They'll be great excitment out there today in the land of WOYWW!
Why because it the 3rd Anniversary of the ATC Swops!
I don't wish to be a party pooper so I'll keep my post very short today.
1. Because I'm not taking part in the great swopathon ~ only because I'm a newie to it all and I'm not sure what's involved, so I'll sit back and enjoy all the goings on...maybe I'll join in next year if I'm still blogging.
and....2. I'm suffering with this dreaded lurgy.
Yep, I saw you physically move away from the screen and I don't blame you...its a humdinger!
So have fun everyone and enjoy the swops.
I know they'll be some amazing ATC's out there because you're all such a talented bunch.
If you're new here or confused as to what on earth ATC's and WOYWW are about, then nip over to Julia
at her place and all will become'll have a great time and see some amazing things...but beware it can be addictive!
Oops... nearly forgot to show my desk...well it's not a desk this week, its the dining table actually. I sort of migrated over the weekend into the dining room ~ it was cosier and I didn't feel isolated out in the studio. That's the beauty of my artwork it's easy to set up anywhere with just a pad and my pens.
Oh and before I go....I'm nearly organised for my first 'giveaway' so I'll post details about it later so be sure to keep watching....;D
I'm really excited because I'm nearly ready to attach my Etsy shop on my sidebar now.
I'm just waiting for some good light for the photo shoot.
So there you in progress as they say. Have fun desk hopping and swopping everyone, hopefully we'll meet up somewhere along the way ;D
p.s.If I haven't clicked on your 'follower' button for your blog please forgive really isn't anything personal, its just that I really haven't had the chance to follow more just yet, but I hopefully will be able to soon.
If you've visited me previously and left a comment ~ thank've made my heart smile. ♥