“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Friday, 25 March 2016

Floral Good Friday... PPF

I'm going to keep today's post to the minimum because it is the long Easter weekend and the weather for today at last is fantastic.
I want to enjoy it because there's talk that rain is on the way tomorrow.

I thought I'd show you the finished 'Hello Spring' that I started last week.
I was inspired by watching the tutorial from Carrie's Misfit Artist blog.
Here's the link if you'd like to see more... click here
Plus I wanted to practice some lettering too. I did think I might have managed to paint an Happy Easter scene, but I went outdoors yesterday and cut the lawn instead. 
The garden is just waking up, so it'll be all go soon.
I really enjoyed painting these flowers and at some point that I'm not sure when, I took a different route and let my brush do as it pleased. 
It's always a little scary going off-piste, but then exciting things can happen. 
I'm pleased with the end result.
Keeping to the spring theme, I thought I'd take you on a little walk before you go.
Not quite an Easter egg hunt... that'll come on Sunday.
Here's Muffin enjoying the new smells of spring and taking an absolute age to walk 20 paw paces.
Stop and sniff on a whole new level.
But if there's sun anywhere... you can be sure she'll find it!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Happy Easter to all that celebrate.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon.
As usual I'm joining in with the Paint Party Friday link.
Click above on the PPF link if you'd like to see more art. 
Thanks Eva and Kristin for hosting once again.
I'm also joining in with Alexandra's Sunday Sketches
For the first time I'm joining two new links... Try It On Tuesday with the theme of Nature
and lastly, the theme over at Moo Mania is spring.


  1. Lovely post, Neesie.
    Happy PPF and Easter time 🐥

    1. Thank you sirkkis,
      I wish you a happy peaceful Easter and happy PPF to you too

  2. Hello Spring is just perfect! Lots of running and sniffing for Muffin this time of year.
    Happy PPF

    1. Thanks Susan, I'm so thankful that it appears to have finally arrived. It seems to have been a long wet winter.
      Muffin is having a great time too... although she always manages to have the best time no matter what.
      Happy PPF to you

  3. You captured the spring so wonderful, well done!

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment - for you a happy weekend, too!

    1. Thanks... it was good fun Frauke, I enjoyed painting this one.
      I wish you a wonderful weekend too

  4. I love, love, love your watercolored flowers with the lettering. I also love the photograph of Muffin in the field of flowers. Happy Easter to you and your family, my friend, and happy PPF!

    1. Aww thanks for your kind words Arnoldo,
      I think Muffin might be the most photographed dog on the planet... but she doesn't seem to mind. She's a diva!
      Happy Easter to you and your family. Blessings to you all and Happy PPF of course.

  5. such beautiful blossoms, the painted ones AND the real ones, Happy Easter to you and Muffy looks bright eyed and bushy tailed for spring too!

    1. Thank you Laurie, it's lovely to have you visit once again.
      As you know Muffy is always bright eyed and bushy tailed as long as she's warm enough. I hope spring comes to you soon.
      Happy Easter to you and all of your family.

  6. A beautiful Spring post! I love that light shining on your floor, at this time of year that light is so welcome and bright! Muffin must love it too!

    1. It's not only Muffin that craves the light Kat, I do too. Especially after living in the Southern Hemisphere where the light is definitely different. Spring can't come soon enough for me.
      Have a wonderful weekend and Happy PPF to you.

  7. Your painting is beautiful! I love it! And, thanks for sharing the link to the tutorials! :-) Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Spring!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. It's always great to hear positive feedback. I hope you enjoy the tutorials if you decide to have a go.
      Happy Spring to you too

  8. lovely art , pup, and springtime photos. Your lettering is beautiful too. Happy weekend!

    1. Hehe thanks Linda... it's a hat trick!
      I have to admit I was quite pleased with the lettering. I always seem to struggle with it, but this time it worked.
      Happy weekend to you too

  9. Hello spring came out beautifully and look at those flowers! I am jealous. Winters hang on forever here in new Hampshire, No matter how mild they may be. Have a wonderful Easter weekend and hope the weather people are wrong and your weather is beautiful all weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Aww thank you so much Erika, I really enjoyed paint this one and am pleased with the finished piece.
      Well the weather isn't too good here today either... unfortunately we have grey drizzle. I do hope spring comes to you soon. It seems to have been a very long winter.
      Hugs back to you and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Mom says you're totally taunting her with your dog! Hehehe. Muffy looks adorable in the foreground of all that greenery and flowers. I LOVE your painting, I think it looks better than the one in the video. Great job Neesie, have a wonderful Easter my friend. Hugs

    1. MMmmmwwwwwhhhhhhaaaa! As if I would taunt your Mum Jenn, I'm afraid Muffy is a law unto herself. She just turns it on from dawn to dusk!
      You are too kind with your feedback on my painting, but thank you so much.
      I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend too... and go easy on the chocolate! HA! Who am I trying to kid? You go for it, just like I will. Hugs backatcha my friend

  11. Beautiful flowers! Love the colours and the shading. Oh .. and your puppy -- well --- I'm in love!! How cute can one get. xo hugs, Donna

    1. I'm not sure what or if the flowers are real. I can't make out what they're supposed to be, but I like them. I love all flowers, so they had me at 'hello' really.
      Yeah... the puppy is over 12 years old Donna and she knows how to work the system with that cute puppy look.
      I've been wrapped around her paw since she first decided we were to be her new slaves.
      You can certainly get one... and I can promise you that you'll not regret it. Just be prepared to be under it's control. You'll be a gonna from day one!
      Hugs back to you... just don't forget to let me know if you do get a pup ;D

  12. A very gorgeous painting Denise <3 And Muffy is as adorably cute as ever as she tip-toes through the daffys. Wishing you and yours a very happy Easter time {{Hugs}} xox

    1. Hello my lovely, great to see you. I've been thinking about you.
      Yep Muffy is still working it to the max.
      We've had to play splash 'n' dash this morning with the drizzle, but can't complain as the signs of spring are everywhere.
      I wish you and yours a very happy peaceful Easter and send huge hugs to you too

  13. Lovely work and cute photos! Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks Christine, I enjoyed painting these blooms.
      Happy Easter to you too.

  14. This is very beautiful. Thank you for joining us at Try it on Tuesday.

    1. It was my pleasure Marjut, thank you for letting me join in with the fun.
      Have a wonderful weekend

  15. Hi Denise. Your flowers are beautiful as is your art. Muffin looks very much like a sweetie pie that I would love to hug. Have a great Easter weekend.

    1. Aww thank you so much Gloria, your comment means a lot to me, as does all the positive feedback.
      Oh Muffin is a sweetie pie and she would love cuddles... after chicken treats, I'd say it's the thing she likes to do the most.
      I hope you have a great Easter weekend too.

  16. Lovely flower painting Nessie, happy Easter.

    1. Thank you and I hope you have a great and happy Easter too.

  17. Just wonderful!
    And I love your cute dog!
    Happy Easter!
    Happy PPF and thank you so much for joining us at
    Moo Mania & More
    Try It On Tuesday!

    1. Thank you Susi, for both your lovely comment and for hosting the links. I hope you have a wonderful Easter and happy PPF too.

  18. def. raining here today :/

    aww muffin is very cute :) and your spring artwork is has lovely colours :)

    1. We now have a hoolie blowing to join in with the horrible rain!
      Muffin is too cute at times, because she can work that look and get away with far too much for my liking Jennifer.
      Let's hope the sun finds us soon... in the meantime have fun and enjoy our art.

  19. I love this - the beautiful flowers and the wonderful lettering! Muffin is so cute! Thank you for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Chrisx

    1. Hi Chris, it was my pleasure to join in with the link.
      Thanks for your lovely comment.
      Have a wonderful weekend and I hope we meet again soon.

  20. Denise, your calligraphy is fantastic as is that beautiful bunch of flowers. But it is Muffin that stole my heart in your post this week. Such a precious little bundle of love.

    1. She is a precious bundle and we adore her... but she does tend to steal hearts I'm afraid.
      Thank you for your lovely kind comment about my lettering. I struggle and wanted to practice, but I'm pleased with how these worked.
      Have a great weekend.

  21. Oh I want to learn to write like you! Fabulous painting and Spring photo! Love it... Always great to visit! Have a wonderful Easter filled with Laughter!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. Hey Giggles I have trouble with lettering, but thought if I practice more then hopefully I'd get better. I'm pleased with this one but heaven knows if I can pull it off again.
      It always lovely to have you come to visit. I wish you a wonderful peaceful Easter filled with laughter and love too.

  22. So beautiful and I love your dog, soo sweet

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

    Happy Easter for you and yours

    1. It was a pleasure Rosie, and I'm happy that you liked my painting and pooch!
      I hope you had a wonderful weekend and have a fabulous week ahead.

  23. Very nicely done. The one thing that I see in these flowers is the life like fullness of them. They are not flat, very well done. cute dog too. Happy Easter.

    1. Oh I'm thrilled with your lovely compliment on my painting.
      I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

  24. Very wonderful spring time illustrations and of course your doggie is a hit ~ a real cutie!

    Happy Week coming to you ~ ^_^

    1. Thanks Carol, it's lovely to have such great positive feedback... and of course the fact that you like my dog.
      I wish you a great week ahead.

  25. These are really beautiful - ...so spring like.

    came here from Sunday sketches.

    1. Thanks Sandy I needed something a little springy this week.
      Thankfully the weather has changed.
      I wish you a great creative week ahead.

  26. Beautiful painting! I love it! Your pup is so cute too, he definitely takes time to smell the flowers...

  27. those hello spring flowers are beautiful!

  28. Beautiful flowers and handwriting! :)
    And a sweet dog. So lovely to see Spring at your place.

  29. Gorgeous cards and the flowers look beautiful
    Thanks for sharing at TioT
    Avril x

  30. My doggie too loves a spot of sun. Your spring unfolding is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

  31. Yay! I am glad Spring has sprung for you. Go play! Love your flowers.
    ~~ Irene

  32. your brush did a good job :)

    my spring had not come that far yet.

  33. spring is in full swing by the looks of it... gorgeous artwork and wonderful photos... those blooms made me swoon a bit... great composition Neesie


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