^
I received some beautiful and thoughtful gifts when we left Melbourne. I was incredibly touched.
I'm so glad you liked the colour of the Aga because I won't be changing it anytime soon (hehe)
We are having it serviced next week and then she'll be fired up. I can't wait!
Wow Elizabeth, I have just googled to find out where Rosehearty is located.
You really did have to travel to see a show! (Love the name by the way)
Now I won't be posting again for a day or so because I want to spend the time on arty stuff. I hope that's okay?
I'm heading into the studio to light the fire and to get settled for the afternoon.
It's cold, grey and very wet here today, so the perfect excuse to hide away.
Thanks so much for visiting and being so encouraging with your lovely comments. I really appreciate your time.
Enjoy the day whatever it brings and I'll pop over to your place as soon as I can.
Your deep green Aga is a beauty and I can see how it will become the heart of your home. And how good you saved the little bird.
ReplyDeleteHi Terra,
DeleteWe've had to wait for the Aga to be serviced but once it gets the okay from the engineer we'll be up and running. A toasty kitchen will be just perfect.
I did feel good about the bird because it really was lucky I heard it fall down the drainpipe. The grate was over the top of the drain, so there's no way he would have been able to get out himself.
It put a smile on my face every time I thought about it :D
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by
Did my comment go through? I told you your deep green Aga is beautiful and will be the heart of your home, and also it is good you saved the bird.
ReplyDeleteOh hello again Terra (hehe)
DeleteYes you did get through ;D
Thanks for your visit...enjoy the day!
Thought I'd say Hello! We met briefly at the French cooking class back in Melbourne. Lovely to see what you're getting up to, your blog inspires me to look at starting my own! Love the Arga too.
ReplyDeleteWell hello there Christine,
DeleteHow fantastic that you've come all this way to visit me.
It's a good job the kettles just boiled! ;D
I can't emphasis enough how much fun and rewarding it is to write a blog.
You should definitely have a go. If you do don't forget to let me know!
I see that the cooking class are holding more classes and they used my blog post in their blurb! See you never know where blogging will lead.
Here's the link in case you haven't seen what I wrote about the course
I hope you'll visit here regularly as I have lots I want to share :D
Have a great day and don't think too much about it...just do it!!!!
Goodness, I don't know where to start. Great rescue of the bird, stunning red leaves and oh my the beeps. I laughed at the towel trick with McMuffy. Of course she did just the right thing, I would expect no less. Hope the Aga is up and running soon, I expect you are going to really enjoy it this winter.
Yeah I'm sorry about that Darla...I was all over the place wasn't I? ;D
DeleteThe Aga is to be serviced soon so we'll but cooking on gas soon and as I said there's not only the lovely warmth that will radiate from it...but no bleeps!
McMuffy will be a happy bunny if you see what I mean ^..^
Thanks for popping over...have a great day.
Whatever you get up to don't forget to have fun! :D
You are a hero! You saved a bird, planted that beautiful Virginia Creeper and have a wonderful Green oven. How cool. A suggestion.... maybe you could google your appliances and find a way to shut off all those bleeps! I'm feeling bad for Muffy.
ReplyDeleteI try my best Boo (lol) ;D
DeleteNow googling for a manual sounds just the thing, but if you knew me then you'd know I just don't do manuals! EVER!
It drives my sister crazy because she always reads any new appliances manual from cover to cover before she goes near the 'on' button.
I like to live on the edge!!!
As for Muffy, I'm working on it, so don't feel too bad. She's not as bad as she was...I'm reinforcing her staying put with chicken, so after that intelligence test she might well be working me...who knows? ^..^
Have a wonderful weekend ~ enjoy :D
I agree with Boo's comment above. Must be a way to turn off the beeps or lower the volume. The fridge actually tells you to close the door?! How uncool is that? Are McMuffy's paws bleeding? I would definitely be silencing the offending machines! Yea for you...you are woman you are hero! Nicely done. :) Love the bright red of the Virginny Creeper...makes me shiver tho....colder temps on the way. Bbbrrrr! What a cool building! Can't wait to see the inside. I have loved this type of architecture for many a year, tho I'm more into minimalism at the moment. (Easier to clean you understand. tehe ) See how much of an interactive blogger you are ...you've got most of us writing small novels back to you. Hugs a bunch from sunny central Florida.
ReplyDeleteHello Nan,
DeleteI've answered Boo but just in case you didn't see the reply...I just don't do manuals! Never have and probably never will. It drives my hubby insane but I'm a press and fiddle until it works kinda gal! ;D
I'm working on either eliminating the bleeps or getting Muffy to accept them. She's getting lots of chicken if she stays put whilst I cook, so I think she's not too badly done to. Her paws aren't bleeding by the way, that's just the colour of the fur around the pads. She's what's known as a tri-coloured Shuh Tzu. Cream, tan and if her hair grows long, black on the tips of her tail, and ears ^..^
It's not that cold here yet so I can't really complain. But I will no doubt later.
Today for instance, the sun is shining and the weekend temps look really good for this time of year! 16 degrees forecast for today...not bad for October.
I'm aware that the comments are getting longer...which means my replies are too!
But I love them whether they are one word, sentence or half a page!
Hugs to you too from chillier but bright sunny Scotland! :D
Oh Neesie, that Virginia Creeper is incredible!! Beautiful backyard as well... wow. Now I want a bite of whatever you bake first in that AGA...;-)
ReplyDeleteHello Minnemie, it's lovely to see you again ;D
DeleteThanks for taking time out of your hectic schedule to comment...I really appreciate it. Now I know that you've been here :)
The creeper just gets more intense with every passing day. I will have to take a photo of it when the sun's shining. It looks like the house is on fire from the lane!
I can't wait for the Aga to be serviced...not long now and I'll be up and running (bleepless) Not sure what will come out first, but I'll be sure to set you some aside...pop the kettle on and give you a call! :D
Have a wonderful weekend whatever you have on your plan I hope it involves some fun xoxo
I love that paw. Is that Muffin's? The Virginia Creeper is quite a show indeed. What a gorgeous red!
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm late, was on that 'jolly to Singapore,' (quoting you actually :) )
Hello Hazel,
DeleteHow was the jolly? I bet it was fabulous ;D
Don't ever apologise to me for being late I'm just thrilled that you stopped by. I'm always a 'tail-end Charlie' anyway!
It is Muffy's paw in her usual evening reclining position...ZZzzzZ...
I've got another photo of her two paws and couldn't decide which to put in the post. Maybe I'll attach the other one at a later stage ^..^
The Virginia Creeper is growing more intense each day...I'm just loving it and making the most of it before the leaves drop! They're on borrowed time I think. Fall/Autumn is well and truly here.
Have a wonderful weekend...and I'll look forward to hearing about 'Pingapore' (as my daughter always used to call it)
Could be called 'Wonderful Wednesday' or 'WOW Wednesday', so much to read and enjoy. Your blog is so different from anyone else's that I have ever visited, and it is such a pleasure to see your photos and read your 'nattering'. I wish I could comment on every lovely photo, but my comment would be as long as your post. I'll just pick out the view, the creeper and the lucky little bird. You deserve a medal for saving a life, and it's a lovely thought that you found him and were able to rescue him. Enjoyed my visit as always.
ReplyDeleteI am truly humbled Jez, by your lovely comments above.
DeleteIt really has made such a difference reading them. I often wonder as I suppose many bloggers do...is it good enough? Will people be interested in hearing that? Or worse still what a load of nonsense! ;D
But then I receive a beautiful comment that makes it all worthwhile!
I'm sorry that I've taken so long to reply. As you know I reply to everyone that leaves a comment. I don't always get to visit them because quite frankly I do need to sleep but I do try. I did think I'd already finished with this post but was surprised to see I had three comments left!
What can I say...you just can't get the staff Jez.
Once again before I sign off...I want you to know your words mean so much to me...they made my heart sing :D
I hope you continue to enjoy your visits and I'll pop over to have a cuppa with you soon.
Oh, I loved every part of this post with all its meandering and nattering! You were truly a hero to that sweet little bird, too. Sounds like your new home is filled with new noises to get used to. Stay warm!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to hear you enjoyed your visit Rita, but I can only apologise that it's taken me until now to reply. I have no idea why it's taken me so long? I suppose it's wasting time sleeping that does it...when I could fit so much more into my day! ;D
DeleteWe've had quite a few mishaps with the birds...they tend to fly into the windows but most recover after a few minutes in a dazed condition. Some unfortunately don't but not many.
I've now added further bird feeders around the back of the house, to ease the tension at the 5 star restaurant. It just becoming as popular so will spread the load.
I have to say I'm waving from Sunny Scotland this morning. Well I couldn't resist could I? LOL :D
Devoured this post with a cup of tea in hand! Well done for saving that feathered friend.. we get a lot of birdies that fall out of nests on our bushy block and I always fret that if I pick up the wee one and return it to the nest the mother will reject it - so far so good though - I have about an 80% success rate & i've given the few that are rejected to our local wildlife sanctuary - saints that they are!
ReplyDeleteI saw a technique on the telly to help "discourage fearful responses" in your pooch - you hold your doggy and soothingly talk to it, cuddle it etc... then as someone makes the noise (someone else) you immediately give said pooch a delicious treat. Repeat a few times until you can do it without holding Miss M and then keep reinforcing with cuddles and soothing tones.
Not sure if it'll work but it's worth a try since it worked well with our Little Eddie and the Dyson Vacuum Cleaner!
Have a super week lovely lady! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Oh that's good to hear...a cuppa is the perfect way to visit bloggy friends :D
DeleteIt sounds like we are birds of a feather Angy...saving all our birds.
Now on to McMuffy. Thanks for your helpful advice and I have to say I'm sort of doing those things. Talking in a stupid soft calm voice when I'm pressing buttons or singing (oh my I've just had a thought...maybe that's why she runs out of the room? :( and reinforcing her good behaviour when she stays with pieces of chicken.
She is better than she was, but we'll carry on.
She's always been fearful of the microwave even though it's cooking her beloved chicken (and she knows that because she times it perfectly...moving away until the last ping) I think it comes from one time when I had the Tupperware container with her chicken cooking and it popped it's top open loudly! She's never been the same since. ^..^
You've got to watch those Dyson's too and she does...from a distance! lol
I hope you are having a super relaxing week. Good luck ;D (you know what I mean)
I'm waving from Sunny Scotland today and I want the world to know it!