If only my fingers weren't frozen then perhaps I'd have been able to post this a little earlier. We've only 2 degrees this morning with a atmospheric fog clinging along the river and through the woods and fields.
I know I'm a woos but what can I say...Guilty!
I know I'm always wittering on about how time fly's as you all know only too well...doesn't it for everyone these days?
So as well as showing you my (temporary) desk for WOYWW (What's on your Work Desk Wednesday and what I got up to yesterday, I'll also enter the Artist Play Room.
I hope they let me in because I haven't been there for so long.
Who knows...Jenn might have changed the locks!
This weeks theme is 'Time'
Here's the desk...which really isn't a desk at all...it's the kitchen table.
Note the binoculars are on hand for making sure I miss nothing.
Yep as well as a woos I'm also nosy!
I don't want to miss anything...especially when the deer wander into the field.
I've also picked some of the Virginia Creeper leaves which you can see on the left hand side of the table. They are an amazing colour (which unfortunately doesn't show up in the photo)
I'm not sure what I'll do with them for now, but I knew I just wanted to keep a few.
There's also an Aga cookbook by Mary Berry from back in the 70's I think, because yesterday my Aga had her health check and now she's raring to go.
I'm going to write a post soon about her and her history, but I was just browsing through the book yesterday and left it there.
There's also my Derwent pencils too.
I'm so glad I took this photo yesterday and not tried to do it this morning.
At least you can see the sun is shining on this one but I'm hopeful that it will again today.
So finally I managed a few minutes to do some drawing...and here's the result.
I'm a little nervous to show you...but here goes....
It's not finished. I need to work on the eyelashes and the lettering of course.
(by the way the neesie natters isn't on the drawing)
So there you have it...my desk this week.
If you want to see lots of other desks from around the globe just nip over to Julia over at Stamping Ground and don't forget APR too.
Thanks for stopping by...it's always great see you and even better if you stop to comment.
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone
Toodleloo for now

Nessie y have put your desk in a lovely position by the windows ... I am sure it's very inspiring for you and you see lots of wildlife etc!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds as if it's getting very cold up there were you are I hope your coping with the weather after all the sunshine you had in oz
Jackie 10
Hi Jackie,
DeleteYep I'm coping (just) but I'm fearful that we've got so much more to come!
Still without the winter we wouldn't appreciate the spring would we?
I know I've been there before when living in the Middle East, so I'll just keep cosy and positive... finding all the wonders of nature and the changes that occur!
Do I sound convincing? Nah I didn't think so ;D
I have to admit though that I'm loving the autumn display of colours !
Have a Happy WOYWW and thanks for popping over
Wow I love that drawing. Super idea. I bet you see so many wonderful things with your binoculars. I also guess the UK Autumn/winter is going to take some getting used to now you're back. Must dash got to get ready for my haircut! Take care Zo xx 86
ReplyDeleteDo you Zo? I'm not so sure but then that's nothing new for me.
DeleteI think I need to revisit it again and then maybe I'll be okay ;D
It's great having the binoculars handy but then I just can't resist that view. Every time I walk past a window I have to check if there's anything out there!
I'm working on this winter milarky thing but it's an ongoing project.
Happy Hairdo Zo...have a great day and thanks for stopping by
Fabulous detail in the iris :)
ReplyDeleteStill can't work out how you get anything done with the view x
It's difficult Laura...I appreciate that you realise what I'm up against ;D
DeleteI've finished with the iris I think but need to carry on with the rest.
Thanks for popping by....have fun desk hopping :D
fabulous project! I know what you mean about the Virginia Creeper leaves, they always look amazing. I've just seen a WOYWWer who has put leaves, sandwiched between cardstock, through her Cuttlebug and got some awesome prints with the colours squeezed out! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #29 xx
ReplyDeleteOhh...that sounds fascinating Shaz, but I don't have a Cuttlebug.
DeleteMaybe one will have to go on my Christmas list? ;D
Thanks for visiting my space...have a great week too with lots of creativity.
Hugs to you too xoxo
Looks like a peaceful little spot at your desk. lol, I keep my binoculars handy also, never know what might pop up. Such talent you have, I can't draw at all, although I do like to paint.
ReplyDeleteIt can be peaceful if I turn the music off Terry but it's usually blasting out! ;D
DeleteThanks for your visit and kind comment...I really appreciate it.
Happy Wednesday to you
Even though it is a temp work desk it has nice views and light. I like your entry for APR.
I love the view and light but it can be rather distracting ;)
DeleteThanks for stopping by Darla.
Have a great day xoxo
Wow...That is stunning. Love the details. Happy crafting #49
ReplyDeleteHello Regina,
DeleteThanks for stopping by and your comment.
I'm late replying, so I better get a wriggle on if I'm to visit everyone! ;D
Have a great day and happy crafting to you too :D
Goodness, Nessie Now I know it's been ages since I visited you, you're not in Australia anymore!!!!!! How is it being home? You certainly seem to have swapped on beautiful place for another even if the weather is a bit more inclement!!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely adore your eye, it's stunning.
Hugs Lisax #110
Hello Lisa,
DeleteYep we've been back a few months now and until a week or so ago the weather was great. We did pack quite a lot of sun and heat into our freight but obviously that's all worn out now, so I'll have to contact someone for some more.
We only had 2 degrees yesterday morning but today is a tropical 10!
I'm not going to focus on the weather though because we are in a special place and there's lots to distract me! Well that's the plan anyway ;D
It's lovely to hear you like my eye (hehe)
Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment. It's great to see you again.
Happy WOYWW too :D
I don't know how you can create anything at that location. I think I'd just sit and stare at the world for hours, then pick up the binoculars and start all over again! Usually I find up close eyeballs to be rather creepy but yours doesn't spook me a bit.
ReplyDeleteHehe...you've just described my day there Princess Judy ;D
DeleteI never thought about the eye being creepy. I'm so glad mine was okay!
Thanks for visiting and I'll pop over to you asap.
It'll be next Wednesday if I don't get a wriggle on :D
Have a great day!
Ok wifi is finally back up...looked at this last night....Wow! Love the eye! So so cool! Nice sunny day out the window but looks can be deceiving, huh?! :) Stay warm draw some more it's good exercise. :)) Happy WOYWW! Nan G #25
ReplyDeleteThat sounds good advice there Nan...staying warm and drawing ;D
DeleteThanks for your comment on my eye...I'm glad you like it.
I wasn't so sure but nothing new there!
Glad you're up and running again. How did we ever get to be so reliant on wifi?
Happy WOYWW to you too :D
You kitchen table looks like a wonderful spot to create at, which such a wonderful view. I would want to watch what wildlife wandered by throughout the day and I am loving your time themed drawing too. Have a wonderful week! Danie #54.
ReplyDeleteHi Danie,
DeleteI'm going to be doomed if the farmer brings the lambs into the field...then NOTHING will be done ;D
It's hard enough now to concentrate without all the antics of cute little spring lambs.
I better get on with something now just in case that happens...although that won't be until January if I remember rightly.
Thanks for taking time out to come to my place.
I hope you have a wonderful week too :D
Just had to comment on time flying by. I never really paid attention to time until I had my daughter and I started measuring time by things she accomplished. She is 33 now and it has flown by. The eye is amazing!!! Again, going with time flying. You are probably wondering where your Autumn went since it is already in the single digits. Take care and warm.
ReplyDeleteYeah I'm not sure I like single digits Pam :(
DeleteI'm having to be tough on myself which is manageable if I'm wrapped up in thermals!
My timescale have all gone to pot with my kids because my daughter informs me she's 28 and my son is 21!!! I have no idea how that can be...especially when I'm only 19! ;D
Thanks for stopping to comment especially with liking my eye (hehe)
Well I must dash if I'm to visit everyone.
Toodleloo for now...now where's my hat...scarf...gloves....
I enjoyed this post. Like you, I enjoy looking out the windows and binoculars are handy when we aren't sure what it is we are seeing!
ReplyDeleteWell yes that is until you suddenly notice that someone is walking up the lane and thinks you are snooping on them and not the bird that just landed in a nearby tree! :$
DeleteHave a great day ;D
beautiful drawing and a beautiful place to work!
ReplyDeleteRobin 117
Thank you Robin,
DeleteI do know that I'm extremely lucky to have such a beautiful place to be inspired.
Have a great week and thanks for stopping by ;D
I am loving that you can sit at that table and look out on that view how blissful is that, I would never be able to get anything done.
ReplyDeleteI am loving your piece of art it really draws you in
Happy WOYWW have an enjoyable week hugs Ria #22
Well nothing much gets done Ria, other than eating, watching the landscape and sometimes if I'm lucky I get to draw something ;D
DeleteThanks for stopping by and I'm thrilled you liked the time flying piece.
Happy WOYWW to you too.
Have a great week :D
Fab drawing Neesie - don't forget to show us the finished one! x Jo
ReplyDeleteHi Jo,
DeleteI always have difficulty going back to a drawing once I stop but if I do add more it it I'll certainly let you see it ;D
Thanks for popping by my place.
Have a great day
Looks like a mighty neat and tidy place... must be a record for WOYWW!
ReplyDeleteYour drawing is awesome!
Thanks for the snoop!
Chrissie #84
It could be tidy because it's only temporary Chrissie,
DeleteI have to tidy everything away when its meal times. I'm hoping that I can get moving into the studio soon but there's so many other priorities shouting for attention.
I know I should just ignore them all and concentrate on the art but not everyone here thinks like us WOYWW ~ shocking though that is! :$
Thanks for popping over.
Have a wonderful weekend whatever you get up to ;D
2degrees! No wonder you're shivering!! Love the drawing, so detailed. Hugs. Pam#68
ReplyDeleteHello Pam,
DeleteThankfully that 2 degrees only lasted for a morning. We're up to 9 degrees, but it's hardly light.
I'm the early bird this morning ;D
Ahh...the sun's just stretching and getting up at last!
Have a wonderful weekend ~ enjoy!
I'm with you on keeping the binoculars handy, Nessie! I'm afraid I would spend very little time when they were NOT being held up to make sure I didn't miss anything! You needn't have been nervous about showing us your drawing BTW! It is brilliant!! Truly! Happy Belated WOYWW and thanks for the visit to me! Have a wonderful week! Darnell #57
ReplyDeleteAww thanks Darnell,
DeleteYour lovely comment has set a smile on my face...and it's not even light yet this morning! ;D
I hope you have a fabulous weekend whatever you have planned.
Enjoy! xoxo
I love it - because it's so clever & because it's so true. Now if I can just remember that when I'm racing around like a headless chook stressing about things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of life!
ReplyDeleteThe thought of deer roaming on ones property just makes me sigh with that longing for our UK adventure to come sooner rather than later... I hope you can get a photo of them!
Your kitchen table looks like it has the most enviable view.... I'd definitely staring out the window all day long.
Hope you have a fabulous week lovely lady ...♥♥♥
I think we can all do with remembering that Angy!
DeleteLife can become such a whirlwind it's sometimes hard to stop the madness. It's a lesson for us all ;D
Well it is pretty special to have all this wildlife and birds coming to call. I've been wondering where the pheasants and owls are, but you've made me think...enjoy what's here now and they'll come back. (They used to be here before when we lived here)
Rest assured that I'll certainly let you know when they do :D
I don't want to make you long even more for your UK tour, but I'll be writing a post about my Aga soon. I'm just in the process of putting it all together.
I've learnt a few things myself which I didn't know which is a pleasant surprise.
Have a wonderful weekend and I'll nip across to see you soon.
Pop that kettle on :D
It's lovely to check in with you once again Ros...especially now I need my Australian fix.
ReplyDeleteI've been hearing and seeing the fires on the news. It's frightening as I remember witnessing Black Saturday. I'll never forget it!
I am so lucky to have such a fabulous table to work on, but there's the drawback of all the distractions. As you can imagine it can take me some time even to get started ;D
Thanks for coming all this way. I appreciate it and hope that your weekend is going well.
Keep safe and I'll nip across to you again soon
Are you Mrs. Clean or what!! I love your drawing - very nice.
I try my best Sandy....hehe.
DeleteSometimes I think I'd get on much better if I did mess it up a little!
Have a great day and I know I'm late replying...you'll already be into this weeks WOYWW. I've done diddlysquat since last week, so I'm not entering this week but I'll nip across to see what you've been up to :D