“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Muffin's Duvet (Doona) Day

Brrr....woke up this morning to a very chilly day. Melbourne is always a place to wear layers due to the quick variations in the climate, but today's layers involved (should I say...) thermals! I know not exactly the most feminine lingerie but mmmm.....lovely and cosy.
It was a brisk doggy walk this morning, with the wind whistling across the ovals. Even Muffy walked at a fair pace. 
She's done all her chores and had a good healthy brekkie, so now its time to get comfy and settle down for a snooze. ZZzzzZZZZ..........

I think she's wanting a duvet day or as they call them here 'doona' day.
In fact, I'm quite tempted myself....if only I could do that until the day after the house move.
Oh just heard on the radio that they're expecting snow on the hills later. Eek!
Mufftypup's cosy coat was a gift from Billy (another dog friend). Its perfect.
For something so small she has an incredible snore... ZzzzZZZZzz

I know she's in there somewhere...'cos I can hear her!

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