“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Caravaning Capers... PPF

Have you ever been stuck on a country road, going uphill behind a caravan?
Did you manage to keep calm or did you or the driver look like they were going to interally combust, because obviously you needed to get to that destination in the shortest time possible.
I remember when I was young that the caravans always seemed to struggle up hill or weaved slightly, which made all other drivers around rather nervous.
So imagine my disbelief when my sister announces that she and her husband are to become caravaners! 
It's something that I thought I'd never, ever hear, but apparently they are so excited.
I must admit listening to her talk about all of the pros, I'm 'slightly' in agreement that there maybe 'something' in this pursuit. 
But I hasten to add only 'slightly'!
 (I'm being generous here because after all she's my sister)
Remember I've never been camping in any shape or form... and I class caravans only just above a tent. 
But there you are... they're excited and are on the hunt for the right caravan for them, and then they will be taking to the open road. 
I've been informed that 
caravans are completely different these days and can travel at a reasonable speed... and up hill to boot!
So for this week's artwork I couldn't resist sending them a little congratulatory caravaning card.
I've never heard of this kind of card before... but then what do I know about caravaning? 
Diddlysquat apparently!
My son was rather bothered that I'd parked the caravan on an apparent sheer cliff face, but I told him he's being over cautious. It'll be fine! (gulp)
I've printed copies of my sister and her hubby's faces from a photograph, so that they can actually be in the caravan, but obviously I can't post their image here, as I haven't asked their permission. 
(Which is something that I always do... but this is to be a surprise) 
The card is on it's way to them today, so I hope that it arrives before she sees this post. 
I placed some kitchen paper over their faces for now, but I'm thinking it looks like net curtains.
Obviously, when she opens the envelope she'll get the full impact photo and all...and it hopefully will give her a good giggle.

I thought I'd use the opportunity to practice some more lettering on the inside of the card.
If you visited last week and saw my poor videoing skills sketching (click here if you'd like to see)
I did promise some readers that I'd show the sketch when it was finished. 
So that's it for this week folks...
I'd love to hear any of your caravaning cappers if you have had any... or what you've done recently to pass on a giggle. 
I'll be linking up with Eva and Kristin as usual over at PPF
If you'd like to see more art just click on the PPF link above.
I'm also linking to Alexandra's Sunday Sketches 
Until we meet again... have fun and keep smiling.


  1. What a beautiful and thoughtful card! Personally, I despise camping. Tenting is right out. NEVER in a million years would I tent. I might possibly consider going in a trailer (what we call caravans in Canada). The real problem is the dearth of 5-star hotels in the wilderness. Although there's some lovely ones in our mountain parks of Lake Louise, Banff and Jasper here in Alberta!

    1. I'm not so sure she'll think the same Debra, I'm hoping she'll see the funny side of it.
      I just realise that you're from Alberta... oh my goodness are you okay? We're seeing apocalyptic scenes of the fires here. Truly terrifying.
      I hope you and yours are all safe.
      Take care xoxo

    2. Yes, I live in Edmonton so I'm fine, about 5 hours south of the big northern wildfire. We have a lot of evacuees here from Fort McMurray though, more every day. Those unfortunate people have a long road ahead of them until they'll be able to go home and rebuild.

    3. I was forgetting for a minute just how vast Canada is Debra. I've stayed just outside of Montreal, so I have no excuse.
      It's sad that the Fort McMurray plight seems to have disappeared from our news, but we all know just how long people will need to recover some normality once again... that's if they ever can.

  2. I know what you men about being stuck behind a caravan....Not my idea of a holiday either, yikes! I did enough camping with Guides and later 'lovely' school classes when I was teaching to last me a life time! Love the card though, and I hope they will enjoy their caravaning! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks Valerie, it seems to me that you've certainly done your stint of camping over the years to have a reprieve.
      I think the ultimate plan is to tour France.
      Happy PPF to you too.

  3. Love your sketch.
    Happy PPF♥

    1. Aww thanks Sirkkis,
      I certainly had a great deal of fun drawing/painting it.
      Happy PPF to you too.

  4. that is such a great card, I love it,, I have never been camping although some described our lives as full time camping lol,,

    1. Haha! Now I'd have thought that you would be a great advocate for camping... being so one with nature.
      Have a wonderful weekend.
      Happy PPF to you

  5. Wonderful idea, Neesie. Your delightful sketch brought back memories of years ago being behind a caravan in Scotland. It took up the entire narrow road and had one side up against some sort of pole or tree. A car was trying to pass coming the other way and they got stuck there. We got photos. It was funny for us because we were not in a hurry to get somewhere.

    1. Thanks Faye, I thought everyone would have a tale to tell about caravans.
      Thanks for sharing and I wish you a happy PPF.

  6. Spending a lot of time driving in the highlands I have to say I am not a huge caravan fan.... :) being stuck behind one on a windy road is no fun...I have got a much faster new car recently which has already brought the hot of overtaking them easier! Strangely though I did have a couple of lovely static caravan holidays in Cornwall so I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite eh! Lovely artwork Nessie!

    1. Thanks Morag, I know exactly what you mean by the trials and tribulations especially on narrow windy country roads. I think my sister's main plan is to drive to France and camp there... so the highways of the highlands will be clear... concerning my sister's caravan.
      Have a great weekend and good luck with your exhibition... although I'm sure you'll not need luck!

  7. Cute caravan and beautiful finished sketch!

    1. Hehe thanks Christine, I had lots of fun creating it.
      Happy PPF to you

  8. Ha that's beautiful such a great card and I rather like the net curtains. But then like you Neesie I suspect I'd be rather more into the all mod cons version - Glamping or is that Glaravaning? Although I suspect in this caravan there would be a pretty good mini bar!!!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Wren x

    1. Funny I didn't have you as a net kind of person Wren... but then you do say you'd prefer Glamping or Glaravaning. (I like that)
      I can virtually predict 100% that they'll be a good mini bar included. Once they've pitched (is that what you call it... I haven't a scooby)
      Have a lovely weekend too. Chat soon xo

  9. What a delightful card. Here is the states we call it camping. We do have a trailer that is quite comfortable. I understand being behind one and having to wait. Sometimes it an exercise in patience which isn't a bad thing after all. I just came back from a trip to Yellowstone National Park where I saw some amazing wildlife. I am sure your sister will be delighted with the card and all her new adventures.

    1. I think you might have a point there Kate... it's far to easy to dash about at breakneck speed. Sometimes it does us good to slow the pace and even better to stop and smell the roses!
      Now that trip does sound inviting. From what I've seen and heard The Yellowstone National Park is a special place to visit. I really must put it on my 'to do' list.
      The postie still hasn't delivered my card yet (heaven knows where it's been) so I'm waiting on tenterhooks for her reaction.
      I think my sister plans to tour France, once they get organised.

  10. We camped wth a tent when I was a kid. Every summer we were on the road for weeks. Having a "camper" (which is what I assume a caravan is) or a "motor home" would have been a luxury over a sleeping bag on the ground--LOL! But it is quite an adventure and I am so glad we did it. They should have a lot of fun! And I LOVE your card!! :)

    1. I can recognise that camping must be such a treat for kids. I love nature and getting young ones to appreciate every aspect of it... so camping would be perfect for that. It just isn't for me. Maybe if I'd been as a child I might have had a different outlook. It must be very exciting and a huge adventure for a child.
      A bag on the ground and possibly getting wet and cold does absolutely nothing for me.
      But I think a camper is a reasonable step up from that, but I'm not committing myself to anything just yet.
      I still haven't heard if the card has arrived yet! Tentatively waiting!

  11. awesome card Denise!! I'm sure they will LOVE it! I have never been caravaning but I think it sounds like so much fun. I used to go camping when I was a kid.Now, I'd much prefer the step up:)

    1. Oh I hope so Linda... it still hasn't arrived yet as far as I know. It really should arrive this morning.
      Yes, I'm definitely in favour of a step up too, but I can understand how people can be huge fans. I love nature and to be up close and personal to that level must be so rewarding. I just hate to be cold!

  12. OK, first I love the curtains and the card is great. I lived remote for three years in the Idaho Bitteroot Mt. We had a tent and made a shelter. We hunted (I bow hunt), gathered herbs and roots, and I loved every minuted of it. When we came back to town it took me a few years to get use to a roof. We then got a travel trailer and for the next few years traveled the states. I miss this type of free living. Happy weekend to you.

    1. Hehe thanks Nicole,
      What a fascinating insight into your life... it sounds incredible.
      Thanks so much for sharing.
      Happy weekend to you too.

    2. What lovely adventures, Nicole!

  13. The card is so wonderful, I am sure they will love it! I've been camping but not in a long time and I've never been caravaning... Your drawing with the animals is gorgeous, I love it.

    1. I'm getting slightly worried now Lisa as the card hasn't arrived yet! It most have decided to take the scenic route!
      Thanks for your lovely comment. Happy PPF to you

  14. not a fan of caravans, i've been camping and like it but not anymore. stay in a hotel or hostel if going anywhere

    make sure to tell your sister that who ever is going to be driving is allowed, some people can't so better to check if their license allows them to tow the weight. can't remember where that is in the books for driving but if I find it again, i will let you know

    1. I'm exactly the same Jennifer... I like to be comfortable, warm and have hot showers on tap (literally) although I know some of the facilities are very switched on these days, to what they used to be.
      Thanks for the heads up about the license issue. I'll certainly mention it, although my BIL has his own garage business. I'm sure he'll be okay, but best be safe than sorry though.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. It is a cute caravan. It is probably luxury compared to camping. I've never slept in a caravan but I have been camping on occasion. You'll have to let us know how much they like it after a few trips. Your little card is very cute and I can't wait to see your colored sketch. I just love that! :) Erika

    1. Oh I think it will be definitely be a step up from camping in a tent Erika. I think the main aim is to drive across to France and tour there, once they get the model they want. It's still a treasure hunt at this stage.
      Thanks for your visit... have a wonderful weekend.

  16. What a wonderful, thoughtful card! It's adorable. Love the idea of having photos in the window! :)

    1. Hehe... well I'm not sure my sister thought it was wonderful especially when she initially heard I'd written a blog post about it. She didn't realise I'd covered their images for that.
      I just thought it would be a fun thing to land in the post, instead of the usual bills etc.

  17. Great card and I'm sure they will love it.I love camping ! Even the rugged tent and hammock type. I'm sure my old body would resent sleeping in a hammock any more though.

    1. I doubt whether my body would be able to get off the ground sheet after sleeping all night in a tent, so the caravan would be the better option for me. I'm still not convinced that it's for me though.
      Who knows... they say never say never eh?

  18. Now there's a funny thing as your caravanning capers are so applicable to me at the moment! My hubby and I are going to join the hordes of what are commonly termed as the Grey Nomads here in Aus. Nearing 'transition' age, we have a vast country to explore. And nothing better (and cheaper)to go travelling than with a caravan!
    I love your little van and you could have added a little lace curtain on the windows, that would have been really cute!

    1. I love that term, Julie! (If not heard it) I hope you and your husband have wonderful travels.

    2. Now I can understand you needing a camper to head off into the sunrise for Aussie adventures across that vast land Julie.
      On the original card the windows do have lacey type curtains... just just the paper towel cover hides not only my sister and BIL's image, but the curtains too.
      Good luck with your travels and I'd love to hear all about it and see your photos. Have fun!
      I better add in here (for my sister's sake and mine) that she's not quite at the Grey Nomad stage just yet!

  19. Oh, that's a sweet present for your sister, she'll love it! Who knows, you might start to love caravaning too :-)

    1. Steady on denthe, I'm loving hearing all about the adventure, but feel that's as near as I need to get. I could always join them in a nearby B&B or Airbnb!

  20. Such a fun card with a tough subject...I don't seem to get the wonder of camping, it's always been a mystery to me. But maybe some day...life is so full of surprises!

    1. Well they do say never say never!
      I can understand certain aspects of caravaning or camping, but it's just not for me.

  21. you are creating such beautiful art. Love both of them in different ways :)

    1. They are completely different artwork aren't they? Both were so much fun and enjoyable to create.

  22. What an awesome card! I am sure your sister and bil will love it.
    I used to go camping and caravaning a kid, but haven't done so in... ahem... over 25 years. Sometimes I think it would be neat to get a nice silver Airstream and just take off across America, alas money, time and job. Oh well, a girl may dream, right?! Happy Sunday to Scotland!
    Oh, I forgot - your sketch is super. And I like the word 'diddlysquat' - haven't heard it before, but will totally be using it now :D

    1. Never say never Claudia, it might just happen later on if and when the time is right. I've had to look up a silver Airstream and that looks the biz to travel around America. It would be great for a blog journal and I for one would love to see and hear all about it!
      I have many words of my own and 'diddlysquat' features frequently. When I ask my hubby or kids how would you spell a certain word... they kindly tell me there's no such word, but there is because I use it!
      Have fun using it and think of me when you do.

  23. WooHoo!!! You finished your drawing. WOW!!! It turn are awesome...but I knew it would. I know you are happy as a clam. The story about the caravanning has put a huge grin on my face. And your picture of your sister's new one is precious. Love the colors. I am like you. None for me...and definitely NO tenting for me. I have left that up to my hiking husband. Great story you shared with us. I can just see those caravaners poke, poke poking up a hill and you stuck behind and in a hurry. That is like me in my rental car in Ireland when I would get behind a lorie (spelling) on curvy narrow roads.

  24. Love your card, and hope it arrives soon!
    My dad loved to fly-fish, so we camped many summer weekends. We lived in Dry country, so at first, with a tarp on the ground, and one as a wind break. Then a tent trailer, ....my dad had a time with tent poles, and my mom and I stayed out of his way! Then they got a small trailer, and we'd camp in that. I loved the woods and the camp fire, no so much carrying water from a pump, or just the grit (dry was also kind of sandy.)
    For several years I lived at a hit springs retreat center in the woods, best of what I enjoyed about camping (nature, lots of silence, friendly people) AND hot mineral water tubs, meals cooked by kitchen staff, sleeping in my own comfy bed.... heaven!

  25. One of the sweetest memories, we'd gone to Yellowstone (several days from Oregon) and were walking around the camp at dusk when we heard bagpipes!! We walked into that camp loop, stood (or Sat) by the fire and listened awhile! My folks both had celtic heritage, and it was magical!
    I do dream of having a little Glamper set up as an art studio, or a lovely Airstream!! Our church has an annual campout, and my son-in law is good at putting up tents and cooking, so it's still fun once or twice a year (at 65, I like having a cot for my sleeping bag and pad!!)

  26. Great card! Caravan life would be good IF: there was enough space to cook, sleep, spend time...= like at home! :)
    Sneezy ppf greetings!

  27. I often say to my family, "Don't ask me to caravan!" and I mean it. Love this post and that sketch is spectacular.

  28. Hi Nessie, I know I let a comment on Facebook but wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog last Friday. I really like your pen & ink drawing, too!


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