What a way to start the day...
pity I wasn't there but my daughter was...so we're able to appreciate this beautiful sunrise...
I've now got used to the early morning sounds of the front door softly opening and shutting and smile to myself :D
I've now got used to the early morning sounds of the front door softly opening and shutting and smile to myself :D
Another perfect photo opportunity in the bag!
Here's a lone pelican and black swan enjoying the early sunrise...
Just a quick pit stop to feed the roos....
How special is this...to be able to feed a roo with a joey peering out of her pouch!
After another enjoyable al fresco breakfast...we decided that we'd pay a visit to nearby Raymond Island.
This island has a koala colony and is reached by a local ferry.
More about the ferry later....
So how did the koala colony begin?
In Victoria in the 1920's the koala population was almost wiped out.
Koalas were then relocated to islands as part of an early conservation programme.
An local islander wrote to the authorities asking for koalas...
and this was the reply:-
Raymond Island received 16 male and 26 females from nearby Phillip Island.
There's a trail of about 1.2km long to wander and the walk takes approximately 20 minutes.
That is if you stay on the mapped walk...we didn't!
It was fantastic to just gaze up into the trees overhead and be rewarded with such brilliant sights...
koalas just doing their thing.
Here's a few koala facts...
The koala's scientific name is Phasclarctos Cinereus and they aren't bears as many people are led to believe. They aren't even
related to bears. The koala is related to the kangaroo and the wombat.
They're a marsupial mammal which means that the females carry their babies (cubs) in their pouch.
The male has a large scent gland on his chest and grunts like a pig.
They live from 10-15 years.
The female is smaller and can breed from the age of two.
Young cubs are born after 34-36 days gestation... Blind and hairless they make their way to their mother's pouch, where they stay for 6 months feeding on her milk. Afterwards the cub climbs out of the pouch and rides on the mother's back. At one year old, it is ready to start life on its own.
Koalas have evolved into an animal that has a restricted diet of the leaves of a few species of eucalyptus trees. It is rare to see a koala on the ground...this can mean it is either sick or injured.
By 2003 the koala population of Raymond Island grew to over 600.
This put their food supply under stress.To solve the problem, the government initiated a population management programme involving fertility control and relocation of some koalas.
As a result, those remaining are healthier and the manna gums are recovering.
(I feel compelled to shout 'duck' whenever I look at this photo)
I can't imagine how this could possibly be comfy?
I have heard that koalas can run as fast as a rabbit but also sleep for up to 19 hours a day.
I can believe the second part of this last sentence but have to admit I've difficulty with the first!
Pelicans are frequently seen riding the thermal lift or gliding down in their
classic 'V' formation before gracefully landing on the water.
Black swans (cygnus atratus) often nest along the foreshore and are a delight to see on the water with their little grey cygnets. So cute!
The adult black swan's body is mostly black, with the exception of the
broad white wing tips which are visible in flight. The bill is a deep
orange-red, paler at the tip, with a distinct narrow white band towards
the end. Younger birds are much greyer in colour, and have black wing
Black swans form isolated pairs or small colonies in shallow wetlands.
Birds pair for life (ahh..), with both adults raising one brood per season. The
eggs are laid in an untidy nest made of reeds and grasses. The nest is
placed either on a small island or floated in deeper water. The chicks
are covered in grey down, and are able to swim and feed themselves as
soon as they hatch.
Many sea and wading birds are often observed on the sand or gravel foreshores and great egrets and white faced herons wade at chest height in the shallows feeding on small fish.
Meanwhile in the water nearby, the local bottle-nose dolphins often in
pods are regularly seen emerging from the water to display their aerobic
skills. Unfortunately we scanned the water but we not lucky enough to
see any.
The island's identity is, of course, highlighted by the ferry. It has grown from a row boat provided by the Shire in 1888, to a hand winched chain driven punt for horses and carts. The ferry was first for 3 cars, upgraded to the diesel for 6...extended to 10...then to a 21 car iron monster.
The latest ferry was commissioned in 1997.
Horses and cattle used to swim the straits!!
Upon driving back to our accommodation, thinking that the day had given its all...we came upon a really incredible sight. How many times have you been driving along a road to have birds ahead...and as you drive nearer, they just fly away....well not so in this case.
As we approached the bird (at speed!!) we suddenly realised it was heading towards us.. flapping its wings in a desperate attempt to slow us down.
We all shouted 'STOP' to my hubby (who was driving) and suddenly the bird went missing under the bonnet! We all cringed ready for the bump but the bird suddenly appeared unfazed at the side of the car still flapping!
We then noticed that there were baby birds trying to cross the road!
Never underestimate a mother's willingness to protect her babies.
This lapwing was dedicated to her young and ready to put her life on the line....the white line literally.
Then virtually before we could draw breath we encountered a huge fallen branch which covered the whole road... Everybody out...it's time for a game of tug-o-war!
What a challenge that was...but thankfully with two other cars joining us, we managed to shift it to the side of the road.
And so once more off we go...heading home...
What a full action packed day! 

Wow, the best of nature in one day!! I have fond memories of roo feeding when Miss Dunnit was a kid and my parents lived in Sydney...we managed two visits. Raymond island looks gorgeous...will probably have to add it to my bucket list! WonderfUl photos.
ReplyDeleteYou'll just have to try for a hat trick and come on down Julia,
Deletethere are so many place to check out...and we're going to try and tick off as many as we can.
So as they say...watch this space ;D
Hope you had a great weekend and are ready for another action packed creative week ahead.
I haven't even put pen to paper yet to draw anything...I think I need to give up sleeping!
The photos are breath-taking. What an amazing day...
ReplyDeleteHi Alex,
DeleteI'll pass on your compliment to my daughter...she had a great time because it was a photographers dream location. ;D
There constantly seemed to be something that needed to be captured.
Thanks for stopping by...I hope you had a great weekend and have an even better week ahead!
That's not so much a day trip as a Safari! We once saw some Koalas up close in a sanctuary near Sydney. I seem to rememeber that they were very smelly. Presumably sleeping 19 hours a day doesn't allow much time for personal hygiene.
ReplyDeleteYou could be right Mark,
Delete19 hours sleeping...imagine that! Thankfully with spring just arriving the wafting wattle fragrance masked any personal koala issues ;D
I see you've been away too and hopefully I'll be able to catch up with my visits soon.
See I can't manage to cram everything in and I only manage 6 hours sleep! :$
Beautiful photos! Looks like you're all having a super time, take care Zo xx
ReplyDeleteHello Zo,
DeleteOh we are but then that was the general plan ;D
I hope your weekend went well and that next week is a great creative one for you!
I'll pop over to check on progress soon :D
what a fun vacation! and i love your photos. makes me miss my photography journaling. maybe with the temps getting more comfortable here in florida i will get back to it, but for now i'll just enjoy yours :)
ReplyDeleteMorning Alice,
DeleteIt's great to hear you're enjoying the photos. I'm going to show my daughter your blog today because I mentioned your photographic work to her earlier.
It's good to hear your temperatures are more comfortable now but then so are ours...but in the opposite direction.
Spring has arrived at last (think I'm safe in saying that now)
Have a great week whatever you have planned :D
what an adventure. And those creatures are so lovely. Your post is informative too. Learned something new today. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Joy,
DeleteI'm so happy to hear your lovely comments because it is difficult to get a balance...I always like to learn something new everyday.
I wasn't sure whether to put all the information in but glad I did now. ;D
Thanks for stopping by...have a great week whatever you have organised. Have fun! :D
Those were all fantastic pictures and I love learning more about the koalas and roos. The mama protecting her babies--wow! And even a tug-o-war with a downed tree. What a wondrous time. This was just a perfect post! :)
ReplyDeleteOh it was so cute Rita...feeding the momma roo especially when she held onto my hand so that I'd keep feeding her.
DeleteAlso that lapwing was amazing! I keep seeing her desperate attempts to stop the car...what a mother!
I'm glad you enjoyed all the info too...I wasn't sure whether to put that in but then thought not everyone knows about wildlife from different regions...I know I always love to learn new facts so decided to include it.
Have a great week with lots of creativity maybe? Whatever you do just have fun...I know Karma will! ;D
wow, wow, WOW!! How awesome are your pictures?? I absolutely loved the Joey peeking out of mom's pouch, that was too cool! And those cute koala's, which I have to agree, don't look like they would be comfortable and would fall off! You have such beautiful pictures to share! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
ReplyDeleteHi Sandee,
DeleteThat joey was amazing...well no he wasn't I suppose I should say his mum was because he was quite a size...say half her size and we just couldn't believe our eyes when he attempted to crawl into the pouch. We all thought the mum would give him a swipe and say 'not on your life matey' but she didn't! He just climbed right on in!!!
Wow...what a pouch!
I had visions of trying to carry my son around and just was so thankful I'm not a roo!!! ;D
I hope your week starts off good and just gets better...I wonder what your up to so will hopefully try and fit a visit in soon.
Have fun :D
Hi Neesie,
ReplyDeleteOh, luck you! To pet a Roo with baby in tow. What an adorable photo. Love the history of the koalas on the island. What a great day you had and beautiful photos to remember it by.
It sounds as if you are having a fantastic visit@
I enjoyed reading all about the history of the koalas so thought it might be interesting to share. ;D
DeleteI've fed roos before but only in parks so this was totally different.
I started feeding a young juvenile when suddenly out of the bush bounced the momma with her joey. I was crouching down but stood up when she came near but I needn't have worried...she was just interested in her dinner! It was very special I have to say.
Thanks for your lovely comments ~ I really appreciate them :D
Enjoy your week!
What an exciting and captivating post! Thanks for sharing Neesie, I felt I was with you - especially when the Lapwing was diving at your car! Yikes!!
ReplyDeleteFabulous pictures, all of them, but my favourite has to be the sunrise. Looking forward to reading the 'next instalment' :0) x
Aww thank you...you'll make me blush with your lovely comments!
DeleteI'm delighted that you enjoyed it. ;D
The sunrise photo is a brilliant one and I'm so proud of my daughter for rising before dawn to capture it for us all to enjoy!
Have a wonderful week whatever you have planned ~ enjoy! :D