“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ....Oscar Wilde

Friday, 2 September 2016

Sharing Studio Space... PPF & Sunday Sketches

Here is the room that I'm desperate to reacquaint myself with. 
My art studio.
I've neglected it so much favouring the big outdoor canvas of my garden, while the weather is kind.
Once my hubby retired (about a month or two ago) he became mistaken that this particular room (my studio) might be his too. 
He moved the computer monitor and keyboard on to my desk and spread files and paperwork about in gay abandon! 
Well that might be a little exaggerated, because he is really tidy and everything has to be in a file or on a spreadsheet, but you get the jist. 
It was my space!
I've mentioned this before, but muscling in to my space just wasn't on the plan as far as I was concerned. I have been working on the kitchen table lately, so I suppose I should be a little lenient... but now we're entering autumn I want to reorganise my space and move back in.
Once again when I mentioned this... hubby decided to pull everything out of the room for me to organise and decide where it should go. 
Having everything piled along the landing certainly induces productive work! 
It wasn't on my plan, but then at least it prioritised my time and got me to focus. 
Hopefully, I'll actually be able to spend some time creating and producing art next!
(Note to self: Don't mention things out loud within hubby's earshot, because he's likely to get involved whether or not I want him too).

It's time to join the Paint Party link up where Kristin and Eva host lots of talented artists to come together to share their work and inspiration.
I'm also linking up with Alexandra Sunday Sketches. 
It is week 6 already!
So that's it for this week folks.
Thanks for popping in to my place... it's great to have you visit and even better if you leave a comment, so I know you've been here. 
I'm off to start my visiting... Have a great week everyone.


  1. I bet he just wasn't thinking about the space. But I don't blame you. Its funny how once wee establish a space it has a force to it. If you work well there, you want to be there. Enjoyed reading your post today and happy September. Hugs-erika

    1. No apparently not Erika... he thought I could just work in the space in front of the computer by moving it a little to the side. He hadn't thought that the table to the side which had the printer on it, away from the window would make a much better work space for him.
      Plus we have a room that we've been meaning to turn into an office area... so there are a few options. I'm happy that I've got my area clear once again... so now I just need to paint!

  2. I like having a space of my own too!

    1. I think we all do Christine, especially for art and painting.

  3. I share an office space with my husband Denise but he knows when I am up on the morning and having my tea, the computer is MINE!!!!
    Sandy xx

    1. There's no doubt there then Sandy... especially with the emphasis on MINE!

  4. Can't say I blame you for wanting your space to yourself! It's taken me a long time to get my own after years of working in makeshift spaces in the bedroom, the living room or the kitchen table. And all the while hubby had an office space, the large shed, and the basement to work and play in. Your room looks wonderful. Happy creating in it!

    1. I finally got my own space for artwork, when we lived in Melbourne after so many years of making do, so I'm reluctant to give it up now. I chose the space when we first came back here... and I'm determined that it is to remain mine!
      That sounds terribly selfish doesn't it, but it is a necessity and anyway why not?

  5. Oh, you have to have your own space!! He'll have to find his own--LOL! ;)

    1. I've shimmied him over onto another table for now Rita, which is working fine. We actually have a room that is supposed to be an office, but we've yet to find the right desk to go into it.

  6. It's always a big adjustment when a spouse retires, isn't it! Good luck!

    1. Tell me about it Debra!
      We are doing fine most of the time... but it can just be little things that need clarifying. Like not doing what I want or say! ((LOL))

  7. Hey 35 years with DH and HE KNOWS MY SPACE IS MINE. He knows not to touch anything or move anything. I am the same with his space too. LOL. I love the view you have in your studio.

    1. Well that's all sorted then Nicole, I'll get on it right away.
      We are doing okay with the new dynamics, but it's just the little things that need assessing now and again! LIKE MY SPACE!

  8. We all have our own creative space eked out in this house! We respect each others space. I think we all know how finicky and selfish the creative spirit can be when new energy invades it's domain. So we stay clear of each other during the creative process! Obviously we are not alone! Glad he released it back as quick as he came a callin...lol Besides he has piles of wood to chop! Seems diplomacy might be one of your best friends during retirement!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. It's a steep learning curve ... Hubby just didn't realise that I need the whole of the table under the window, not just a little clear section. Thankfully we are all sorted now. I wouldn't mind, but there was another completely clear desk at the other side of the room. I need to look out at my garden and have the window for inspiration. He only need the computer and printer.
      Well I wouldn't head straight to his wood pile and start chopping willy nilly would I? So point taken and we've moved on! (Hehe)

  9. hubby has his garage, I have the extra room but at the moment his garage is full of free art supplies and a big drafting table so I can't complain I guess if he hangs out in the extra room since I seem to have taken over his garage. Just hoping no one needs the garage for one of the cars before the table is inside :p (no idea how it is going to get upstairs tho :p)

    1. Oh hubby has his garage here too Jennifer, but the art room has been mine for over three years... since being back here. It was only when he retired he thought he could move into my desk space!
      He just never thought it through... but I helped him realise that that desk IS MINE!!!! (hehe)
      Good Luck getting the table up your stairs ;D

  10. Wonderful art studio! Just stack anything of his that appears or remains in a corner somewhere.

    1. I think we are all sorted now thanks Faye.
      He now realises I need a whole table top for creating and not just a corner!

  11. Congratulations of getting it sorted. My husband and I shared a wall, and that was too much. I packed up and moved my artsy endeavors to the other end of the house. Now I am happy as a clam.

  12. Excellent that you are able to work outside in nice weather and your own space inside. Love seeing your art. Blessings, Janet


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