This week's challenge set by the lovely hostess with the mostest Jenn at the Artist Play Room's is 'Inspiration'.
It seems to me that since I started blogging and creating art work again, that I see inspiration everywhere I look....
I'm being bombarded with ideas and feel that my head is about to burst if I don't get some of it out...unfortunately the battle is going on with so many other things too...
I've read so many incredible posts this week which expresses the theme brilliantly so why not take a visit to the Artist Play Room I'm sure you'll be inspired.
So 'ditto' the other artists wise words but I have to add two very important points of my own...firstly that I just can't express how thankful I am that my daughter encouraged me to start a blog.
How ever did I manage before?
Everyday can be so 'inspiring' by what you see, read, who you meet and what knowledge, encouragement and friendship passes through the blogosphere. I think it's priceless!
But then not only did my daughter encourage me in this new steep learning curve she has always believed I should have kept drawing and creating all those years I just did mundane things.
Since she was a tiny tot with the colouring pencils we've shared this love of art.
We can talk about colours, subject matter, techniques, ideas, name it and we are on the same page. It's wonderful and I know the artists among you will relate to what I'm saying...that like minded people immediately 'get it' whatever your discussing. It's a fantastic feeling to have the same connection with creativity.
So here's a painting and you'll see straight away that it's not my usual style....because that's just's not mine! (I didn't want to fess up but I know as a Mother I should...Grrr)
It's my daughter's! As soon as she sent it to me I knew I had to enter it into this week's APR because she IS my inspiration. I love everything about this painting...and look how loose it is! (turning a little green here).
I had difficulty with the format so had to copy it and then photograph it so I'm not really doing it justice. If I work out how to change the scanned pdf copy into a different format that blogspot will accept, then I'll repost it.
I know this will come as a huge surprise to her....but that's the lovely thing about never know what's coming next!
And on that note let me just tell you about one thing that happened during the last week....a cute little parcel arrived in the post. Now many will have heard me complain that I never get anything other than bills in the post but not any more because the cutest parcel arrived in my postbox. I carried it around for about an hour before making a cuppa and sitting comfortably ready to open it. (My son thought I was crackers but you have to savour these things)
What a wondeful surprise because the little package had travelled all the way from Canada!
Jenn had sent me a gorgeous chain pull, book mark and a beautiful letter. It was totally out of the blue and a wonderful surprise. The clasp is stirling silver and the embellishments a beautiful turquoise blue. (not surprising when its one of Jenn's favourite colours).
If you nip over to her blog at Just Add Water Silly she has an Etsy shop where you can see her fantastic crafts.
Apologies for rushing this post but I'm dashing off again this morning (when don't I dash?) but for a bumper boast of inspiration. I'm off to one of the biggest (and best so I hear) craft fairs in the whole of Victoria!
I'll let you know how I go and what happens but I may be gone some time 

Have a wonderful weekend, have lots of fun and enjoy the Playroom. :D
What a beautiful painting Nessie. Hope you have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteSarah x
Hi Sarah,
DeleteI love it. I just wish that I'd done it ;D
Have a great weekend too whatever you planned...enjoy!
Just beautiful Neesie thanks for sharing! think you should have marked on photo before posting with Google Picasa or such free software whose painting it is so no-one can right click and save it as their work - if you want to know what I mean, email me...Shaz in Oz.x
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for reminding me Shaz,
DeleteI was in such a rush this morning that I forgot all about putting the watermark on!
I usually use Picasa when my brains in gear ;D
You're so kind for reminding me and to offer help...I really appreciate it.
Have a wonderful weekend ~ although Saturdays nearly gone already.
Your daughter is very talented! I can see where she is very inspiring for you. :):)
ReplyDeleteWhat a delightful surprise from Jenn!! Like Christmas in August! So pretty. :):)
Hi Rita,
DeleteI'll say thank you on her behalf...I think she's going to love reading everyone's comments.
She might even pop over to comment herself? We'll have to see ;D
It's amazing what pleasure a little parcel can bring. It brightened my whole day! :D
Have a wonderful weekend...I'll try and pop across to you as soon as I can x
Glad you got a pressie... it looks awesome... and this is a great post... Phantom is often my inspiration but for very different reasons... have fun at the craft fair... those things scare me...xx
ReplyDeleteHi Tracey,
DeleteI really wanted to take my time to write this post as I felt it was so important to get right...but for various reasons it got to be very late and I nearly ran out of time, so had to rush it in the end!
I can imagine Phantom inspiring you...she's a very special girl! ;D
Hey...and that craft fair was a little scary...why didn't you warn me?
I was going to say have a great weekend but then Saturday's nearly have a Super Sunday!
Oh yeah....'HAPPY SPRING' xoxo
Wonderful post on inspiration, Neesie! How great is it that your daughter shares your love of art. Her flowers are lovely! I'm lucky too that two of my kids are very creative and artistic. Two are creative but haven't delved further with their talents. And I have one who is creative in the music and computer fields rather than art. I love that they are all creative in their own way.
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous chain pull! Jenn creates such beautiful things.
Have a lovely weekend ~ :)
Hi Serena,
DeleteIsn't it amazing when you see your children's talents emerge. ;D
I believe my son to be creative and artistic too, but he's not pursuing it at the moment...I think he could be a talented photographer but he doesn't seem to agree!
I'm such a lucky girl having Jenn's creations...I smile everytime I look at them :D
Have a lovely weekend too ~ enjoy ;D
tell your daughter that she's as talented as her mum. This is a beautiful painting and I agree wholeheartedly both about being able to share your artistic soul with the ones you love in your family and with the blog friends is so wonderfully special that it should be savored. I was so inspired by my mom as a child and it's so great to be able to discuss all things art with her now.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you my friend, I so can't wait to hear about the craft fair!!
(thanks for the shout out, it was a pleasure to send you a prezzie, you deserve it, you're special!)
I've always loved you bestest Jenn cos you say the nicest things...(as talented as her mum...hehe) ;D
DeleteYou sound like you have a wonderful relationship with your Mum which is so special and to be cherished. I lost my Mum two years ago and miss her so much...although she didn't have one artistic bone in her body...bless!
I'm shattered from the craft fair but will visit everyone in the Playroom tomorrow.
Oh and then you say I'm special is that? xoxo ;D
Hi Neesie, your Daughter's painting is beautiful, she is obviously a very talented lady, I wonder where she gets if from? Love your chain pull too, gorgeous colour and lovely to get happy mail too! Crafty hugs, Anne x
ReplyDeleteThank you Anne, I loved it too when I saw it ;D
DeleteI know you often have happy mail so you'll understand my sheer delight in receiving the mystery package. It was a lovely surprise.
I hope you're enjoying your weekend. I'm finally able to slow down today and catch up with all the posts I've missed.
Ahh...feet up with a cuppa time :D xoxo
Gosh Neesie, the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree has it!?! Your daughter is super talented. That picture is gorgeous. I can 'feel' the weight of the seed heads and keep expecting a garden beastie to crawl out from the bottom greenery. So lovely :-D
ReplyDeleteYour chain is beautiful; how kind of Jenn to send it to you :-D
Fabulous & happy post. Can't wait to hear about the fair! :-D
I was actually on the phone to my daughter when your comment came through, so I read it to her...thank you for saying such lovely things. She actually giggled especially at what you said about the little beastie.
DeleteI thought it was so kind of Jenn to send me a pressie. I felt very blessed that day I have to say.
I'm having a quieter day today (yay) with my feet up and a cuppa in hand...trying to catch up on all the posts I've missed this week. It'll be quite a task I think.
See you soon :D xoxo
Hope you had fun at the art fair and didn't spend all your "allowance" there, you'll need some for painting supplies! Your daughter's painting is lovely, two talents in one family!
ReplyDelete'Allowance'? Is that something I should know about Gloria?
DeleteI've never heard of it? Maybe I should google it! ;D
I did indulge a little at the fair and I'll be telling you all about it later in the week ~ so watch this space as they say.
Thank you on behalf of my daughter for your lovely comments. She'll be reading these comments and hopefully thrilled at people's reaction to her work.
I hope you're enjoying your Sunday...I hope to pop over to see you soon :D
Hope you picked up some nice things at the craft fair! No "impulse buys" I trust...
ReplyDeleteNow Mark...that's like asking me not to breath!!!
DeleteI'm female so that's a given... ;D
I hope you're enjoying your weekend...I'm using today to catch up so will be over to see what's happening on your patch later! :D
So pretty looking forward to the other pieces that will come from your bursting mind.
ReplyDeleteOh but it's a scary thought Mary...heaven knows where we'll end up!
DeleteThanks for stopping by and leaving a comment...I appreciate it :D
Have a great Sunday!
Your daughter's painting is beautiful, I know where she gets her inspiration from,,,YOU! Lovely chain pull from Jen, you lucky lady! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
ReplyDeleteWell we certainly bounce ideas off each other...that's for sure.
DeleteAre you jealous of my chain pull?...I was thrilled with it and the book marker is so pretty. I should have taken a photo of that too but ran out of time to enter the Artists Play Room.
I really need to get my act together for this next week...last week was so hectic!
I'm playing catch up today so will be keen to see your wall...stand by... ;D beautiful..gorgeous art, the flowers are stunning and full of poetry!Such a wonderfully inspiring post!
Hi Victoria,
DeleteThanks for such lovely comments...I really appreciate them.
I wanted to take more time over the post as I thought it was a special one, but the time just ran away with me and I just had to push the button otherwise I'd have missed it completely.
Well we're onto Monday here already...and the sun's shining beautifully so let the creativity commence! xoxo
Awwww.. I loved your post! My daughter inspires me also. It's a blessing to have daughters like that. :) She is so talented and thank you for sharing her picture. It's beautiful! Warmly, Tracy
ReplyDeleteThanks Tracy...that's so kind of you. I am truly blessed with both my daughter and son.
DeleteI love the painting too...and she's only recently returned to her art so I thought she'd like to hear peoples reaction.
Well we're already into a new week so let's hope it's full of inspiration and creativity!
Have fun and thanks for stopping by ;D
Loving the loose feel of this work. What a great gift you recieved. I agree, nice to find a surprise in the mail.
ReplyDeleteSo tell us, how was the crafts fair?
It's nice to find anything in the mail other than a bill Darla ;D
DeleteBut it was a lovely surprise and so unexpected too.
I will be posting about the craft fair tomorrow hopefully so see you there :D
I hope you're having a creative week! xoxo
Hi Neesie,
ReplyDeleteYour daughter's painting is amazing! Very beautiful. How lucky that you have eachother to inspire and grow as artisits. That is what its all about - getting out of our comfort zones and trying something new. You never know which new craft will spark your imagination.
Thanks for popping over to look at my dessert plate. I had so much fun making it. It may go in my etsy shop some time soon.
Have fun at the crafts fair!!!
Hi Kay,
DeleteThanks for your lovely comment. I know we have a special relationship and that I'm very lucky. ;D comfort zone? I just wish I had one!
Since I've started to draw after my 12 months abstanance...I'm pushing like crazy to make up for lost time...just in case Mr Mojo goes AWOL again.
I think I need to trust in the fact that I'm happy with where I am and that I'm not going to stop now. To calm down and enjoy my art :D
Good luck with the Etsy and I hope your craft week carries on being crafty! xoxo
You'll have to show and tell your art fair finds!! I did not make it to APR (or even to my art box) last week due to sick chillens, so inspire me with your stuff! Your daughter's poppies are beautiful. I love how you describe the art-sharing joy of your relationship. SO sweet! One of my little munchkins is siting next to me, not appreciating the beautiful art, but rolling around laughing at/with your little laughing icon at the bottom of your post! Made my day:-)
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame...I hope your munchkins are better now.
DeleteThanks for your lovely comments about my daughter's poppies and our relationship. I know it's very special and I treasure that ;D
I'm glad that the icon did what it was make people smile! ;D
I'm posting later about the craft watch this space :D
Oooops, that last comment was from me, but I was signed into my husband's account, and while he is naturally outdoors, I am naturally the one who wants your sweet reply!:-) he'll know you have access :?
DeleteYou wouldn't be peeping would you ;D
I've tied my replies together and am sending them to just're secret's safe with me! xoxo
hmm it sounds to me like your daughter is your inspiration! lovely flowers!
ReplyDeleteShe is indeed and what's more she's about to visit me here in just over a week's time...travelling 12,000miles.
DeleteWhoohoo I'm so excited I could explode!
Thanks so much for visiting me here.
Have a wonderful creative week and I'll pop over soon :D
What a talented daughter! Lucky you - my two boys show absolutely no inclination to be creative or artsy and barely tolerate my attempts to lead conversations in that direction. You keep on encouraging her...she's got lots to share!
ReplyDeleteI know I'm a very lucky lady in many respects Terrie,
DeleteMy boys (my OH and son) eye's both glaze over when I start to talk about blogs, art, drawing, painting or anything artsy! ;D
My daughter actually encourages me...and not the other way round. She pushed me to start blogging and getting back to my art...I owe her for sure! ;D
We've just organised a surprise holiday here for she'll be arriving soon for a few weeks and I'm sooooooooooooo h'eggscited I could pop! We haven't seen each other since Christmas.
I'll have all my chicks in my nest together ~ Perfect! :D