FOR TODAY ~ Wednesday, 2nd November, 2011
I am thinking...I really should be out there walking these dogs. Yep, Zac is still here and they're still getting along. I'm not sure if they'll be major sulks when they separate. They've got so used to being together.
I am thankful...for the special people in my life.
In the kitchen...I dread to look.... I know there's the debris from my son catering for himself yesterday : {
I am dressing gown as I've been out in the garden already with Zac.
I am creating...not a great deal...AND I MUST SORT THIS OUT! {GASP - another weeks disappeared and its the same answer} I really intend to put this right soon!!!
I am be a whirlwind today in order to catch up on everything. I've hardly been in the house since last Wednesday. Such a social whirl....
I am wondering...where to start first today. I suppose getting out of bed would be a good start.
I am reading...As I mentioned above its been a really busy week, so I'm still reading 'At Home with the Templetons'.

When the Templeton family from England takes up residence in a stately home in country Australia, they set the locals talking – and with good reason. From the outside, the seven Templetons seem so bohemian, unusual... peculiar even.
No one is more intrigued by the family than their neighbours, single mother Nina Donovan and her young son Tom. Before long, the two families' lives become entwined in unexpected ways, to the delight of Gracie, the sweetest of the Templeton children. In the years that follow, the relationships between the Templetons and the two Donovans twist and turn in unpredictable and life-changing directions, until a tragedy tears them all apart. What will it take to bring them together again?
Its a wonderfully entertaining and touching story about the perils and pleasures of love, friendship and family.
A perfect holiday read.
I am hoping....that the tree surgeon's don't lop off too many branches from these beautiful trees. I'll be keeping a close eye on them. But also I know its a job that has to be if there happens to be beautiful little logs (before they pushing them through the mulcher) I know a very good home for them.... ; )
I am looking forward daughter being back in the nest. I'm at my happiest when all my chicks are in my nest!
I am hearing...its eerily quiet this morning...maybe everyone is a little delicate after the long weekend. Even the tree cutters haven't started their work yet. They must be just assessing the situation and having another cuppa before they start.
Now I stop to listen there's really only the keyboard taps and odd car passing. Most strange....even the birds are quiet at the moment.
Around the house....Mess that needs my attention. The main job being piles and piles of old photographs in the front lounge. My OH brought the boxes out on Saturday for me to look through.....EIGHT hours later we had gone through only two boxes and I still didn't find what I was looking for.
But we did have fun and such a laugh looking back at all the pics. We must have spent a fortune getting prints processed every week. I want to change some really priceless ones to digital. Yet another job on the list.
I am pondering... on many things but then that's what pondering is about. My minds in a whirl.
One of my favorite camera. I look at everyday things in such a more positive artistic way ~ not always achieving the outcome I'd like, but then that's the fun learning curve. It's good to grow and push the boundaries.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
I still want to try and get a new silk design started. I'm going to invite an artist friend over to have a painting session. I'm hoping that between us it'll inspire me and give me the boost I need. I'll show the results if and when...
I'm also host for our next book club meeting so I'll be planning that. As secretary and nearly the at the year end....I want to print off all the books in the order we read them for our records. I've also got to finalise our arrangements for the Christmas 'Do'.
There's the photo's to tidy up and organise too. Plus would like to start Christmas plans and preparing 'to do lists'.
Oh and I've got that Ralph Lauren facial booked with my friend so we'll be heading into the city, so anything can happen and usually does!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
I love clouds and these looked so weird one day last was like the sky had a rash!
Have fun and make the most of today and hopefully see you again soon x
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